I lost a lot of money in my 401k listening to you I wish you could tell me how to make it back

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Are you blaming Greg for your losses? Remember he doesn't give financial advice he just tells us what's really happening in the markets. It's then up to YOU to decide what to do with YOUR money.

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Miggy! Don’t do the neurolink! You want your brain stamped on an AI techno circuit? Yikes! Have you been reading Ray Kurswell? 🥳

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Will they hold it together past next Tuesday which is "election" day?

Signs are pointing to NO.

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Nov 4, 2022·edited Nov 4, 2022

Our economy has been in free fall since 1913 when a conniving group of Jewish Bankers and their confederates in Government, Press and Academia hoodwinked the people of this country to munch down on a fractional reserve shit sandwich. They suckered us into two great wars where we fought the wrong side and allowed the Central Bank snot-suckers to corner the world market. Now we’re sitting in the Ashkenazim shit up to our eyeballs worried about a huge economic meltdown? This fear porn is getting a bit thick. Same old shit. The USD is worthless and the “Great Reset” will spin it into CBDC. If you have done your prep work, spot on! The rest of this baloney is aimed at election fraud. I’m tuning it out. It’s nauseous and it poisons the mind. Even if you are disconnected from MSM the fecal tide still ebbs and flows outside thy door. How in the name of Adam do we stop the smell?

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Zero hedge put out an article yesterday Wall Street giving up on companies profit outlooks. I guess its a free for all now until it all evaporates.

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check out a 2 minute message by godfrey bloom on you tube why the whole banking system is a scam its a MUST listen to

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No they're not you idiot.

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Let me guess, you are 10 years old....

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The question of labor participation rate as well as unemployment has direct effect on

inflation whether you want to believe it or not. If you labor participation rate is low or lowering

means "less" workers available for offered jobs. This then equals higher and higher wages which

then have to be incorporated into your final product cost whether it is at a restaurant, production

center for widgets or service works. In essence, higher labor costs equal higher cost for services.

Additionally, you then have to extrapolate that as people obtain higher wages this equals what

on the demand side of the economic equation? Less demand or more demand? More demand

of course which equals a driver on the supply side of the economic equation.

You then have to get your heads around the dreamality of the actual supply/demand economic

model as it pertains in today's world. Talk about a magic trick and the "markets" because they

can take advantage of it at the gas pumps every where merely accept the false narratives because

they- their investments made profit on a rumor have no problem continuing on this far side

basis of false supply side economics. So, two days ago, we have "SAUDI INTELLIGENCE" warning

of impending attack by Iran on Saudi oil facilities and then suddenly the cost of gas goes from

let's say 3.27 to 3.54. Now, if you are any one in the intelligence field or who knows and applies

supply and demand economics, you always have to ask where did this "Rumor come from" and

why? Obviously, Opec Plus Russia needs and wanted a cost in oil/gasoline so energy to boost

their profits so "suddenly" out of left field we have Iran planning to attack Saudi Arabia imminent

in 24-48 hours???!!! Horse sh__! If Iran attacks or attacked Saudi Arabia, this would illicit a response

from a variety of Sunni Nations as well as Israel because as we know, Israel would have no problem

with an attack on a trading partner to bomb the hell out of Iran and also that Iran knows dam welll

this situation. So, obviously, the market doesn't give a sh__ and niether do the oil and gas companies

massively international combines because they skim off the profits from you the American and European and other suckers on a "rumor" from the OPEC Plus horses a___, Saudi Arabia or the

Saud. Now if the attack didn't occur or doesn't, how do the oil and gas prices continue to stay high?

It's all bull sh__ by the oil producing companies and the Opec Plus Russia to skim higher cost from

you suckers with a f_______ rumor that your corporations ran with for profit for themselves on your

backs and WALLETS.

Now, Gregg mentioned Ed and I have mention other WWII "heroes" from that generation. Can

I ask any Veteran or Veterans Family from WWII, what was the home front like during this hellish

war in the US??? Did you drive around, buy all kinds of stuff and do whatever you the hell wanted

when you wanted? The answer, hell no! Americans had to "CONSERVE" energy at home as well

as push money to the boys on the front lines inclusive of oil/gas/ food materials etc. Now, in modern

USA, NO One speaks about reducing consumption of oil/gas/ etc or trimming sales when an outside

criminal gang is trying to rob you of your own economic well being only political horse sh___ domestically that equals destruction of social and institutional norms all of which equals our

own undoing for the sh___ h_____s! You also hear now that same mantra of drill baby drill and

yet, unfortunately for the American People, your US Oil is being shipped to the highest bidder

else where around the world.

In all this we also see actual nations now acting out belligerence in every conceivable way to you

and your US and Western Nations. Russia just by edict saying Ukraine is theirs, China, the Covid

epicenter in Wuhan with no other outer animal third carrier to humans so "man made" destroyer

from a lab demanding Taiwan, North Korea shooting off missile after missile apparently anticipating

no response from So. Korea and allies, and of course Iran shipping bombing drones and now long

range missiles to Russia to be used to target and demolish what's left of civilian infrastructure in

Ukraine. The problem is the Western Nations have "Never" really woken up to the fact that you

are already in a war and yet you wish your lives "not" be disturbed, nor any sacrifices placed upon

your persons just only to watch on the tele tubie televisions that doesn't effect your life or lives.

And yet, in the final analysis it does and will continue to effect your lives yet no one can see any

thing of the forest or the tress just maybe the specific place in which that person is in or standing

and living.

As for Alan Greenspan, in the 2006-2009 economic melt down of the mortgage/housing, the

conveniently gift wrapped in Triple AAA Bond Traunches in the CDO's by the bankers to un-

suspecting buyers and all the manipulation of that entire catastrophes could only comment that

he couldn't understand why the self regulation of the banks and financial industry failed???!!!?

You now have the US and probably other nations pushing the trend of "deregulation" in terms

of "everything" once again only to end up with the same results - a complete collapse of all

markets and yet, like the victim behavioral studies have confirmed, you will go back to the same

nonsensical collapse and failed polices, have them fail, and then return to those same "creators

of the maelstrom" looking for them to answer your economic sufferings. Only to find out, they

are offshore with their monies waiting for the one cent on the dollar sell off of every asset in

your country or nation after the collapse. Mitt Romney in the collapse of 2007-2009 was part

of the AC/Delco US Company buy out for pennies on the dollar, promising to down size the

company but keeping it in the US. Folks, it never happened. Now it is in CHINA as Delphi with

it's profits washed out on a tax free isle off Europe!!! This is the same man, Mitt Romney, who

castigated Ray Dalio for his China investments only two months or so ago.

So, wait for it my friends, more tax reductions for the rich and the large corporations, less environmental regulation or corporate regulation equaling another disaster in the not to

far future and workers as I said caught in the web of inflated dollars so your $15.00 is only

worth at that time $8.00 instead of the original $8.50 before all the wage increase banterings.

See, they, the guys running this schtick even figured out this transference of wealth so they

could utter increase of wages while actually providing lower wages per the higher inflation

trend. You can't make this sh__ up!

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Almost a dissertation. Note that most people will not read a post that long. Some good points were made if you trust the news from the cabal. The cabal plays chess. Dig deeper.

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