Apr 11, 2023Liked by Gregory Mannarino

Hobble- a nice word for effed-up!

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I have yet to read a Substaker showing us how unfeasible it will be for the BIS to impose on the 6-7 billion people remaining (after the clot shot) to adopt a CBDC-compliant monetary system.

Remember how easily the Soviet people smuggled Boris Pasternak's literature to the West? And how these same people created a parallel economy, a black market.

And people would soon, and I hope to be right, revolt not to inhale fresh air for so long.

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Yeah, there is a whole industry in feeding the fear ... and we’re right in the in the powerhouse. No one is gonna ever tell you what to to, if you haven’t been told so by now, f*#k ‘em all. Do your thing and watch the ants live in fear, and the centipedes talk about the ants living in fear... both in their little glass cases. Trust in our God Jesus Christ and thank Him you’re not part of the circus acts.

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Greg, our favourite sekis is back...Everything is just fine!!!! Don't look look here two houses down.


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If Yellen says there is a possibility of a contraction of credit then she in-fact does see evidence yet saying she doesn’t

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Greg our favorite skekis is back... Everything is JUST FINE!!!!!! Don't look here, look two houses down....


Look what DOughboy THING is saying now...

"I’ve not really seen evidence at this stage suggesting a contraction in credit, although that is a possibility," Yellen said. "I believe our banking system remains strong and resilient. It has solid capital and liquidity, and the U.S. economy is obviously performing exceptionally well with continued solid job creation, inflation gradually moving down, robust consumer spending. So I’m not anticipating a downturn in the economy, although, of course, that remains a risk."

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LOL, My Janet Yellen, even the aliens won't abduct her comment.... I just picked up an alien silver round... LOL. =)

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When I heard your live and you said HOBBLE ... reminded me instantly of the Lord of the Rings movie..the HOBBIT..... thats what I pictured.. .. a lil furry creature hopping along.....


a member of a race of imaginary creatures related to and resembling humans, living in underground holes and characterized by their good nature, diminutive size, and hairy feet.

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Don't be fooled by Biden looking like he's out-of-it. He knows what he's doing; following Soros' agenda to destroy America by using his $$$$!.

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“Hobble” refers to tying a horse’s front legs together so they can’t run away.

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