Sep 24·edited Sep 24Liked by Gregory Mannarino

They are succeeding in a big way to destroy what is left of the middle class. As Gerald Celente states, we are in slavelandia.

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Sep 25·edited Sep 25

Randy, they are destroying far more than just the middle class. They destroy themselves in the process as well as every other thing touched by the markets, and they do so through wilful blindness showing them to be the truest of evils. Even their own children, like with the titan Kronos, are sacrificed.

People don't realize that socialism and communism, those economic systems structurally are the same and run by slavery. The way they manage is through slave labor. This is what is being forced on us by evil people. Although its gradual and indirect, the outcome is the same if not course corrected, and the representatives responsible for that correction are in the same people's pocket books.

We did well as a species right up until the point we started tolerating true evil, and allowing it to grow; bargaining with it instead of destroying it with fire.

Shortage, starvation, slavery, death, and the people sacrificed first will be the ones most needed to avert the self-fulfilling prophecy, suffocating the chance at any survival. If Malthus is correct, we will see a great dying in the very near future.

That is what awaits, and the timetable for this is when the national debt exceeds GDP, and no business remains because no market can continue. This is the de-facto state where socialism destroys democracy just before it destroys itself; in spiraling madness.

Entities pretending to be business may still exist, but these will be apparatus of the state as they depend upon the state to continue forward. AT&T is a perfect example of this latter case. Any leverage ratio above 1 would be a state apparatus, continually grown through manipulation of the currency like a cancer distorting the economy, preventing economic calculation.

When no business can make a profit in purchasing power, they cease production leaving a barren dead market. The chaotic dynamics of the economic calculation problem then destroy everything that remains, painfully slowly but surely in ways that cannot be predicted, or characterized; as is the nature of mathematical chaos. An age of ruin, where maybe no one survives...

While pre-industrial agrarian societies did manage they also had orders of magnitude less people, and less technology. There wasn't much of a chance back then of land being poisoned for thousands of years, and cities being vaporized in an instant.

None of those societies can support populations at the current level, even a 100th of our current level would be almost impossible given the inefficiencies. Not even touching on climate change, poison from micro-plastics, and all other natural aspects we held at bay with science, like the screw-worm parasite, and disease.

No one wanted to know about these things at a time when something could have been done about them. Now all we have is triage, if its even possible.

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... that's not exactly how he FUCKING says it. ;-)

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Sep 24Liked by Gregory Mannarino

I'm as disappointed in the response as you are Greg but honestly, I'm not surprised. People are terrified of this mafia controlling our lives. I'm retired from a business that was driven to closure because of the lockdown. I don't personally have any money invested in the stock market but I subscribe to the Trends Journal & the UK Column news & basically anyone who seeks the truth because basically I've had it with the evil scum running us into the ground, so I will continue to support you in any little way I can.

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By '04 the writing was on-the-wall - endless wars ahead - debt-spending - silver $4 bargain basement no where else to go but up - yet still rigged to this day at ~1/2 the all-time 1980 High - make it up! The truth does not require your participation in order to exist, BULLSHIT DOES.

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Sep 24Liked by Gregory Mannarino

Staying on standby until we can get enough backup to start operation "end the fed "..We need to get our constitution back as our republic requires ( and with it, our freedom). Remember people, even David beat Goliath. LET'S ALL STAND STRONG AS ONE. Greg's lions can do this.

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A-men - the Fed didn't get built in a day.

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Sep 25·edited Sep 25

> We need to get our constitution back

No one in power is going to give this to you. They only pay lip service to it, deceiving while doing the exact opposite. The moment the system of representation became captive is the moment the system failed, though that can only be known in retrospect.

Social contract theory is pretty specific about what would need to happen when corruption gets to this point.

Historically, this rationally starts with a list of objective observations and related grievances that the majority of people can agree with.

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Sep 24Liked by Gregory Mannarino

It's definitely better to wait for the right time to take on such a major project. You want a good probability of success.

A $million for a legal team is probably far too little for such a major case. OJ's lawyers said that he spent in the range of $3-5 million for his dream team, and that was almost 30 years ago. Given inflation and the nature of taking on the world's most powerful banking institution, it would probably require a lot more than $5 million to sue the Fed.

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This also is contingent on the presumption that we still live in a "rule of law", instead of a "rule by law".

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It's a tyranny, so it would be extremely unusual to prevail in the enemy's courts.

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... OJ - The Juice? WTF? Jay? Leo Wanta and John McAfee had legal teams. One day many will hang their heads in shame when they realize the evil they defended, and the heroes they ridiculed.

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I'm not sure what you're asking. I'm not defending evil or ridiculing heroes. I simply wanted an example of an expensive legal team that's so famous that it would be easily recognized and perhaps ballpark comparable to the expense that might be required for such a major lawsuit as the one in question. I can't find any reference for the sums required for the legal teams of Leo Wanta and John McAfee.

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Touche' - very well good comrade.

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Thank you and best regards.

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… besides, who the hell Is Leo Wanta?

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Probably an unknown to just about everyone, Leo Wanta was Somalia Ambassador to Canada and Switzerland who fought a legal battle with the state of Wisconsin in an income tax fraud case. He tried to appeal to the USSC, but certiorari was denied.

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Sep 24Liked by Gregory Mannarino

I may have missed it but I did not see where to sign up for the lawsuit or to contribute. I'm probably not the only one.

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Not yet. We need a better time to strike. Not enough people behind it yet.

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Sep 24Liked by Gregory Mannarino

Hey Greg, you’re my Leader, my hero of the jungle

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Sep 24Liked by Gregory Mannarino

I hope u will open crypto donations for the big event. Maybe consider allowing anonymous crypto donations using privacy coins.

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Skunk smells its on hole first.

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Sep 24Liked by Gregory Mannarino

GM, just to confirm... you are not suicidal, correct ? Maybe you should make

that an announcement, as you go forward with the FED plan

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Sep 24Liked by Gregory Mannarino

Love ya too Greg. Thank you for the data for today.

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Sep 24Liked by Gregory Mannarino

The fake stock market?

Look at gold and silver!

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"People will forgive you when you're wrong, but they will never forgive you for being right - especially if events prove you right while proving them wrong." [Thomas Sowell]

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It is everywhere. France too. They follow a plan for to destroy everything

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So by your analysis Kamala is going to be installed. If the stock market does not crash she will be installed. If the stock market crashes Trump will be installed

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I do not believe that the Fed. will allow the stock market to crash prior to the selection.

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Sep 25·edited Sep 25

It is a possibility that they may not have a choice anymore.

State-backed business (cooperating monopolies funded by printing/preferential loans), have misreported (jobs report), while raising prices (above inflation) and cut back employment far harder to reap even higher profits.

Tech sector unemployment was up to 6% in August, at the normal seasonal peak hiring, it will be far worse by the seasonal trough since there are seasonal hiring freezes between November and January. National average is 1.5% cross sector?

I don't think they would have let that happen if they were actually in control. That level of unemployment is unprecedented in such a short time horizon afaik, and that number underreports since it is only counted by those collecting unemployment which ignores workers who could not find new employment after 18 weeks.

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Take a lesson from Thomas Sowell, "It is usually futile to try to talk facts and analysis to people who are enjoying a sense of moral superiority in their ignorance." Just sayin'.

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