Already had a Supermodel not whats its all craked up too!!!!

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Yeah, that didn't work out so well for Tom Brady, either.

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Take it easy

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My boiz have sum smoking hot(and land rich) wives, but still, I prefer my freedom(insert Mel screaming freedom)

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🤣🤣🤣 beauty’s only skin deep...

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Nik !

Super =

Model = 

Just for basic language ?

In front of, clay ?

Do we want a woman to be formable like clay? That is supermodel for me - super = easy to form.

Love you Nik,  - just my opinion. 


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Same here. She was a freak. But she was also emotionally unstable.

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Most likely a date with a supermodel who's really Janet Yellen in disguise sent by the devil.

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That's a hard choice but I'm pretty sure the devil in my bed is about 1,000 times more likely than Yellow Stain no longer lying

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I agree

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I already had #1. My ex sends her regards

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Odin! Had 1 eye, = one dimension in a way. He had no depth, just outside ! He also had 2 ravens, going after the glitter. So Odin could just see the outside of things, not the skin deep. And the Ravens told him : go for the glitter.

Do we do that ? Go for #3 ? The Glitter ?

I think we do ! - Like Odin.

No. ! We go for helping each other, in more than 1 dimension.

The best way we can do this is to educate each others. What I do not see - you see. My eye and your eye give us depth. - What I think Greg is doing. Giving us eyesight.

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Number 1 for sure. No way Yellow quits lying and no super models for me.

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Number 3 of course, like duh:-)

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That's classic. The most likely of the least likely that would happen to me would be "the supermodel thing". I think in my younger years I always wanted that to happen but I would take a nice average 7 with no narcisstic attitude over a 9 or 10 pretentious lady, any day of the week. One is going to please you and the other is going to break you. No thanks. Good post Greg. Tough choice.

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Option 4. The Devil is Janet Yellen pretending to be a supermodel. Just like she is pretending to help stave off inflation.

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Well, obviously it's #3 ... ;)

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I think my waking up in the morning to devil yellostain licking my nose. That’s my best bet according to the law of averages.

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Number 3

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If I wake up with a supermodel beside me my wife would quickly make sure I would be meeting the devil

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#1 No doubt !

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Duh! Shock face !! ...... 3

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None of the above. It will be a regular poor day.

I wake up with Cat . ,,,Hey? Wheres the Free foods?

stay well

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Definitely the devil. #2 will never happen!

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