Jun 28·edited Jun 28

They are really putting on a good clown show this cycle. Have to keep the oppressed slave class (the bottom 99%) distracted by the useless clowns- because there is something much darker lurking and they cant have anyone knowing or preparing until the point of impact. If people knew what was coming, they would stop working, get out of the financial system and just enjoy what life is left with their loved ones and friends. The system cant have you exiting early or figuring out what is around the corner so the clown show has to be good. Just remember, they are trying to get people now to turn on Biden (its the script) so will make this economy miserable until selections.. this is why they will crash the markets prior just like 2008 and 2000. They want the illusion people are angry and "voting" in someone new. Trump will be back in power

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... "if people knew what was coming they would get out and enjoy what's left of life" - Reality Avoidance Syndrome is what killed America. "Truth and understanding are not such wares as to be monopolized and traded in by tickets and statutes and standards." [John Milton, Areopagitica]

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Biden is a thing, not a person. A person has a functioning conscience. Biden does not.

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I so agree with your analysis 😁

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I am Canadian and after watching the debate I am sad for the USA.....

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You have my condolences as well. I am sad to see what’s happening to Canada.

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Yes! I am sad on what is happening in Canada but the once great USA is becoming a shit hole.

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It is, and they will continue to use war as a distraction. There is a lot of talk about conscription. Clearly they want to kill off all the people who could possibly participate in a revolution.

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fwiw- until I hear otherwise, I'm highly suspicious that Rep Thomas Massie's wife suddenly died just a few weeks after his interview with Tucker, where he told the world that all of those treasonous whores in Congress have AIPAC handlers (except Massie).

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You are feeling sorry for one of the most corrupt people in the world??? Please Greg tell me you’re putting us on!

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China Joe is corrupt along w/w his whole family DON"T Feel Bad! Greg!

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Can I get a DUH.... He's a politician just like Trumpet and the rest of the asshat clowns.

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Never apologize.

These lying and thieving pieces of shit deserve every bit of derision they get.

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A well deserved ending for Joe

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So thoughtful of you, Greg, to bring up the criticism that we all have been doing. JB, of course, is not running the show - others are calling the shots, pulling the strings, etc. Last night's performance was another "in our face" reveal of what's really going on in order to mock the public and to make the US look weak and silly. Similar to entertainment (movies, etc) telegraphing what's really happening and what is yet to occur. Both choices for November are poor and ridiculous. TPTB are in the final stages of bringing it all down.

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Joltin' Joe is back, fully awake!

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Not tryna call you out Greg but like a month ago you were saying there’s a very good chance Biden would be reselected

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It's all about the clicks.

A bit over the top lately.

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Nobody can predict the future. There are too many wild cards. We all do our best. Greg included.

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No one is above being called out. You’re not in a cult, and he is not your leader. Call out BS EVERY.SINGLE.TIME.

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Still might be a good call won’t be the first time that the impossible happened in politics

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As long as they don't replace Biden with Gruesome Newsom, I don't care. Wall Street will love both Trump AND Biden because they both play golf, LOL. https://jpstillwater.blogspot.com/2024/06/what-we-learned-from-presidential.html

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Unfortunately the feeble old bastard ain't going anywhere. The Dems and media are going to quadruple down on getting him to the Convention. They're going to shove every barbituate known to science up his ass to keep him afloat. Watch the old Star Trek episode when a feeble old Nazi is drugged and used as camera candy as a figurehead to keep the regime going. It's eerily similar.

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BAD KARMA!!! No one is above God's law. Everybody including BUY-den will eventually face the consequences of their bad actions. Duh!

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".... so there aren't enough people in your audience to change anything.(the rotten system)" you said. And, you feel really bad for what you said about the senile masked man - come on Mannerino - FFFFFFUCK YOU! I haven't listened to you this long for you to puss-out now - at the finish line. WTF?

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The only real troubling thing about last night was the fact that Obiden kept pushing the 'article 5 NATO' thing............that is the nuke option!!!.........Obiden IS the nominee and therefore HAS to DROP from the race........he cannot be forced out!.....his anger and the continued use of that phrase is very troubling, like a cornered rat!............keep your eyes open and ears to the ground friends!

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Biden looks like the pill rolling tremor of Parkinson's. Anesthesiologist here.

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