I think Greg is right as to the Fed & Hedge Funds ability to push the markets up and

forward after a pull back. However, I think he is over estimating the power of the Federal

Reserve as it is "only" one hand of a larger what can only be described as the Hydra of

Carnage and Control (*HCC). Back in I believe 2013-2015 period, the international consortium

told the Fed to stop printing and printing and they halted their printing. There is an international

consortium of "investors" that control everything right up through the Fed Reserve. They work

in conjunction not in direct opposition to each other. As I also told you, they the consortium

of the "owners" had a falling out during this period of time and broke their agreements after

a certain sector of the "owners" group had some of their bankers "fall" out of tall skyscrapers

"accidentally" and the opposing group laughing saying they wanted to see if these bankers could

fly and they certainly could not all the while smiling. This in syndicate vernacular is "bad blood"

and when you have "bad blood" it means warfare in "every means possible" including economic

warfare on each others positions/holdings and economic systems. This will not end well as the

"owners" have their positions and are of the mind set come hell or high water if they can't have

that system or position then "no one" can have that/their position. This is the beginning of

The Godfather V.V.V much worse than you could imagine. It's going to get really black and ugly

by October-November. You will see things happen that will make you shake rattle and roll and

that isn't fear porn that is going to happen. Greg tells you the debt market will eventually implode as well as the dollar right? What do you think happens to the regular people in that

situation? Mayhem, riots, war, etc. across the whole spectrum and nations. That's why the

big boys, not the "owners" already have their deep underground places to hide themselves

and their families. They also of intelligence about any emerging situations coming upon the

Earth while we dumb bots walk around in our daily lives and hazy impressions on what is actually

happening. So in the short term, Greg can make and will make alot of cash on his positions but

over time, the syndicates will begin their final salvos of trying to knock each other out with us

in the middle of it all unfortunately. God Help Us!

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That was a good read.

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Thanks Greg and Good Morning Lions. Great buying opportunity today and I have my DRY POWDER ready!!!

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I am confused, when you say that mkts want lower rates, and yet mkts also follow the 10yr yield rate, as in 10yr go down/mkts fall, 10yr rise/mkts gain, ..., are these 2 statements not contradictory???, or am I missing something. Are you referring to short term vs long term??? Some clarification on this would be helpful. Thanks, Ken.

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nice chart,

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Greg sold JNJ but vaccine trials on 1k people start next week-should pop the sp, no? https://www.cnbc.com/2020/07/16/johnson-johnson-expects-to-begin-late-stage-coronavirus-vaccine-trial-ahead-of-schedule-in-late-september.html

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i hope it pops as i didn't sell - wasn't in green.

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more good news just in: J&J in talks with Japan, Gates Foundation to lock in deals on COVID-19 vaccine

07/16/2020 12:23:57 PM

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