You weren’t racing you were testing out the speedometer

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Just in case I haven’t mentioned it lately Greg … you are still much loved. Hope the racing situation gets better soon.

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It's covered if you are racing an elephant. Small print.

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I remember here in Chicago back in the '60's Mr. Norm's Dodge was telling us go race 'em on Sunday, if need be, we'll fix them on Monday. At that time, Chrysler was giving you a 60,000-mile warranty if you raced them or not. Didn't matter if it was a slant six or a dual quad ram-inducted monster. Fun times!

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...even better on a two-wheeler... on any Sunday. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tUk2fGTypKE

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Those were the days!! :)

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No manufacturer will warranty racing. Ive been drag racing in Ct for 15 years and racing is never covered. I'm surprised you didn't know...................................now you do !

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This suggests that your insurance company is NOT going to pay for all that extensive damage to your COPA!!! I'm so sorry.

AND, while we're talking about insurance, any truth to what I've been hearing that home insurance in Florida is being pulled on many people now--and this leaves the homeowner vulnerable to foreclosure by the company holding the mortgage, a company which does not want to run the risk of having a loan out that is not secured? Not meaning to diminish the moral outrage of having your car not covered when you expect it to be! This just doubles it!

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No this is for my Mopar.

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isn't it worth more stock

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Insurance in Florida and its woes are nothing new, in 2004 where I live I was hit by 2 hurricanes 2 weeks apart, I sustained almost no damage, nothing worth reporting to insurance. Before the storms my State Farm Policy was $1200 a year, after the storms with no claims from me it went up to $7500 then they dropped me. I marched into my agents office and demanded affordable coverage or else!! Or else being me pulling my 10 vehicles insurance / E&O insurance / Inland Marine / my commercial renters / and whatever other policies I had with that office. The broker begged me to not take such a drastic measure.

Except he would not and could not fulfill my demand, so I took all my business elseware.

That was 20 years ago, I have not had another storm hit me since. I now own the house outright and self insure. I have been tempted to shop for a new policy and might, there are many carriers out there. I am expecting it to run about 7K a year, I prefer to just put 7K away every year towards fixing my house if it was ever damaged in a storm.

The only reason this is such big news now is because the media hates DeSantis and will find any story to try to make him look bad.

I will NEVER forget he opened Florida back up in July 2020, saving many small businesses from going under and propelling our economy into what it is today.

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So, you got that jamm'in Camaro!

Later Jay

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AH! Bummer! Sorry Greg. They always win...

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Yeah, most companies void your warranty for all kinds of things nowadays.

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... if it flys, floats or fucks it's safer to rent - 10% damage waiver please... like running for that "safe-haven" (rigged) silver market from the rigged stock market and fake bond market.... what me worry?

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Greg, the first part of the sentence is kinda understandable, but what comes after the comma is dubious. In my opinion, a manufacturer's DEFECT should be treated under warranty regardless of how/when/where the defect was revealed.

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Greg, we love you. The warranty doesn't seem unreasonable to me.

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I have a Dodge mini-van. I hardly ever race it. I guess I'm safe.

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Yep whats crazy why have a track pack with progamable lauch mode . And all the timers for stats they are just like insurance companys they have more disclaimers to not cover issues

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I am a victim, Don't cover rear ends, and it was also mention in the manual.

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Something tells me the same wording is inDawgs! standard auto policy and life insurance, If you have it.

Got your back, Dawg!

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