On Jeopardy last night no one knew who the Fed chairman was. The people who know all kinds of random trivia couldn’t even name Powell. People don’t care about these issues, which is why they will always get screwed

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Shit. I almost never miss Jeopardy, but I did last night. And you are correct.

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Did anyone draw a penis? Or have the snl predictions not yet come true?

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Most people are brainwashed, brain dead and fucking useless. That is why stupid shit is so popular.

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readThe book "The Creature from Jekyll Island."BY G EDWARD GRIFFIN.


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And another good one is Secrets of the FED by Eustace Mullins. It’s available online for free if you search enough.

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Greg, a very young demographic are subscribers to that sort of thing. They think money is grows on trees, and expect someone else should cover all their expenses. I.e. student loan. I don’t see the youth running to $20 an hour jobs. It’s easier to bitch and moan. The Jerry springer days are over.

The movie idiocracy has become reality now. I’m trying to figure out how to swindle them out of their money.

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If you come up with any good ideas, please share them. I’m way past tired of footing the bills for their student loans, rent, car payments and everything else while trash their country and all the previous generations who worked so hard so that they can live in a state of perpetual arrested development - and be self-righteous about it! I’m game to claw back some of what they owe the rest of us.

Ditto for the Fed.

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Idiocracy was an instruction manual

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Dude, dont lick zeee toilets!

IMO it would seem that any content creator that goes against the "approved" doctrine is shadow banned, censored, trolled and mocked...its pretty clear no matter if its a prepping channel, a gardening channel or a financial one... its a full scale attack on free speech!

useful idiots like the pod and licker are always welcomed and pushed! make the entire village a bunch of idiots!!!

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You need to eat tide pods while licking a toilet, then tell your young listeners the Federal Reserve is enslaving them. That'll do it.

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Use AI to show the fed chairman linking tide pods and toilets. Do it with the spaghetti eating style. That will get buuuuukkkkkkooooo clicks. They won't even have to know who the fed chair is.

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Please someone do this. I'm too respectable and untalented. I've always enjoyed the rebellious behavior of others. Please. Pretty Please.

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LoL. Highly disgusted.

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I got you 1 sub he should be on board by the end of today, its my son, and hopefully he will watch and learn also that would be great- but you can only lead a horse to water...

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Hi Greg, Thank you for all the information you put out on a daily basis. I have used your information as a solid foundation to educate myself further. Always a follower. Again, Thank you

Dave NY

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Greg we live in a world of freaks that (not who because they are not beings) will do any thing, including selling their souls for fiat. Hmm. I'm wondering if the central banksters, vaticanology, rothchildology, et al are you know what I mean!

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Sad to say, that is what this country is coming to.

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We do not want a million tide pod eaters on your site Gregory. Anybody that would do hot laps around a toilet seat with their tongue needs to be in the loony bin!

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i do not look for .....eating Tide Pods or Licking Toilet Seats......LOL....but i do look for Cleavage and no panties........LOL.......

and yes i always give you a LIKE when i am on you SITE

you are one of the best Greg

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Nothing surprises me after I saw teenagers trying to pet wild rats on the streets. Yeah, rats that attack and carry rabies and trying to pet them. Sweet Jesus, Greg...what the hell is going on????

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