And it will keep going that way... until it doesn’t.

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The 10yr is on it's way TO THE MOON! Eeeeeheheheheheeee 😁😃🤣🤣🥳🎊🎉🤪👏😁

10yr Yield Daily Chart:


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What clown 🤡 buy debt

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People tend to think of inflation as being rising prices. So, in an inflationary environment, people might complain about the rising prices; grumbling that things in the shops are getting more expensive.

But, I think that it’s a mistake to think of inflation in this way. Rising prices are the end result of inflation - the increase in the money supply. The rising prices that we see, in say a supermarket, are the fruits of the tree – the apples on an apple tree.

I would suggest that a better way to think about inflation, is to see inflation in terms of purchasing power. So, when the purchasing power of a currency decreases, the ability of that currency to pay for goods and services decreases.

In Economics everything is relative. With inflation, what has happened is that the currency has lost some of its purchasing power in relation to the product.

So, it’s best not to think of the product rising in price, or getting more expensive. Switch your thinking and instead, think of the currency losing some of its purchasing power in relation to the product.

Perhaps it might help if I refer you to the Rubin’s Vase optical illusion with the vase and two faces. I’m sure you’ve all seen this. At one point you can see a vase. And then you can switch to seeing two faces. This illusion deals with perceptions. Bear in mind that the image itself has not changed. The only thing hat has changed is your perception. What I’m suggesting is something of a similar nature. It also concerns perceptions. Hopefully you will be able to switch your thinking and perceive Inflation in a different way. “The rising prices view” is not incorrect per se, it is, after all, commensurate with inflation, but I believe “the purchasing power view” is a better way of seeing, or perceiving the situation.

And especially if we consider that the product itself hasn’t changed – milk is still milk – it hasn’t changed. What has changed is the purchasing power, or, to put it another way, the value of the currency. The loss in purchasing power means that takes more currency to buy that same product.

I've done a video about this entitled, “Inflation – rising prices” to get more of an understanding on this matter. I'm over on Bitchute

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Mar 2, 2023·edited Mar 2, 2023

Good show Still amazes me the people complain about such little things like lighting , time , date , ect Love the lives dont stop !

Is the market just shrugging off the almost overnight 10 point yr swing or is the PPT in there buying the markets so the masses think its all ok? My guess is the latter

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and idiot americans will cheer for their beloved military to go after them , meanwhile it was the USA that is the culprit as usual

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Agree mostly but let’s not lump all Americans in with bankster gangsters. They are the ones pushing for war.

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Those who don’t have to fight will be cheering all the little boys who have lost their dad in war will be prime meat for Linsey Graham

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Mar 3, 2023·edited Mar 3, 2023

Bill proposed by who? By Clif High? Even Clif High who is spreading the word not mentions the source. Just a joke, far away from reality.


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Zelensky ain’t bull shiting

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🤣😂Ohio was practice

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China is licking its chop sticks 🤣😂

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Bank of America, Wells Fargo, and JP Morgan Chase are all in bankruptcy, but you won’t hear about it on the MSM #FakeNews.

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