GME and AMC was a form of weaponizimg. And still is. We got Gama working now. Knowing the system and its weaknesses just as they do ours is key. Honor among thieves as they say. There are lots of ways to help people with the gains. Gotta find them or do it yourself whilemthe money's worth something.

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All in all we're just brilliant thieves.

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Here here. "Everyone's got a little larceny in em." Salvatore Charles Lucky Luciano.

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As a Baby Boomer I grew up in tbe 1960's and 70's during the anti war protests and race riots. It was a violent time and the protestors all swore they would never be as greedy as the World War II generation which was their parents. They would never start needless wars or bow to Wall Street and corporate greed. Well fast forward 30 or 40 years and those same hippies and flower children are now the people running this world. They became as greedy and corrupt as the Great Generation ever was and maybe even more so. Do yourself a favor and watch the movie "The Big Chill." Read between the lines. Greg knows what I'm talking about. "You'll do a load of compromising on the road to your horizon!"

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agree agree agree ...

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spot on

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I've made a lot of money with tobacco, bank and oil stocks. I don't feel bad about any of it...

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Greg, in your opinion, are vintage guitars a good store of monetary value if one were so inclined to pivot from gold, silver, and crypto currencies?

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Say it again please say it again We All the way in the Back can't hear you ....

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So Say ONE so say All Ashe ase ashe

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Sometimes you have to use your enemies moves against them, transmute the energy, and use it to strike. It's been taught in the ancient martial Arts, manipulate movement to provide maximum impact.

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Added to my Miners. Bought Kirkland Lake Gold today. As an investment, not a speculation.

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Oh no, signed out from the newsletter incidently. Suddenly signed in again. Hope will work.

@ Greg: True words. 100 % agree.

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I am in love with your mind Greg!! LOL:) My kinda thinking! Is your fund up & running yet?

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Hey Greg what do you think about this? https://youtu.be/1NJVe0wejTQ

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What does it mean when the spreads on option contracts are tight/close, whereas others have wide spreads?

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IMO Spread goes up when the buyer/seller ratio is far out from equilibrium.

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Absolute truth

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As long as we Fight back and refuse to yield; we play the game well, give back and look after the unfortunate. Were doing OK. Don't try to be or hope to be acknowledged by the upper echelons!!! They don't acknowledge you and will will try to be you. Because they know they can't.

Don't just think about being present. Practice being present every day. The rest will look after itself. Boom. Listen to the Jefe. GM. He knows the game....

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There are two ways to make money, ethically and un-morally. We have the choice of white or black. These banks work off greed, are un moral, and black. Great way to make money and pretend to fight the system, but try and see that it's really just becoming the system. If you are making money off the corrupt system, that is not weaponizing, that is bending the knee. UNLESS the goal is to sell the profit, invest in pms/crypto, in the short term. But to hold long and collect the "dividend" more like drinking from the cup of the blood of sheeple.

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Lol.. so when are you going to stop transacting and being paid in central bank notes? Too funny..

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The problem is your moral contradictions. You closed the PFE trade because they were performing tests on children. JPM is forcing millions of people (including children) into poverty. There is no difference except the PFE trade was dog shit and JPM is going higher. Whether you are moral or immoral I don't give a shit, but don't pretend to be.

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I have taken steps, however my work provides no other alternative, so I have to transfer those bills to alternative possession. I don't transact in USD for anything other than food, bills, taxes, I have no other choices. I have thousands of choices in what I invest in. It's not the same argument but I do agree with you and am fighting the fight.

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We are in this together and like I said I have mad respect for your knowledge, perspective, and personality. I agree with you on almost everything. I see what you saying and agree with the fundamentals. I'm not trolling or shilling, I just have Jpm on my hitlist, I will not keep that enemy closer.

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So Shawn, bending the knee half way! Still bending...Give to Caesar what is Caesar's - one way or the other:)

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I'd say that's more of a lunge position, aggressive, but I get your point.

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If someone makes money off of a corrupt institution and then pulls that profit+investment and places it into another who is eroding the system, such as certain crypto start ups, then I do believe it is making the machine stab itself;...its taking from the corrupt and giving to the just. I believe Crypto will replace the stock market entirely in the future. How far distant I don't know, but I feel it may be soon. IMHO

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I like this thought and have been putting it into action. The winds of change. I just will not touch jpm out of ethics and hatred for this scum

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Weaponizing refers to war, war is not a single entity, it's a force. You will not win if you fight a war with only having your own profit in mind. Your more likely to win if you sacrifice some of your profit, for a profit of the many.

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