I must be way more disgusting than you Greg as I love when you spit on them. Thank you!

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Greg never change You keep it real and anybody that has got a problem with that needs to go find a safer space! Love you as you!

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Great live show. Seems someone heard you on the hill Greg. Bill to end the fed just went through


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Hopefully our bought congress will advance it but compromise Joe will never sign it and no other president got to be the people putting fear into the representatives pitch forks wheelchairs and crutches maybe some rope to

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Maybe a reminder of who's on video at Epstein Island for insurance purposes.

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Greg hows ur sister doing? GBU and ur family Nik

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China is on a long term mission and the Belt Road initiative does not include us . That's why the FED should raise the 10 yr treasuries to at least 5.5%. +. If the FED understand the importance of a strong USD they would do it.

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Much Love, Gregory. We keep getting pummeled from every direction. Property tax assessments are going up because inflation increased the assessed value of my home.

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Greg... (18May2024) You are ITALIAN, right? It is ancient custom in Italy for one to spit on those who disgust them. Therefore, those who attack your action are ANTI-DIVERSITY or operating mentally at the Kindergarten level of understanding. Right?

FACT: The Romans (in Rome, Italy) spit on Jesus when he carried his cross... It is an ancient behavior. The Middle Eastern people throw their shoes. Americans punch something. Use this opportunity to teach history... stop floundering. You are a military man, so act like it. Much love. R.E. Sutherland, M.Ed./sciences

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This is a trend that will absolutely continue.

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Who would be stupid enough to purchase sub prime US Treasuries?

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Trump lied to us during his term that consumers would not feel any impact from his tariffs. But then again, lying is what all politicians do.

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Greg, when people disagree with you you tell them they need to leave.

It's that called free speech?

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Go China dump the debt break down this fake Robby crap Fed not fed sold out many years ago. Time to clean houses N. B. B No. Bank Bailouts 9 trillion thieves scum murders liars peds sick sewer rats devil worship fools

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Greg, we cherish your guidance and mentorship.

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Greg, Yellowstain Powell is set to talk on Sunday. Imagine if there is a false flag attack on US soil this weekend. You mentioned these planned events often occur over the weekends. I don't trust Powell, and Yellenstain is set to talk mid-week... What are the creatures planning?? 🤔

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LOL......Spit Away, Greg!!

If the Snowflakes/Bots don't like it.....they can F-OFF!

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well done. Those things are not humans.

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