I did a short term trade on TLT bullish based off technicals and using MMRI as another confirmation. But who is buying it?

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They gotta do what they gotta do.

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Have you seen Heresy Financial's take on who is buying back the debt?




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He looks like kazoo or whatever his name was on the Flintstones the little Martian

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... where have you been? Oh forget I asked.

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10 yr bond WoW drive interest down so can loan to banks cheaper QE lie

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Going long on the commodities shorts on the retail sectors and the smaller banks smack the vometus things around g.m

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They want Trump dead because he wants to protest the people! Remember: They're after us but he is standing in the way!!!!!! MAGA

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Death to these market pumps.

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Give me the move Greg??!!!

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