i dont get why you are having to defend your stance, hell its been working and dont fix something that isnt broke, its not like a vehicle were you can do routine work to keep it going, this is the market and you readjust when the market changes even if its a few points from the top or bottom, people have to use that brain to see this and i guess so many just cant, dont sweat the small stuff brother, keep doing your thing, thanks 💯

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Greg - No sure why you have to reiterate this stance. You are very clear, twice per day, as to where the market is and what you advise. Appreciate what you do daily to keep us on the right track.

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YOU may not be a perma-BULL, but I am a perma-BEAR! Eeeeeeeeeheheheheeeee! 🐻 😃 🤣

BEARS RULE! 👍 💯 🐻 🐻 🐻

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Accurately commenting on globally rigged bull markets in spite of nothing but propaganda from all “news sources” would leave the low iq, main stream media ZOMBIES, to conclude Greg is a permabull……

Hey, you morons calling Mr.Mannarino a permabull, HAVE FUN STAYING POOR.

From me to you, you brain dead zombies.

Go rot somewhere else. You stink.

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Do not let the term "permabull" bother you for I am afraid it may affect you. Embrace the term. Those that seek the truth will find it. My quest led me to you. I have been called many nasty things too. I embrace them and by doing so I have rendered the poison harmless. Remember if you're not pissing people off then you're not doing it right. I too am a cocky permabull because thats the hand. To deny permabull status is to deny the reality of the casino called the markets. Yes! All equal the Dow is on its way to 47-50k then only when gauges agree will this bull become a bear. Though I'm more an ape than a bull. Keep fighting Greg. You saved me from the matrix of market lies.

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The everything bubble will continue as it is simply now a measure of the debasement of currency and wages. The labor economy is dying off. When used cars go up in value as they are being loaded up with miles, it shows the currency is being debased faster than even the car is depreciating in value!

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Absolutely!!! Been working great for me this whole year, but the key is to buy at a low marker right before the stock price moves back up and RIP OUT a nice PROFIT quickly, before the stock price falls back down and REPEAT!!!

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Actually based on my experience, new subscribers (some months or less than a year) will say Greg PermaBULL. That was also my guess for my first or second month, however after listening to Greg and now has been almost 2 freaking Years. There is no way Greg PermaBULL. Keep following and listening and Thinking about it guys whoever say Greg PermaBULL, you guys will understand Greg is not PermaBULL

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Thank you Greg.

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Thanks Greg!!!

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Let us know what to invest in (commodities) and where (ETF's?) before the market turns over . Silver and gold is covered. Thank you for your guidance. You are better than my broker in the advice dept.

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I am loving the dividends, thanks Greg and Happy New Year.

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Following this blog, has set me on the right path. So, who cares about them fools.

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They are just jealous Gregory. I know you will tell us when to switch bearish and I tune in every day to hear your assessment. Thank you! Keep up the good work.

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Those who are making these accusations are retarded! Happy New Year Gregory.

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Greg, the people who are calling you a PermaBull are the same people who will someday call you a permabear.

Ignore them and move on with your life. You have plenty of people who appreciate your work and are grateful that you came out twice a day to talk about the market very accurately.

Happy New Year Greg and happy New Year to everyone.

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