Ron Paul is 89 years old and (seemingly) had a stroke in 2020 on his broadcast.

We need fresher blood to carry his torch now, and for years to come.

Put him in as a high level consultant instead. His time to lead the Fed (and end it) has passed.

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I love Ron. Love him to the moon and back. But I watched him on Tucker's recent show and I could tell he has lost some of his ability to recall. I hope he stays with us for a long time to come, but I think his best role would be in an advisory position.

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He literally was the first one to open my eyes so many years ago when I read “End the Fed.” It started me on a journey to learn about how things worked. He’s a legend, but we all need to be honest about reality of the situation.

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Welcome to the Brain Dead America!


Scroll down and watch Mitch McConnell and Nancy Pelosi....Sad

And these are the people running/in charge of the USA....Sad

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Trump and Pocahontas in bed together at the fedo island. Go figure.

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The Spotlight newspaper, wrote during President Clinton's presidency that massive amounts of gold was furtively removed from Fort Knox. Other newspapers also covered this topic.

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Facts on the ground arec easily as bad as hypothesized.Now we'll see if the perps,at all levels, are held to account.I am not hopeful.

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Written by one of the DOGE personnel:


When DOGE found empty fields in Treasury's payment system, they uncovered more than missing data. They found a mechanism.

Simple things were left blank:

Payment categories

Payment rationales

Basic audit controls

The kind of fields any small business would require. The kind that let you track where money goes. The kind that stop a billion dollars of fraud. Every week.

Here's what Treasury didn't want exposed:

Over $100 billion flowing annually to accounts without Social Security numbers. No temporary ID numbers. No verification. Nothing. When Musk asked Treasury officials how much was "unequivocal and obvious fraud," the answer revealed decades of corruption: Half.


Let that sink in.

$50 billion per year.

A billion dollars every week disappearing into accounts that shouldn't exist.

The kind of fraud that would shut down any bank in America. The kind that would land any business owner in federal prison.

But Treasury had perfected its system:

Process payments

Ignore controls

Keep the machine running

Late last week, something shifted.

A judge's order appeared

, ex parte—meaning only one side could speak. No warning. No defense allowed. Just a wall erected between Treasury officials and their own department's data.


Look at the numbers. Really look at them.

Treasury bleeds 23.87% of its budget to waste, fraud, and abuse.

Almost a quarter, vanishing into what auditors politely call "mismanagement." More than Labor at 11%. More than Veterans Affairs at 10%. More than Agriculture at 9%.

More than Defense Department's 1.85%. More than Homeland Security's 0.89%.

A pattern emerges. The deeper you go into Treasury's operations, the more the waste grows. The more controls vanish. The more fraud flourishes.


Until now.

"Everything at Treasury was geared towards complaint minimization," Musk revealed after meeting with officials. Not accuracy. Not accountability. Not protecting taxpayer dollars. Just keeping the machine quiet.

This wasn't incompetence. This was design. Previous management had built a perfect system: Let the fraudsters complain. Let them threaten. Let them pressure. Easier to process bad payments than face their wrath.


Think about that calculation. A billion dollars of fraud every week was deemed less costly than dealing with complaints from people gaming the system.

That's how machines like this protect themselves. Not through efficiency. Not through good management. But through the path of least resistance. Through empty fields and missing controls and payments without Social Security numbers. Through a quarter of their budget disappearing into the void.

Until someone starts asking where it goes.

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... surprise surprise - the U.S. Mint Vintress Gibson's background is in HR (human resourses) not even book keeping... their (the Mint) duty is pretty fuckin' simple - to fulfill their charter to mint coins to meet demand w/no profit/premiums. Ron Paul should take a look at the U.S. Mint once he discovers there is no gold in Fort Knox. Make it up!

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The system's response was swift.



Nineteen Democratic state attorneys general filed suit

. Not about the fraud. Not about the waste. Not about billions vanishing into accounts without SSNs. But about "protecting" the Treasury Department from its own Secretary.

A judge in New York responded with something unprecedented: an ex parte order blocking Treasury officials from accessing their own department's data. No warning. No chance to respond. No opportunity to present evidence. Just a wall between the people elected to fix the system and the system itself.

Think about what that means: The Secretary of the Treasury

—effectively the CFO of the United States government—legally barred from seeing how money moves through his own department. The people's appointee blocked from viewing the people's accounts. Young coders mapping the missing controls ordered to stop looking.


The MACHINE has judges. Has lawyers. Has media. Has entire states moving in coordination.

But here's what makes this time different: The DOGE clock keeps ticking.

$74 billion saved and counting.

Each number representing not just dollars, but holes in the machine.

Gaps in the armor.

Places where light gets in.


They can file motions.

Can issue orders.

Can build blockades.

But they can't make those empty fields disappear. Can't hide a quarter of Treasury's budget vanishing into the void. Can't stop what happens when people finally see truth.

This isn't about spreadsheets anymore. This isn't about waste or controls or management. This is about who controls the machine.

Because when you find something like empty fields in Treasury's payment system, you're not just finding missing data. You're finding purpose. When basic controls sit blank while billions vanish weekly, that's not incompetence. That's design.

The machine is fighting back.


But this time, it's fighting years and years and years of gathered light. Now activated.

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Elizabeth Warren is a splendid example of an "economy challenged" politician. And she's not alone! America needs a strong dollar and lowering interest rates will just incentivize the Congressional spendthrifts to print more dollars that will cause more inflation and endanger the reserve status of the USD. Warren, like so many other inept politicians, has no clue on how giant China with it's Belt Road and Ocean Routes initiatives is methodically altering the balance of power towards total dominance. Being myopic is a dangerous malady among today's politicians who unfortunately affect the direction of the global economic entanglement.

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Although this IS what we want......to 'audit' the Fed and to END THEM.

Only thing IS.....if TRAITOR Trump 'ends them'.....it will ONLY BE BECAUSE HE is moving us into a NEW GLOBALIST SYSTEM, where we will no longer 'need' so-called 'The Fed'.....they will have ANOTHER ENTITY READY TO TAKE OVER!! An entity that will NOT be in Our best interest!

So, before the Trump Cult/Trump-Tards START CHEERING, when TRAITOR Trump 'ends the Fed'.....

ya just might want to USE WHAT IS LEFT OF YOUR BRAIN, and ASK......'WHERE is HE TAKING US from HERE?!'.


"You Will Own NOTHING......and Be Happy!".

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The vatican, freemasons would not allow for even 1 to be taken down - forces of evil are pretty strong - but you are right only God can stop it and He will when He is ready.

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Trenny, you are naively misinformed.

God doesn't intervene. He leaves human matters to humans, and his acts are works through those who follow his teachings and guidance.

The true nature of evil is a wilful and fundamental blindness to reality, such that destructive outcomes will naturally occur and recur, and destroy the abilities of those who at their core cannot face reality. These people are often weak people that would have died off normally in the wilds, but didn't because of societies compassion (to its detriment).

Evil acts are any outcome that does not result in the long-term beneficial growth of self or others.

Evil people are those that have chosen a willful blindness to the consequences of their evil acts.

You know an evil person by the outcomes from the acts they take which have rationally foreseeable and destructive consequences. They don't second guess, they choose to move fast and break things, and they should never be given power over others.

The nature of perception guarantees that once you blind yourself, you don't notice these things as they happen each time thereafter. These people are genuinely surprised when destructive acts they were warned against occur.

The act of blinding yourself occurs through false justification, and false reasoning, which are self-violating acts that don't hurt or seem wrong in the instant but have lasting damage on the person's soul and remaining life choices.

When you fall to these machinations, you all but guarantee that you will continue repeating such acts until someone else stops you by force permanently. This is the nature of true evil, and worse its largely preventable following certain frameworks of thought (rationalism).

Unfortunately, there is no redemption for fallen people because they never see themselves as having done wrong. You'll never convince those who have blinded themselves once they've already made the decision to accept evil into themselves, be it through an active decision (I'm just doing my job...), or through complacency and sloth.

Destruction comes to those who embrace evil. Evil has a longstanding history of holding others hostage, coercing, and manipulating others into stilted and permanently warped people, and those who fall prey to it get destroyed, including its proponents.

You can only do what you can do to make the world a better place, but the biggest part of that is being able to recognize evil people, so you aren't manipulated into supporting them or get trapped where the only way out is becoming evil yourself. Its highly subtle, but highly relevant.

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The orange man isn’t going to anything except tell more lies We the people need to burn this fucking house 2 the ground

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Greg. I agree with most of what you say. But challenging Musk and Trump to bring out the Corruption and Waste as a Challenge is below you. You should be thanking them for having the courage to to just that. Be a supporter. Not a challenger.

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No. I will and do challenge them, we all should, hold out "leaders" to account. PERIOD.

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The concern is where it all stops. These things have happened before historically, and in each of those cases once it starts it doesn't stop. It becomes a positive feedback system, that runs away, commits atrocity, and keeps on going until something stops it. That pretty much happened with Hitler, and Trump despite all his bluster is following Hitler's playbook.

It remains to be seen whether he has the discipline or mental strength to stop once they've achieved what they set out to achieve. Absolute Power corrupts absolutely.

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That could have been written by a clown and no one would think otherwise

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Haha….so the Fed buys monetary Gold to hedge it inflation and value amid a devalued dollar. Isn’t that exactly where we were pre-Fed?

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She wants lower rates and hates Bitcoin. What a loudmouth goofy fool.

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I’m sure if she knew Trump advocates the same, she’d be against it. 🥴

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She has no idea of what she believes in.

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That's why she's been precisely placed where she is.

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