Definitely over the target…

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Your analysis has been well thought out, well researched, with logical conclusions. Keep it up - I never miss it.

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Truth is NOT allowed. ONLY lies and deception.

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Guess these distractors do not know what a bullseye is!

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Well done. Cheers!

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Amen Brother!🙏 Bombs away!

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We in it to win it .

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26

Im not sure what "they" think they will accomplish. The sheeple will be the ones that perish first, leaving the most intelligent citizens. We will be harder to control, and manipulate. Seems like a backwards plan, as usual.

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Your boot is on their throat

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Wisdom and understanding...

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Haters gotta hate - Word up!!!!

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Greg. You can measure your popularity by those who despise you. Hang tough!

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Hasbara trolls most likely.

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I will smack em around a little

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