Trump has been a snake oil salesman his entire life, being carried by the adept businessmen that his grandfather and father both were. This is nothing new with djt, just another attempt to steal dumb money with his name and he is showing his children how to do it.

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TOTALLY AGREE. This is sheer financial lunacy.

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A vacuum, a black hole. Danger, Mr. Robertson.

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lol i loved that show too

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Funny thing with that. First time watching it, I remember I was in my aunt's house hiding under a bed terrified. Then I had a crush on Penny. Then I had a crush on Penny and Judy. Then I noticed "hey, that Ms. Robinson is pretty good looking too." Then I had to deal with the fact that Penny was illegal. A whole life cycle, captured within a single show 🤪🤣😁

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Me too but the pilot show when Dr Smith was an evil genius then they made him a clown

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Yup. But that was his role. A good guy, Mr. Harris was. There are lots of bad people out there. He wasn't one of them.

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FUCK NO!!! Or Should I say. HELL NO!

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70%?! Talk about the odds of market manipulation… centralization… serious or at least serious potential for liquidity issues, not to mention security threats if someone gets those keys. Seems like a money grab.

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It's called FREEDOM! getting the government control out of every aspect of our life step by step. Pisses off the Fed royally. Any wonder why they want him gone?

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I agree. Why does the fed and our left wing government want him dead……..🤔

Maybe he’s in their way

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Looks suspicious. Too much family. Just like Trump coins.

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It looks like a scam. Cannot ever trump anything he does! What the hell does he or his family know about crypto!

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like everybody else,NOTHING !!!! all crypt toes are going to their true value...NOTHING !!!! the biggest farce ever created--at least tulip bulbs had some under lying value--total bullshit

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The dollar is a piece of paper. Gold is a rock the same with silver. Everyone just agrees that something is used as a means of exchange.

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Name something that works better. At least with Bitcoin(the only coin I like) you can use it from your phone, considering everyone carries one like they can't live without it. Muun is something I like.

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Just so you know, those things can explode at any time, evidently. This guy in Lebanon was telling me.....

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I agree that it sure looks that way. Seems to me they can be shut off at any time, all of them. And what happens if the power goes out? Now, this said, *a lot* of very smart folks I respect differ with me on this, strongly. I'm stuck with pure attribution to authority here--not a place I like to be. I have been, and will be, however, often wrong. That's true too. For me myself, crypto's not the place to be. Simply too much risk.

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Then the banks and cc don't work and you have much larger problems. At any moment your account can be locked. You could go to the bank right now and find the doors locked and the ATM machine down. computers and cell phones will keep going barring a natural catastrophe.(banks would close also) TPTB like you having them.they are excellent surveillance tools.

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No, I agree, and I think you probably intuitively understand more than the crypto 'authorities'-- I'm coming from a computer background, and I see nothing but vulnerability with crypto. I think most 'authorities' and crypto-cultists don't really understand what is involved in making it work (the blockchain stuff). It requires a huge amount of computing power, and a huge amount of electricity. And that's now, when few people are using it. How will it possibly be supported if it becomes heavily used by everyone?? And the vulnerabilities are horrible, suicidal-- power outage, internet outage... no crypto. If society / the system collapses the crypo evaporates permanently, of course (unlike gold, bullets, food, etc). But if governments keep going totalitarian and set social credit score systems / vaccine passports / etc in place (as they desperately want to do, as we saw 2020-), and restrict your internet usage / access? Where are you then...

I don't know, even aside from the vulnerabilities (which are a complete non-starter for me) I think crypto is a huge ponzi scam bubble... But some people do get rich in ponzi scams, if they get out at the right time. It's not for me, though.

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Crypto could be good if it is stable, backed by something physical of value like gold or silver.

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Crypto gets its security from the blockchain technology. If it is secured as said, along with gold backed. It’s worth being looked at.

The current central banking system is completely corrupt and needs to be done away with.

The central banking system, the federal reserve has no affiliation with the United States. They print dollars and charge us taxes and interest on them.

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Not something I would get involved with

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I see something fishy about it. Idk I just don’t trust any of these parasites in poli tricks

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I’m leary also, but we need to check out new ideas for a new banking system

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Nothing new and not for me

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Nothing that I would put my money in.

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I see a set up.. bringing a new banking system through the back door, by making Trump a ‘Saviour’ thereby getting the great unwashed to agree to things they would never ordinarily agree to... Do you know the Jews think Trump is Maschiach. There is one Maschiach; Yeshua Ha’Maschiach. Jesus the Christ. 👑❤️

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Yup. Ex-Zio Jew says group of Orthodox rabbis, "who run the country" (Chabad?), gave Trump the silver crown of the Torah, which is to be put on head of Messiah- they think it's Trump: https://rumble.com/v57tv4d-jewish-rabbis-crown-their-messiah-guess-who-it-is.html

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I watched trump at a multi level marketing conference 10 years ago and decided that he was a scammer so I knew then that he couldn’t read the truth.

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It's good he prefers making deals over starting wars, however. Ya gotta grant him that. I heard--but do not know if this is true--that when he went to North Korea, he presented a grand vision to Kim about golf courses and hotels and factories and a whole bunch of stuff, to the degree Kim shed tears. Man, that's the kind of stuff we need in this world, even if folks are still getting shafted. Far far better then freaking war, hate, and destruction.

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As someone who lost money with Celsius, I would advise to never ever borrow or lend crypto. The price action is too volatile and liquidity is too low meaning margin calls trigger much easier than with stocks

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Thats cryptocurrency coins needs to be stable coins. Backed by gold, which there is plenty of, or something else with physical value. Without backing they are useless

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I see the reason for his sudden change promoting Bitcoin.

Make Trump Rich Again. Is there a promotional hat available yet?

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Well there are Trump sneekers

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I am interested in physical gold and silver, so cryptocurrencies are all the same to me and just a bet with no intrinsic value. I am not against betting, but I am not interested in these bets.

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