Geomagnetic reversal, nothing else matters

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thinking the grand solar minimum is alot worse than we can imagine especially since thats about the only issue the media is not talking about!

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this may be why that military report degal? shown 50% population reduction by 2025 , Alot are saying by this october its going to be very noticeable

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The solar minimum has a large amount of science and history behind it yet nobody talks about it. An example being every dynasty in Chinese history fell during The Grand Solar Minimum. I think they learned the lesson since they are stock piling food and making investments in agricultural regions.

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What's the timing on this?? 2040s??

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12,000 yr disaster cycle??

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Wait until the Fed funds the military (age) fifth column crossing border for the ethnic cleansing of Christians and Muslim US citizens in America. This isn't a war.. its a depopulation agenda. These leaders arent even hiding it.. at Davos several were caught saying "we need to hurry up and depopulate" The Central Banks agenda is depopulation of planet earth and they will use their money printers to fund it and wars/scamdemics/famine to achieve it

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They dont hide it cause no one cares foot ball , beer and stock market keeps the sheep asleep . Still dumb enough to pay tax that funds it too!

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Indeed Bread and Circus. Roman Catholic Church/ Jesuit cabal run the theatre/ propaganda/ entertainment that pacifies the majority and tells them what to beLIEve in. Using Clever tactics like Divide and Conquer/ Order out of Chaos since at least the 15th century.

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depopulate = serial mass murder.

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The central banks are part of the gang. The big umbrella is the Jesuits aka The Society of Jesus a Jewish / Catholic alliance who have their people at the top of backs and all important corporations and industries. The Jesuit / Freemason Cabal uses the Kabbalah (Kabal ) code Gematria to mind control the masses with news stories that are their rituals all the time. This gang runs the show globally. Remember too that Klaus Schwab WEF is a Jesuit.

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What will anyone do about it?

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The government surely won't do anything good about it... government officials never investigate that which they don't want to confirm.

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UKraine - who provoked whom?

- NATO reneged on demilitarisation of Ukraine and ignored Minsk agreement

- CIA/ Norland overthrew elected pro Russian govt to install ZELENSKY

- over 50 USA controlled and owned BIOWEAPON labs in Ukraine (it was on US/ Ukraine Embassy web site)

- Over 14,000 killed in Donbas through shelling of ethnic Russians by Ukraine forces

- Russia invaded east Ukraine the. Offers peace deal - which was rejected by NATO after being accepted by ZELENSKY


Who engineered Hamas attack?

- it was the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur arab Israeli war -when attacks are expected

- 15 different breaches of highly monitored Israeli border with bulldozers and 1,000 Hamas terrorists - but IDF saw nothing

- 100 - 200 huge missile launchers positioned and fired missiles on Israeli border - IDF saw nothing

- IDF ignored cries for help for 12 hours while their people were killed when they were only a few minutes away

- MAY- SEPT 2023 US 10 year Bond yield had risen by 30% to 50% above normal - a liquidity crisis was being flagged - US Fed needed to inject liquidity - ISRAELI WAR WAS PERFECT TIMING - plus Gaza has multi trillion dollar off shore gas reserves as a bonus

- and with the “look the other way” Hamas attack Israel has a reason to attack Gaza and commit genocide to antagonise arab states into bigger wars.


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Watching Soros' controlled attorney general in NY just let 6 illegal immigrants free after they bashed policemen in time square. 11 senators aren't allowed to run in oregon because of the evil justice system there, they opposed abortion & against children sex redefining surgery so they are off the ballot. Satan is laughing he has sucked them all in to do his bidding. The hispanics are livid to what is going on at the border, fentanyl, human trafficking etc Middle east are laughing and smell blood because of the weak usa administration now they have bought back cameron to push the pallestinian state. Ezekiel war coming all prophesied.

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Please tell me about the 11-Oregon Senators.... haven't heard about that misery yet - I do know about the wretched satanic paedophiles in the marble townhalls and court system here.

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X1P3CJgVSA4 Jacob has more outstanding news also on their wild spending, he has family lawyer members who know whats going on.

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.... thanks - unfortunately I can't watch youtube... dangit! I can only imagine. The corruption here is so bad Libs don't even want to admit they voted Demorat - it's that bad - as they say, "You don't clap for your own demise." One can't endorse everything God is against...these demons embrace sick scoundrals and give them a pass on whatever perversion they have.

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Can you watch odyssey or rumble?

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yep - or please tell me the name of this Jacob guy.... and I will google him.

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...the lying liberals and their media lapdogs told us over and over that Trump would do all this, but they have shown the liars that they are as they project their evil onto the righteous, just like their father Satan.

Corrupt RINOs enable these Marxist minions on the left because they all have the same father, Satan.

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Thomas Jefferson ".... friend w/all Nations alliances with none." Today it's hard to tell where one kind of terror ends and the other one begins. "You've got to be a stupid piece-of-shit if you think we are ever going to pay off the debt." [Gerald Celente]

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Notice that they intentionally create the Bill that creates confusion by including two different causes.

They are playing the citizens as pawns to get whatever they want. The ONLY cure is to eviscerate ALL of them and you know what that will take and our founding fathers of our Bill of Rights told us so and what Must be done. Otherwise the last link in the shackles will be hammered into place. It is a subject and a situation of survival of a nation ( ours ) that you can't be Nice about. It is literally a condition and a choice of Life and Death.

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Why would you fund a situation that's over or about to have a civil war in military leadership?

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MK Ultra to the masses! WE have to change things on a local level!!!!

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And the lying liberals and their media lapdogs told us over and over that Trump would do all this, but they have shown the liars that they are as they project their evil onto the righteous, just like their father Satan.

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Profit if you can unto death? To what end? Taketh it with thou not. To live with enough is never enough. Too much is not enough. It is all vanity. Gimmemore.

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I don’t remember is a defense now ask Joe Biden the judge asked me was it me who walked out of the store with a fifth of Moon Shine without paying I said I don’t remember

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Only goes to to show you how many clowns 🤡 in the world that accept a piece of paper can we blame government for never giving suckers a even break

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We need them to secure the border in the United States. 🇺🇸

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They are trying to divide, then break the American people. They want to enslave us even more

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Heck No! We shouldn’t be involved in Ukraine. It’s a boondoggle and $$ laundering source for certain politicians, us cos. And their relatives.. Mr Schumer is trying to BS and intimidate the Am. Public with scare tactics “ if we don’t help “U” then we’ll have to send your kids into a war “. He’s full of Ka Ka.. the “ G” will do whatever they want, regardless.

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Looks like Ukraine is testing ground for digital tyranny that will be coming for all of us.


The US-funded Diia app in Ukraine is a “digital ID Linked To Bank Account”, hailed as a model for other countries.

- This app may now be used to freeze the assets of Ukrainians who are in hiding as they do not want to die on the front in a proxy war

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