Powder is dry and in the chamber

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I just keep on stacking the shiny... keeping it simple.

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Market will rip today then tank tomorrow for max pain trapping all the new longs.

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Thanks! Let us know when you bounce.

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Gonna be interesting. Hoping for a correction so we can all bottom feed.

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Is tech gonna take a hit from this pager attack?

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We are an army of people who have had ENOUGH of the Tyranny. It is time to strike!! A great speech from the movie Brave heart: https://youtu.be/Xorwb9ijcF0?feature=shared

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thanks for the update. i usually don't make a move until 2:30 pm

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there is never any guarantee of the Market at any time........that is why i only have 1 Share of JPEQ........just to be in the LOOP............i feel safe that way..........i can have fun........Risk is not in my Blood.......lol.......that is why i will probably never be among the RICH.........lol

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It is amazing how many still have faith in worthless Government/FED fiat money.

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Who can access their trading funds? Scwab App down, Fidelity App down, Wells Fargo App down, Bank of America App down, Global Federal Credit Union App down. I can get in my Coinbase Wallet.

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Would be nice to see gold drop 10%

Wishful thinking probably

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I'm right there with you on JEPQ. I have 500 and will be adding an additional 80 shares today. It's great to watch the DRIPS increase my number of shares.. Best wishes to everyone!

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Most like starting today, trading session going to find it’s price discovery with regards to volatility. But am leaning more 60/40 market pump.

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More and more and more debt thus more and more money printing thus more and more inflation. Hey sounds great .goodbye solong ,adios,caiao treasuries thus dollars

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