Thanks to Greg for buying everyone a new truck.

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You joined ZZ TOP, and going on the DUH TOUR 2025?

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Greg got his wife pregnant. Mini Greg is underway in his wife belly.

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You're going to shave?

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The UK government fell in 2015.

They made the mistake of giving a parking ticket to a grumpy old man with principles and he destroyed them.

There is no government.

The is no law.

There is no justice.

More details here; https://truthaddict.substack.com/p/how-to-destroy-the-matrix

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Let me guess, u are launching a new crypto Mannarino Coin?

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Better. A real coin with Janet Yellens face on it.....

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Google Maps tells me it's only a 10h20min drive from where I am to Washington. I'm not american but if the Fed goes down, they all go down!

Booking my vacation for next year on Monday!

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This better be good, I'm giving up a hot domino game and some gold beer just to hear this

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God Bless and Protect you:)

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I will be there Greg. Thank you!

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Guess you've decided to back Kammy for POTUS?

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Kamala wants you as Her Treasury Secretary? Promising us Ten females per male?

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is the big annoucement is you are going to wear an eye patch? or is the chip in the butt?

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The very last thing I want is to see Gregory tossed in jail!!!!

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How does Trump get his intelligence?

Not from the US Government!

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