In Alabama trump tells his supporters to get the COVID-19 vaccine. Hahahahahahahahaaa! Even trump wants trump-voters to die! That's pretty sad when the one you love and worship tells you to get the jab. Hahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaa! 🤣 🤣 🤣 😂 😂 🤩 🤩 😹 😹

Nobody like trump-voters. Not even trump. Hahahahahahahahahahaaaaaa! Eeheheheheeee! 😃 😂 😹 😹


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"Yessir. How high?"

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FDA just ‘approved’ the clotshot for our US military.

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for me sounds like a plan to transform us-military in an international troop. same idea in europe.

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Get the shot. Resign. Or revolt. Let's see.

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my uranium stock is doing (very) well today.

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I'm happy to see that as well. Go uranium!

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How's your crude doing?

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+35 % actually today.

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it's a derivative on the mini-future.

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Not sure. Sometimes I think they rig the game against options holders. I was very bullish on USO the past month and took a beating until the expiration on Friday. Then today it's up massively. They know what they are doing to people that hold calls IMO. I'm going to have to make sure I'm out by the time 2 weeks until expiration hit I guess. Sneaky snakes.

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U.S. shot down Iranian UAV approaching an American fighter jet over Syria - not exactly oil related but definitely signs of more instability in the Middle East

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As President-elect, I am signing Executive Order "P-E Z1" today. It mandates that all Americans must destroy their TV at 12:00 a.m. tonight. Those who don't must eat 1 kilo of popcorn by dawn.

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One platform does not have an impact of 6 %. That's a classic SHORTSQUEEZE.

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By the way. For me it doesn't matter. My Longposition is doing (very) well.

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Go back in the Blog-History and read my Oil-"Strategy" and the updates I posted.

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This guy is/was correct:


Behind Oil's Precipitous Plunge: Systematic Selling Pressure

SUNDAY, AUG 22, 2021

By Ryan Fitzmaurice, Senior Commodity Strategist at Rabobank

>>> " large speculators and particularly systematic funds have dramatically reduced their “long” oil futures exposure in recent weeks. In fact, the combined net managed money position for ICE Brent and Nymex WTI is now looking quite low by most metrics, and especially in light of the still strong positive roll-yield currently implied by the forward curves."


Now they have to buy. Their problem. Not mine. Some win. Some lose.



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It's the dollar cratering. Complete reverse from the last week. The markets are broken

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I agree. They bled me daily until 8/20 expiration. Then today.....

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How far we have gone down a path to no where. So, Republicans and other Conservatives

are all barking out their new political nonsense regarding Afghanistan that we should go back

in there with US Military and start bombing and blowing up things again as well as put boots

on the ground there as well. The narrative of course is Biden "bad" bombing Nations good and

those that in the political arena endorse this military use are telling the truth. Prime example,

Tucker Carlson nonsensical approach stating how the US wasted all this money/treasure and

men (*US Military In Afghanistan) while speaking with Jimmy Dore on Tucker's show and

then immediately putting on his show Laura Logan stating we should go back in there, bomb,

send boots on the ground and that that Biden wants the Taliban to win in Afghanistan.

What they all mindlessly have left out, is the fact that the US has backed the Taliban, The Mujahudeen, Al Qaida, Isis, etc. as well as been in bed with Paki Stan for decades with their

ISS, who support, aid and abet the Taliban. In Iraq, they said the same bull crap to the American

People, we were winning the war, we were getting the police and the army trained so that

when we removed our troops they would be able to put down any military forces of and by

themselves. In fact, as outlined by numerous US Marine Officers over their tours of duty doing

special operations, they found that the readiness and preparedness of the Afghanistan Army

and the Iraqi Forces was over stated as in the "green" in all assessed areas of readiness when

in fact the US Marine Officers advised that none of these forces were ready to stand on their

own at any time without US Military and Air Force fully supporting these forces constantly.

In Iraq, if you remember correctly several Isis fighters in pick up trucks attacked these Iraqi

Forces and the Iraqi Forces just ran and left Abram Tanks, etc. for Isis to take and use.

So, the idea that we just send troops and bombs down on Afghanstani heads again is

quite self defeating.

All these folks are doing, is reiterating the talking points of the same people in the intelligence

fields and military apparatus, who wish to see the US tied up in a "quagmire" of pig sh__ and

horse manure forever because their affiliated companies making the bombs, guns, etc. and

feeding off this gravy train from the US Tax Payers need wars to continue their profit from

endless war(s) without regard for the negative results both here in the US as to no capital

investments in the US so jobs, infrastructure, etc. while creating this maelstrom of negative

outcomes in regions, nations and peoples in this whole process.

So, now we have people advocating this endless war mantra while stating it is to "save"

the Afghanistani People or US Citizens stranded in Afghanistan, when it is in fact neither

but more so to continue war profiteering as US Marine General Smedley Butler documented

and wrote about years and years before Vietnam, etc to the present day.

We are a Nation that never reviews history, nor questions anything that the talking heads

on tv say to us. We believe hook, line and sinker and then when it all collapses we stare

with open shocked eyes as if the outcome is like an alien from another planet somewhere

when in fact it our own stupidity that has led us here to this sad point in our historical

situation. Historically, we have never absorbed what happened to the Holy Roman Empire,

nor The French Empire, nor the British Empire, nor the Chinese Empire and so we "think"

we are different and the outcome will be different because it is the US and we are different

from every other nation through history. In Vietnam, it was the French, who were defeated

in Diem Bam Phu the outgoing Empire and so "we" had to fill the Empire void which lasted

20-23 years worth of war profiteering, deaths of American Soldiers, wounded Soldiers

and we then had to do the same dam thing we are now doing in Afghanistan, lifting

US Supporting Vietnamese and Americans off the Embassy roof tops and having South

Vietnamese Army ditching their helicopters into the ocean next to US Carriers to escape

the NVA moving into Saigon.

We, the US People, are great people with good hearts and minds, "but" some where many

years ago, we forgot what our Founding Fathers and Patriots stated time and time again to

question "EVERYTHING" and "EVERYONE" while developing our ideas and belief systems

so that we could show courage against the other darker forces trying to get us to do really

terrible things in the "name of the American People" over time. Does anyone notice that

our News Media only talk about the current Kabul Airport Situation but forget about the

7,000 bombs dropped on Afghans in 2019 alone?!! How many Afghan women and children

and innocent men died in those bombings and yet we do political back flips on our news

shows about how terrible the Kabul Airport Situation is and how we should go back in there

and kick a___?? I believe the British Asses were kicked, then the Russian Asses were kicked

and now the US feels it is a different story for the US even after we have "signed" a peach agreement with the Taliban under former President Donald Trump and Biden delayed the departure from Afghanistan from June, 2021 to August, 2021 and yet we can't figure this stuff out to this day????

It's breath taking to watch this and so to is the mice NATO countries that now blame it all

on the US, when they were in the operations in Afghanistan but suddenly it is the US's

fault? I think not. I think we are seeing very mousey behavior in this area, who candidly

would want nothing more than to join the other side, say horrible things about the US

and spit at us trying to make the other side of all this become "buddies" with the Taliban

and others of like mind sets.

Tulsi Gabbard, who served in the US Military in Iraq said it best recently in a two minute

youtube video stating yes, we needed originally to go into Afghanistan and take out Al Qaida

and then get Osama Bin Laden, "but" after that we should have left Afghanistan for good

as our Military Operations Objectives were met and we could leave honorably back ten

years ago or more with none of this end results occurring. And I'm sure there are other

Special Operations Officers and Units and US Marines, who know all this stuff but they

remain silent when in fact the truth "should" and "will" set us free to become the United

States of America that all our great great grandparents, our grand parents, our parents

and any American wished and dreamed of.

In all of this, yes, we need a strong US Military and a deterrent force in the World to

crazy's and lunatic fringe fascists wannabees. Having said that, we also need "sane"

Political Leadership and US Military Leadership that know that any military operation

should be fully planned, deliberated on, as well as have an "EXIT STRATEGY". Neither

in Iraq, nor Afghanistan was there ever an "EXIT STRATEGY" contemplated which meant

endless war and warfare that serves no good purpose for the average American Citizen

nor our way of life. This is how many Empire Nations have failed over reaching militarily

and then exhausting both their treasury, so their currency, so their bonds, so their own

military personnel until it is all finished. Let us not go that route any longer. Let us build

our own Nation and American People up together and with all our energy, hearts and

minds. I said it a long time ago, I'm sick of hearing about the Red Tribe and the Blue Tribe,

I only wish to hear about the Stars and Stripes and the Red, White and Blue from my fellow

Americans. Focus so we can have a future for all Americans.

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Oil refinery fire, it was time. Oil was getting too cheap.

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FED meetings ? ....

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Whatever you do, say, hear, see, eat, ... >>> NEVER FORGET we are in the middle of a pandemic. Hahaha.

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S&P new record high. What a joke. But congratulations.

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A rig in the gulf caught fire last night... exploded they said...

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Tonight will do some research about a FF @ Greg. If there are signs I will find them.

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