You trump voters gotta take the attacks like a man. You attacked other people, now YOU are being attacked by the very ones you thought were on your side, your government! Hahahahahahahahaaaaaa! Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeheheheheheheheheheeeeee! 🤣 🤣 🤣

Quit complaining and man the hell up Greg. I expect you to take it better than these weak trumpanzees because you know KARMA always comes. You're a Mason, you're illuminated. Just serve your time without complaint then things will get better once you've served your sentence. The more you fight and complain the longer the sentence from KARMA will become. Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeheheheheheheeeeee! 🤣

I told you idiots 10 years ago this was coming, but you didn't listen to me. NOW it's time to Pay-The-Piper and the Piper's got his hand out waiting for payment. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaa! 😃 😆 😛 Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeheheheheheeee!

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Game on still on

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I'm still subscribed - Thanks!

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Wow, you were right... I was unsubscribed. Though I tune in by bookmark regardless brother!... Re-Subbed.

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Prick bastards didn't get me yet, even if they did I ain't missing my daily dose of reality by G-Man!

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Greg, I wrote you a couple of months ago and told you that I have had to re-subscribe. They are also doing it (still) on Twitter!

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Im still Subscribed - Thanks Greg

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