Jun 21Liked by Gregory Mannarino

Greg, Greg, Greg!

Trump is touting Bitcoin for votes = Fact...

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IMO, our votes don't count for a thing.

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Our votes have never ever counted and this is why I have not voted for over 30 years.

Since the history of man kind the rich have been in control and have called all the shots and are the government.

"Who controls the food supply controls the people

Who controls the energy can control whole continents

Who controls money can control the world

( Henry Kissinger)

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Remember Obummer said " It s the ones who count the votes win!"..

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Sad BUT TRUE!!... I finaly saw the light!! Thank you dearest Gregory, im no longer ignorant to the process. You re the best!

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Jun 22·edited Jun 22

I would almost agree except Trump is a wild card. I am no Trumper, any man who cheats on his pregnant wife with a porn star is a POS IMHO. I have no respect for him as a husband. It seems he was he a good father, his kids all seem to be very productive and not a bunch of drug addicts (cough Hunter) so there is that.

I voted for Trump in 2016 as a FU to DC. I didn't think he would win, but, I wanted to be part of the message sent to DC that we are sick of them.

He was off the a rough start not knowing how to play politics with DC, he quickly adapted and I liked what I saw.

Why was Trump a wild card, in 2016, they cheated, hence Hillary saying, "I was supposed to win!" and not conceding until the next morning like she was waiting for something. They greatly underestimated the MAGA movement.

In 2020, as Joe told us:

"We put together the most extensive and inclusive VOTER FRAUD organization in the history of American politics"

That was the stop gap, there would be no Hillary repeat. Again, they greatly underestimated the MAGA movement. They were trying to feed in votes to get Joe ahead and it turned into a nightmare for them. Hence, "water leaks" and shutting down precincts in swing states. The result? Many precincts had 100% to 110%+ voter participation. A new first in American Politics!! They had to pump so many ballots into the system, Joe received more votes than Obama.

Every bellwether county in the country went to Trump, another first in American politics. That NEVER happened before, no one on the left batted an eye, they knew, they were not going to admit it.

Being disillusioned and not voting is exactly what Democrats want. The best way to beat them is to overwhelm them more than they ever anticipated. 2016 caught them with their pants down. 2020 forced them to expose the voter fraud.

In 2024 we all need to vote like this country depends on it.

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Jun 21Liked by Gregory Mannarino

Dammit I get so mad when I miss your live show!! Someone kick me please.. ugh.. thank God I can catch up . I second Norton West here.. yes thank God for you Greg and telling us the REAL TRUTH,

I second everything he just posted... prices of food is out of control , its horrible for people who have a large family and young kids, its scarry for them. I dont know how they do it, It s just me and the old man, and two kitties, we cling to our bible and guns. God bless you Gregory, we love you so much!!

Be safe with that beautiful car.. God bless you.

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Jun 21Liked by Gregory Mannarino

Greg: Thanks for the REAL truth on Money supply and actions of the FED. 1. Creating more US dollars backed by 'nothing'/ a promise to pay,,,, is VERY INFLATIONARY! The idea that the FED is on-our-side trying to reduce inflation.... is a BLATANT LIE!!!! The only power the FED has to maintain their existence, is to create currency based/backed on NOTHING! Since 1972, when Nixon took use off-any backing by precious metals, the congress and the FED have NOT Constraints on printing money without ANY CONSTRAINTS! The congress, the President, the Deep state, the Treasury Dept are all in silent corruption by NOT talking about the inflation/destruction of our US Dollar! The Global Central Bank system are ALL following the same goal of destroying the purchasing power of all national currencies. This is painful to realize; however, it has a history back many centuries. Best,

Norton West, Maine

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Jun 21Liked by Gregory Mannarino

Gregory.. When you were exposing Jamie Diamond near the end, I visually watched your thumbs up roll over to 777 and realized you were on point in more ways than one. Be encouraged!!! Clearly you stand before the audience of One !!! God bless you brother 🙏

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777 GOD S NUMBER!!! YOU RE SUCH A BLESSING GREG.. i second everything you said Terry n Tate!!

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THIS GUY I FOLLOW one of many and i know of menzco 64 I USE SPELL CHECK AT 75 LOL


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Omg I was born in LA, I know Torrance, that s up the street from Redondo Beach we used to go there all the time..small world!!LOL

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Oh Im sorry I forgot to give you my email address...lol

cindylarry@nep.net , please email me so I can share some editorials with you. okay dokay.

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I feel that phone everyone is glued to is the mark of the beast.. or its sure as hell leads to it. People glammed to the bait form Chyna!

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yes you are right ,it does lead to the mark...but first they will ask you to give allegiance to the antichrist and deny JESUS

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So toss that b.s phone-computer from Chyna..listening and tracking device from hell.

I pray everyone wakes up and does that!

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now amazon wants to scan your hand

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REEEEALLY....oh dear God. Some time ago I was in Panera Bread just to buy some bagels for the old manm they refused to take my cash, I told them I only use cash , thats ridiculous! When I got home I called the manager , she said come in and I ll give you a dozen bagels. So 30 miles in one direction, I went to get my stinken bagels..lol. See how they get you hooked , grandma and everyone on that phone , with the family pictures and all, people tell me oH i CANT LIVE WITHOUT IT, ITS MY LIFE!.. No , God is your life, not that stupid device... the world has gone mad. Its a grand scheme from Satin himself.

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I think your spot on...and I will say OFF WITH MY HEAD cause I love YAHUSHA more than life itself, you filthy animals you!!!...LOL.

To die is to gain , to be gone from this earth is being present with my sweet Yahusha! amen Im not afraid of them beasts.

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Put on the full armor of God every day, and and be a light in this dark world. This is what I do every day. I wear Jesus hats and t-shirts and I tell people the Gospel 1 COR 15 1-10 and if they don't like it ,I tell them to call him and complain 1-800-777-7777.... GOD BLESS YOU AND YOUR FAMILY

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Good Morning!!

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The good Lord gave me another day to live praise the LOrd https://rumble.com/v53tzf4-live-with-julie.html

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That s great , yes, people are hungry for some good news, like the Gospel.

LOL.. I love it, the complaint line..LOL. very cool. God bless you and your family !.. I smile alot, people dont do that much these days. Sad. Even in church they think I m a bit strange, because I smile alot. Im happy to be in Gods house ! I dont know about people.. I pray for them.

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THAT IS GRATE YOU NEED TO WATCH THIS GUY REAL CHRISTIAN NEWS https://usawatchdog.com/war-financial-collapse-cv19-vax-awakening-close/

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QUESTION : So dont the big guy and the rest of the demorat s take the jab? And a boosta?

they should , since they push it.. you mean to tell me Bill Gates does not take all those jabs??

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no they lied

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Yes , that is all they do. Shameless.

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It can't be wrong when it feels so right. Humans participating in their own destruction. Jamie Demon has no special talent - $34.7 Trillion is a big deal? It's not just packaging that's getting smaller - brains are shrinking as well. Everyone is a Milleionaires on paper in Venesuala and Zimbabwe - and you'll eat Zoo animals -burp- for dinner. . Neo-fuedalism is looking better and better in this fucked-up "risk-on" environment... oh yeah - risk-on - risk for whom -not the few who dictate the money power over the rest. END THE FED!

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Youtube have taken the video down, I'm in the UK.

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If someone shows you who they are, you should believe them. If they tell you that they have ill will towards you and they wish to harm you, then you are a fool if you don’t take them seriously. Hate has nothing to do with it. The people who own and operate this system have done all of the above and have been doing it for a very long time.

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