I found you only a year ago, Greg, but have followed you religiously ever since. I've learned so much from you and I thank you for it! I believe this is the first time I've seen you visibly rattled and I feel it too. For about the last week or so, I have had that same ominous feeling I did on 09/10/01 when Rumsfeld publicly announced that somehow the DOD was missing 3 trillion dollars. We all know what happened the next day. They are planning something big, very destructive, and very evil. I don't know what or when, but we all know why! Please everyone, be alert and cognizant of your surroundings wherever you might be. This is such a wonderful community of genuinely nice people and I don't want anything to happen to any one of you!

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It's funny how you trump-voters really think your political leaders actually care about you. Keep dreaming. Ukrainians are more important than you trump-voters. Hahahahahahahahahaaaa! 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣

SOLD OUT! Republicans CAVE On Border, Yet Agree To Send BILLIONS Overseas!


Ukrainians are more important than you trump-voters

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Not just trump voters but all voters think that their political leaders actually care about them.

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Yeah politicians love people who vote 🤖

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That is probably true. Nevertheless, there are differences between politicians and politicians. The attitude that everyone in politics is equally bad and evil leads to absolutely nothing. There are indeed politicians who stand up for good causes.

In terms of the presidential election, there are theoretically four possibilities:

1) Vote for Biden/Harris/BigMike/Mr.X. 2) Vote for Trump. 3) Don't vote at all. 4) Vote invalid.

Of these 4 options, only two can be considered, namely: 2) Vote for Trump. Or 4) Vote invalid. Anything else won't help and can only do harm.

Despite everything, the best option from my point of view is: 2) Vote for Trump. Why? I can explain that if you are interested.

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Yes, you could imply that this is just a lie. But that wouldn't matter either. The fact that Trump is addressing the issue means that more people are taking a critical look at it. That makes it harder to enforce CBDC. One point for Trump.

Question: Are there other politicians who speak out against CBDC? Of course, there are. Should we support these politicians in their commitment or should we also make the blanket assumption that all politicians only represent the interests of the central bank? Have all politicians already been bought by the central banks? No, certainly not. One of their greatest strengths is convincing us that we don't stand a chance. So that we surrender without a fight.

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Americans are by far and away the most propagandized people in the world.

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Americans are by far and away the most dumbed down brainwashed fat lazy people in the world.

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Aye but don't worry. There are plenty of Brits very quickly catching up. I've never seen so many young fat lumps going about 🤦‍♂️🤣🤣

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Hi Boo Boo,

Yes, Americans have been fat, dumb and happy for far too long.


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Greg you have Gold Silver and Copper coins on your desk but you don't have any Bitcoins on your desk, why not?

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We all get it, you hate Bitcoin.....

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🤣 🤣 🤣

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I get it, Bitcoin is all fake....

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Feb 17
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And a typical response from a dumbed down brainwashed American Bible Thumper...

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The End is when it's an offense to even inquire if another is a Christian... HOW DARE YOU!!

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I am a Christian as well but I am not a Bible Thumper and I don't preach Christianity on others...HOW DARE YOU!!

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The Fed is so sure they will keep the reserve currency but our military isn’t that dominant anymore. I don’t think we could take on China, Russia, OPEC, and all the other BRICS countries

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You can have war with everyone when your mentally ill. DC has lots of mental illness, draft dodgers and cowards who want to send children to war to fight battlers they are all cowards to fight.

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Agree, Romans 1: 18-32 tells us the 3 stages of Judgement God brings on many throughout time that reject the Truth for a lie. I believe God has handed them over to a reprobate or debased mind so they have lost an ability to discern moral and even physical reality. This makes them self-destructive even more than they were before being handed over to God's 3rd judgement.

It is really a Spiritual disorder that is symptomatic as a mental disorder. It has happened to Israel in times past as they rejected God. We have seen it in other cultures, and ideologies like Marxism arise much like it is now with the left, and it can really turn into something bloody, and very dark as seen last century. Funny how the left is so deceived, they are now the Fascist-Marxist Communist, and the hate Russia who has become more of a Orthodox Christian nation.

There is hope for God has not abandoned America, and His coming obliteration Wrath is being postponed. God has left a remnant in America like He did in Isaiah 1.

If what I heard back in 2019 and the date given to me in 2022 by the One True God - Jesus Christ, then this natural disaster judgment coming upon the wicked in San Francisco and San Jose California with a 9.2 earthquake, and to the East, Mammoth Mountain will erupt on same day - 3/27.

It is following and combining 2 past judgement but this one is targeted for California. These 2 past judgements were the 1964 Great Alaskan earthquake, and the 1980 Mt Saint Helen volcano. If what I say about this next coming judgement happens, then what I speak is also true for this year, 2024. It will be a year of reaping which God will bring on those who hate Him and persecute His faithful unjustly. I believe God is moving to balance the scales which they left have obscenely corrupted with their un-shameful wickedness.

If it happens as is stated above, then I heard from God, and it also should mean that 2024 will be a year of reaping on many of the wicked. We can all rejoice for that :) Please tell others that God is acting in judgement against the wicked. He has brought judgement upon the land 3 times on the exact same day, 3/27 over 6 decades, and using the first 2 as the 3rd judgment for only God can engineer such a feat. Do not be afraid, nor fear these wicked children of Satan. Alone they are scared souls lost without hope, and they believe they are strong as a pack, but God will deal with them individually by reaping much of their evil in blowbacks of truth and exposure. We, the righteous, can boldly stand against their evil deeds with a heart of empathy for their lost soul, but still seeking truth, righteousness and justice for our nations which means they must face consequences and law must be restored. Will law be restored in 2024, I do not know, I doubt it, but it won't be a year which they think they can manage and control, instead - they will lose control because God is slowing them down, if not going to stop some or all of them. I believe we will see some perish as God determines in Mercy to remove them from accruing more suffering in the lake of fire if they continued in their wicked ways.

Watch for this event to happen on 3/27/2024 if I heard correctly from God.

If you are a believer, spread the Gospel whenever you can to speak of Jesus and all He has done for each of us. Once you witness this prophetic event, realize this is like a time of Jonah, and live more for God than you ever have! Read His Word, believe His Word, and rest peacefully in His Word as the earth and sea groans and moans because of the wickedness on the land.

Watch John Kilpatrick's sermon in December on the earth and sin. I saw it in January and it confirmed for me this was from God. His is not as specific, and he contributes it to sin in the land, as I agree, but my prophecy revelation attributes it one level higher - the sin is a result of the laws of the land that enabled greater sin to happen! This is like those in Romans 1:32.

I have no doubt that God is holding SCOTUS accountable and RBG is probably burning super hot in Hades right now awaiting her final Judgement from the One True Judge - Jesus. We need to get these laws repealed and SCOTUS judges need to filter the Constitution and everything they judge upon via the scripture, or God will hold them accountable for great suffering in the eternal lake of fire.

For you who mock God's Word and His Son, and even prophecy, you are actually fulfilling Bible prophecy of the last days. If you have any brain cells, and any mathematical capability such as statistics, then you cannot argue with the reality of the scriptures being more grounded in truth than science. Also, there is nothing in the Bible that contradicts science, but in fact has been ahead of it because God knows the end from the beginning which beside quantum dimensions, it means time will come to an end because He created it to contain us in space-time for this earth, and this time of testing.

There are over 3000 prophecies in the scripture of which over 2000 have been fulfilled, and over 300 for Jesus birth, life and death. A mathematics professor in the 1960s had math student (hundreds of them) assign probabilities of Jesus fulfilling just 8 of these prophecies was calculated to be 10 to the 17th power likely. The students work was peer reviewed by a math academy who assessed the probability was very conservative in factoring, so the number should likely be larger. Watch John Bevere's YT sermon 7 years ago, titled Good, or God? About 8 minutes in he speaks of prophecy and the overwhelming case for One True God - Jesus Christ!

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Only problem with Scripture is that you have to believe in that tooth fairy cult

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Should Men love women and marry them because it is for their own good? We love people because of the virtue of those whom deserve it. The End Game for the unbacked fiat monetary system was ALWAYS planned for - when the rest of the world started Winning. We are there. The "creative destruction event" will level the playing field - globally - those who were last will be first and those who are first will be last. It is very important to keep friends close and crazy people even closer now - you will probably need to provide for a few. For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness hath shined in our hearts, to give light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. [II Corinthians 4:6]

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🤣 All are one to the people at the top think about it what do you think about when you see an ant and what do the ants think who does not pay taxes

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JPMorgan Chase, BlackRock drop out of UN climate alliance ///

ESG is an existential threat to American agriculture


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I have a question about JEPI and JEPQ. It seems that the price to dividend ratio is pretty low. What am I missing?

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