Very important for you to read

Hi Greg

I’m a 55 year old Canadian I’ve been in construction all my life also been investing for well over 20 years I have learned so much from you and I wanted to thank you for everything your doing

I’m writing to you to ask you a big favour

As you might of heard there is a huge convoy of truckers and people from all walks of life heading to Ottawa

The majority of Canadian or sick of the liberals agenda

Which is to socialize this country

The media is trying to make it look like it’s only truckers IT IS NOT

You have a voice I don’t it would be greatly appreciate if you could put out a word


Trudeau is a socialist he as to be removed

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Sooo proud of Canada for standing up like that, it's time to see the American truckers and others do the same!

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I love how different people with wildly different skills are standing up for freedom, few days ago I saw this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZrNDEPJjjw&ab_channel=JuliaWestlin

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The Canadian cops side with the protesters. They obviously are the only cops anywhere worth a damn.



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Greg. Everything the merchants of dogshit taught me for 60 years, you helped me forget. I climbed out of the box of FED lies and predictions of a Holocaust in the Stock Market.

It was all a Holohoax! I am now a “Wall St. Holocaust” denier and I’ve made tremendous gains since I dropped the doom and gloom mentality.

Thanks again Bambino. I follow your advise and when the market dips, I buy large cap dividend paying stocks.

It’s a roller coaster but after you’ve rode it a few times you get to feel the rhythm of the ride.

Keeping that Gold and Silver in a baby blanket. It’s all warm and dry.

Waiting for the next dip and recovery!

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welcome to the winning column good sir

large cap div stocks working for now, just be ready to pivot if greg does

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Giggity. Mr.G, this is off topic. What are your thoughts on an MMRI type of risk indicator for Crypto Currency? I've been pondering on this for a while. Thoughts, suggestions? Great sermon today ,Sir. I love watching your work!!!

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Or some sort of chart indicator like MACD, RSI or VWAP?… for both

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Mr G! Is there an easy way to review what the MMRI was at different significance ups and downs in the past? Might be a stupid question but I’d like to look at that..

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The FED will not be doing anything next meeting. The number one reason why, is because (like Greg said before the meeting) "the FED needs to rate hike for their credibility", and because they did not, they risked their credibility to keep their agenda in place. This tells me that if the FED doesn't care about their credibility right now, they will not care the next time around. Yet, I believe that the next time around, we will be seeing a crash like 2020, but it will be bought up faster than the one in 2020. The FED is using every single angle they can to get us back into the place of the beginning of the pandemic. They will crater this market on purpose, just so they can buy it all.

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Yes, those are my concerns, too. They are in no pain when they put the hurt on us.

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Sitting tight on my bank positions. I also have been called on my crypto (Coinbase, Riot) puts and I'm further reducing risk on them by writing way OTM covered calls. I'm so glad I had "dry powder" like you recommended!

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adding on dips

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Not for trading, but for buying the dips at the lowest possible price.

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You got it!

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Does Greg ever interact on this blog?

Been asking the same question about debt bubble/implosion clarification and how to monitor. Anyone?

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The Debt Market bubble burst/implosion. What exactly does that mean and what to specifically look out for to anticipate an equities market crash as it relates to the debt market. Many thanks in advance for your kind help.

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Greg talks about 5 things to keep your eye on. MMRI, 10YR yield, yield curve, relative strength of the dollar, crude oil.

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Thanks Greg.

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