
Every rate-hike-cut cycle causes a recession and market crash. Usually a year or so after the first cuts. Meaning the crash will likely hit mid to late 2025

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... YR 25/26 Federal Fiscal calander began nearly two months ago -Oct. 1st. - 2nd Quarter begins Jan 1 - Christmas is coming the bankers are getting fat... until they're not.

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I am going to Mexico

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The Problem of the Bitcoin Billionaires with Catherine Austin Fitts

How much is all this adding to climate change? Oh yeah, climate change is only an issue when the globalists tell us it is.


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What is debt? Answer: it’s what is owed to the people. Pensions, Medicare, social security. If you vax away the people, the debt disappears. But in the end, money, wealth, gold and silver won’t matter. We near the great reset, not of finance, not of society, but of the planet. 12,000 yrs is almost up again. The magnetic poles are shifting, the northern lights appear more often and much further south. Weather is crazy, volcanoes are popping and quakes gaining strength. Just keep the people distracted Greg, your doing a swell job

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The unfunded liabilities are never mentioned

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Definitely the cantalon effect.like you said,gotta take advantage. Thanks Greg!!

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Okay so in certain economic circles it has been said this year but it's also been said late last year into this year that in two years you get a real estate crash.

Well yeah okay so foreclosures have picked up you also have a situation where you know look commercial real estate is already taking a huge dump.

I myself for a long time have basically determined that in two years would also happens is 50% of the businesses of any given town city village or whatever settlement Big or small business is gone into yours time they're done 50% of any given towns commerce will disappear.

That's said,

Ever since April of this year when I assess the way the year got started and everything that's gone on through layoffs business closures bankruptcies and then of course none of that is slowed down ever since April I have literally thought I don't think we really have to wait two years.

I don't really think that we have to wait two years and of course it's not just the real estate crash and of course about the real estate crash I want to talk about that for a minute...

So I really want Greg's opinion on this particular segment of my novel...

Basically I determined back in 1819 that you know they've been making a big deal about the conglomerates going around and buying up houses and any given area and of course the rhetoric about that only increased is time went on I'm not a supporter of theirs so though I might sound a bit passive about it I am not...

But basically I determined that the real reason for this is literally two reasons and oh by the way it's not just big conglomerates that are doing it I've seen this in my town there are small to medium sized companies that are formed locally you usually a lot of real estate agents go together...

The meat and potatoes of this theory is simply look what happened in the mid-2000s?

Well a lot of people were not responsible with money and they got foreclosed on it just so happens that there was a hell of a lot of them and they got foreclosed on pretty much at once every day all day well this backed up the bank's books right?

So you ended up with real estate crash you ended up with houses that yeah you know previously they retailed for $130,000 but you could make a cash offer for $26,000 and walk away with it because the amount of homes that they had backed up on their books was beyond ridiculous in other words it caused a crash.

Today we don't seemingly have that problem do we?

So it's not just the conglomerates but anyone else who partakes in the purchasing of homes to convert them to rentals is nothing more than effectively a clearing house for the banks no matter if they purposely are doing that for that reason ordered just in the business of buying houses and converting them to rentals not even giving it a second thought that still what they're serving the purpose of for every home that they buy frankly even apartment complexes well that's one less property that ends up in foreclosure is it not?

What is that do in the long run?

Well it obviously props up the price of real estate in any given area because the less homes that you have setting on occupied and empty the higher you can retain the value in any given area so it doesn't no longer matter that a third of any given area if not 50% of any given area would literally be converted into rentals nobody really cares and your city or local governments at large they don't really give a damn simply because they just want the tax money they care not who pays it.

It also serves another purpose from the local government standpoint and that is that if the houses are occupied if maintenance is being done in terms of the yards mode etc okay it looks normal it keeps the area looking normal so most people aren't really alert that there is a large percentage basically half the towns it is renters and rental properties now granted a lot of this has already occurred in a lot of areas I live in Central Ohio and I can say that I 15 years ago basically figured that 50% of my town was already rental properties and renters and then to my surprise in and around 2012-2013 our local newspaper came out and admitted to 48% of the properties and people being renters I still basically said it's got to be 50% but you know for them to admit to 48% I mean that means that it's so obvious they can't hide it anymore but at the end of the day no one actually cares so it doesn't drive down property value see their school of thought years ago was any given neighborhood that is dominated pretty much by rental properties even though they could be premium rentals they're still technically worth a bit less and or a lot of people are going to get particular about living nearby.

Notice how that doesn't seem to matter anymore.

So on that front when we talk about a real estate crash well what are the values going to crash out to?

I mean if you take a rental property right now that's worth say $200,000 or at least it's said to be worth $200,000 we know that it's a fake price but what you have is a lot of the area that surrounds it is not doing too bad simply because well everything else is in the same boat and yet those properties are profitable because their rentals and the area isn't full of foreclosures because they're snapped up as quickly as they hit the bank's books as such so is it going to end up being a correction of 10 or $20,000?

So is the $200,000 house going to crash out to $290,000 or is it going to crash out to be $280,000 what does this actual crash look like I'm not certain that it's going to be like 2008 simply because you have a lot of players in the game that's looking to gobble these properties up which of course there again serves the purpose of the banks they are effectively a clearinghouse for the banks which is what they did not have before.

Basically I've been waiting and roughly 5 years and probably some months for other analysts far more experienced and skilled than I am to call this shit out and yet I haven't seen anyone address it I haven't seen anyone come up with the series it these companies are getting loaded up with all the money they would like because they can go around and buy up all these houses and keep them off the bank's books that that seems to be the new form of the bailout and/or prop up of the banks...

So actually I'm interested in what Greg's opinion on this theory is!

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And what is your theory on where gold/ silver price going and gold and silver mining companies going?

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Don't have one, it's less than 00.1% of the population that owns any.

If shtf no kind of money would matter it'd be too dangerous for trade.

As a trade in normal times meaning no chaos, then it will trade and it will have fluctuations, not only because it's simply a currency not a hedge nor an investment, but that's where it gets interesting because just like silver it has industrial applications.

So it's industrial use providing production and demand for production stays on the up that will ultimately help keep the price of gold and silver on the upside if demand drops the price will adjust accordingly well at the same time it trades as a currency and the trickery of an investment investors are finicky so you'll have ups and you'll have downs I don't think it's going to slide and stay one direction or the other forever.

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Thank you Captain obvious!

Why can't anyone call it what it is?

We've been in a recession, what's coming is a great DEPRESSION! Homelessness, starvation, pestilence, cannibalism, rape, murder, war, basically the worst mankind can offer.

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$25 asking price for Silver coming. What will the bottom be in 2024. When the recession officially hits in 2025 Silver and Gold to the moon.

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thanks greg much apprecite your efforts etc

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Greg, finally we agree. There will be a Trump recession and force FED to cut rates dramatically. Day 1 tariffs on Mexico, Canada and China will bring higher prices. Trash will pile up uncollected, housekeeping at hotels will evaporate.

It will be something to behold.

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It's not yet written in the stars my good friend.

They've miscalculated many things...

Keep doing what your doing, Lions! 😁

As the song says...

....."wait for the ricochet...."

Sweet child in time.

The Mick.

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what you are witnessing is the dismantling of the

fiat $ (which is a very good thing since its tied to the

FED and their illegal activities since its inception);

you can hear more about IT from the author of

The Creature From Jekyll Island - G. Edward Griffin:


recession or worse - NO.

that is what the D.S. wanted but their plan has been

thwarted by DJT/White.Hats/World.Alliance!

Sun. 24 Nov. 2024 Ezrah Cohen:

We are in the midst of the most significant military operation

in history, and it’s about to reach a critical point.


Are you ready for the Great Comeback?

The global media is prepping for Disclosure Day, where GESARA’s

principles, the largest wealth transfer in human history, and the

new global economic system will be revealed.


the stock market will come down when all is revealed (CORRPUTION

AT ITS CORE and all of the evil demonic twisted players)!


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It will be a happening event…

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Buy the shit out of TLT!

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Yes March/April seems right.

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Well if it's anything like this year I don't think you're going to have to wait till March and April I mean this year it really got started a lot sooner than everybody thought and you know what by April I'm sitting there going I don't think we have to wait the full two years on a crash.

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