Trump and most all politicians on the planet are corrupt lying scumbags and this is why I have not voted for over 30 years...

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Not voting mean you consent as things are fine. What do you expected to change? Nothing will change.

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And you believe that your vote counts...LMFAO at you dumbed down brainwashed clown.

And Yes! You own zero Bitcoin...

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I own more btc than u

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So u are so smart by doing nothing?

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Give it up there Wong, I have been in this game for over 30 years and I can spot a liar and a loser a mile away, and you are one of them.

I own zero Bitcoin and never have and will never own any and you own zero Bitcoin as well...

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You are a arrgance old man. You think you know it all. You dont know shit

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I don't know it all, I just know more than you do...

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You are the clown. I own gold and others metals and BTC. You have no respect for anyone. That is your problem. Why calling people a lier when you know nothing about me.

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in case you didn't know what that space force was all about:


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Great resource, Thank you

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Good to hear Vega is holding up

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The labor market is in complete shambles. The only reason why recruiting-hell has eased up momentarily is because the FED recently cut rates, but business's are still skeptical about where they beleive the FED is taking the economy.

The labor market is in complete shambles, because the FED cut rates to zero in 2020, printed trillions of dollars to boost the (fake economy) stock market to give the illusion that things were fine, and then company's used their stock buyback profits to expand company growth.

In 2022, the labor market turned nasty because the FED began to raise rates to "fight inflation", putting growth plans on hold...and this created toxic behavior in the work environment, from companies wishing to expand 10X to freezing still, waiting for more easy money.

I don't know where we are going, but i do know that no matter what the FED does moving forward it will be a disaster that will cause a steep decline in the stock market and felt in the real economy that is already holding on life support. Raising rates continues to put pressure on companies that have already borrowed their way into growth plans and will eventually lead to bankruptcy. Cutting rates continues to fuel inflation, the disconnect between the stock market and reality, and will sort of "ease the labor market" but not fix it at all.

The FED knew what they were doing in 2020, with the pandemic as a global disaster in order to force their agenda, which they pretended to not want....and all of this is by design to force people out of their jobs, not be able to get another job, rely solely on a bullish market that appears to never end...forcing desperate measures that lead to stupid actions, which have resulted in the complete insanity which we are seeing in the world right now.

Personally, I just want the FED to raise rates faster, so we can end this clown show. Raising rates will force business's to become bankrupt and send the real economy and stock market into depression mode. This is what's needed to get any sort of reality and rationality back into the world. We'll see what happens. Powell wants to do the exact opposite of what Trump says he will do. Will we see the FED go to war with Trump?

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The Fed and Trump want lower rates, and they are coming.

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What do you want rate to go up? But bad for stocks right?

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The FED does want lower rates because this has been their plan all along. But I bring up the idea that "will we see the FED go to war with Trump?" under the observations seen during the last two FOMC's...reporters and media asking if Trump can legally fire Powell. In my opinion, the media is trying to stir something up...and perhaps this means that this upcoming FOMC, after Trump is sworn into office, Powell moves into full hawkish mode to create theatre that the FED and Trump are on separate agendas. This isn't the first time we have seen a president go to war with the FED, only for lower rates to end up happening as a result. It's psychological warfare against the people. It makes one party look like the good guys and the other party look like the bad guys, while both have the same goals in mind.

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John Pierpont Morgan warning

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Despite months and years of warnings, nothing ever seems to crash.

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Hows that economy looking for ya? Booming? A thriving middle class? Did you miss that part? Like the person who gave you a like? Lol... too funny.

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Depends on where you live, this shit hole place Florida seems to be booming in most areas, traffic a nightmare, stores busy along with food establishments.

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…Booming also in certain cities in Texas

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It's already crashed.

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TDS is actually a thing.

*MY* definition of TDS......are those who hate Trump for FAKE/MADE UP reasons; or, for NO REASON at all.

I hate TRAITOR Trump......but it's for shit that he HAS ACTUALLY DONE!

And this, I say, as a FORMER 'Trump Supporter'!

There are plenty of reasons to hate that Globalist Puppet POS, instead of the FAKE shit that the FAKE news MSM makes up! LOL

And if one DOES hate Trump for the FAKE, MADE UP shit that MSM has TOLD YOU HATE HIM for......then you do, INDEED, have TDS!

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Dumbing down has been taken to a new level.

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Boo Boo, you started first calling me a clown and lier. Arrogance people is the poison for the society.

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How many of u want strong$? How many of u want weak $?

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How many of you would rather have Harris than Trump?

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Jan 7Edited


A good video to watch. Where this is headed is not good. It’s headed for a complete collapse. By design.

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Feds funny money policy means food prices will be spiking at a faster rate.

Exhibit A: the price for a dozen eggs is no longer chicken feed.

Of course, it comes with a ready excuse e.g. avian bird flu.

Trump deregulation policy means the Wall Street foxes will be guarding the hen house.

The fleecing of America can be stopped with the 21century Glass-Steagall legislation.

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Amanda is my no. 1 seed bank. (joking sry).

Hope she has a step-sister as a back-up! (2 for 1 type of deal)

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