It's funny how trump-voters call each other "brother" until the chips are down and it's his neck or the other's. Michael Cohen said...."trump, my "brother", I love you so much I'd take a bullet for you". Silly trump believed his "brother" Michael Cohen...until the moment the FBI threatened to bring Michael Cohen's wife under charges also....then tump's "brother", Michael Cohen sang like a songbird 🎵 🦜 🦜 🦜 🎶 and threw trump under the bus. Hahahahahahahaaaa! 🤣 🤣 🤣 . Now donald j. trump is the FIRST president in American criminal history to be convicted of felonies. This is THE GLORIOUS DAY OF RETRIBUTION WE'VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR! LOCK HIM UP!!! 😸 😂 😃 🤣 🤣 🤣 💯 🥳 🥳 🥳 👍

See Michael Cohen GLOATING that he BETRAYED trump. trump's historic guilty verdict.


Everyone is LAUGHING at trump that he got 34 guilty verdicts against him Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaa! Eeeeeeeeeeheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheeeack ack ack ack aaaaaack! 🤣 😈 👹 👺 😺 😺

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Yep all do until they get you into the concrete room with a drain

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Trump is up against Globalists. The current President is spelt wrong. His tribe is basically. FASCIST.

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Up here in Canada 95% of my friends and neighbors are dumbed down and brainwashed and have been since birth...Sad

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🤣Should have ran back to France 🇫🇷 when the British were heating your butt backing America

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greg, do you think satan will win... or... do you think the spirit of our creator will prevail...? if you have been listening to greg for many years... and i have, we maybe coming closer to the end of the game, no different then monopoly.

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Greg even the Democrats are turning against Biden and he's losing minority voters in droves! You still say the riggers will seal it for Biden? okay we'll see ....

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Greg, I love your work and have, when possible, support you as much as possible. Even if I won a $500,000,000.00 Power Balls lotto, with inflation skyrocketing, that money would at least see my ex and I through our deaths. But after securing a safe place to live, stable food sources, decent care, unorthodox medical, I would be buying PM's out of Singapore and loading up on Monero, WowMonero and other privacy tokens, generators, freezers, and leave what's left to my asshole family just to let them know I still love them and that I completely forgive them and myself through Christ, my Lord.

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Beautiful! Have a great weekend! All day I have read that some investors are about to make the biggest fortunes ever in 2024 . Thanks for helping us understand financial matters better. See ya Sunday.

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Make sure you buy Shiba Inu Brook. The crypto ticker symbol is "SHIB". Buy it now while it's cheap. You can buy a million coins for $25 bucks. You can buy it on Coinbase exchange as well as a lot of other exchanges too.

Here is info on it at Coinmarketcap.com


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Thank you! It sure seems like certain things are about to boom!!!

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May 31·edited May 31

No Brook, they ALREADY ARE booming. Shiba Inu made a 381% pump from 24, Feb 2024 to 10 March, 2024. You had to own SHIB to get those profits Brook. I've been telling people the whole of this past year to buy SHIB, but no one is listening....except those who want to make money. Believe you me this puppy is still in it's bull run so if you want in....just buy some then sell 50% of your holdings when SHIB hits $1 and bank it. 25% put in gold and silver. 25% keep as a long-term hold 10-30 years.

The next pump is going to be......SWEET. I don't want to you to miss out on it Brook so get in now while still cheap. Don't wait until its all over the news and everybody is piling in. You want to be SELLING at that point. Ok?

Shiba Inu 381% Pump 24 Feb through 10 Mar 2024


Let everybody ELSE miss out Brook. Don't YOU miss out.

Believe you me, I caught that pump and I was LAUGHING HEARTILY for days afterwards because of it. It feels GOOD to make great profits after waiting patiently for them.

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Lot of Sovereign funds, long term investors too, through investment schemes, towards retirement funds though. I just got lot out into asset build.

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Thanks g.m have a great weekend

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Are people seeing the full picture yet? When will the drones awaken?

China Weaponizing 90%-Fatal Ebola


May 30, 2024

Enough Chinese Nationals Illegally Crossed The U.S. Border Since 2021 To Make A Large Army And Are Positioned Strategically Throughout The Country - China Also Owns Large U.S. Businesses, Farmland In 29 States, One of The Largest Meat Suppliers In America


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Yes, people keep saying these sort of things, but they're never held accountable. Life is stressful enough these days. It's getting harder and harder to cope with things. I'm sorry...I was hoping for an economic down turn in the stock market so that it might wake people up. It looks like I lost again.

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Most wealthy people own stocks not your 9 to 5 people

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Have a great weekend and def hope the copa is good to go.

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