Bro your eye! Supposed to rest!

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Aug 29·edited Aug 29

Israel BOASTING they would have the war against Gaza over in 2 or 3 months. Looks like those rock-throwing Palestinians are kicking Israel's rear end. Hahahahahahaaaa! 🤣 🤣 🤣

Unbelievable Footage: Al-Qassam Brigades Sniping Israeli Troops in Rescue Mission


Don't believe the LIE of pilot error, That F-16 got shot down. No amount of technology can save you! YOU ARE DONE FOR!!! 👎 Hahahahahahaaaa! 😃

Russia's Missile Blitz 'Confuses' Ukrainian Pilot; U.S-made F-16 Jet Crashes Due To 'Error'


Whatever happened to "Nationalism" from the Ukrainian Nazis? Why won't they go FIGHT AND DIE for the Motherland? Hahahahahahahahaaaa! 😁 🤣

"80,000 Ukrainians Troops Flee War": Big Alarm In Kyiv As More Troops Refuse To Fight Russia


trump-votin' Ukrainian Nazis always talking about picking up some guns to protect their country......UNTIL THEY START DYING LIKE FLIES and their cemeteries start filling up. 👍 💯


You were warned.

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What an ignorant imbecile you are - curse Israel God will curse you.

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Okay, I definitely don't trust anything from 3rd Temple Trump- he's an epic conman. And he's their best puppet.

Also, yes, of course he knows. Maybe a year ago or so, I watched a video w/Bill Holter and Andy Schectman (both gold/silver sound money people), and they said they just met with Trump and explained the whole financial/money/debt situation to him--so 3rd Temple Trump knows. fwiw they said he was worried about losing reserve currency status.

I posted this on a previous thread:

3rd Temple Trump is the Jewish messiah. According to American Jew (ex-Zio, whose son is dying from the kill shot), a group of Orthodox rabbis (who he says run the country) gave Trump the silver Torah, which goes on the head of the Jewish Messiah: (quick video here: https://rumble.com/v57tv4d-jewish-rabbis-crown-their-messiah-guess-who-it-is.html),

He's their favorite puppet, and now after the WWE style theater of 7/13 rabbis say he's been chosen by God to become President and serve Israel! He's going to build the 3rd temple (you think that might kick off WW3?), new UN to Jerusalem:

https://x.com/Know_More_News/status/1816222530975465564 (rabbi video)

https://x.com/seethroughit2/status/1812563497340870685 (screen shot religious text on the ear)

By Trump having his right ear pierced, he has now volunteered to extend his "servitude forever" to his Israeli Masters

Thought this was an interesting headline a week post ear psyop about WEF Larry Fink and 3rd Temple Trump:

Trump’s odd (and interesting) relationship with the money manager who has his ear


And here's the temple coin 3rd Temple Trump:


Looks like the plan outlined here in old letter from Bernard Levy to Karl Marx appears to be playing out right now (open borders, dissolution of races, providing the leaders, owning all the property=Great Taking/WEF "you will own nothing"): https://x.com/SimonHu51202170/status/1828500795299635637/photo/1

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You're my Shepherds Chapel friend right Sandra? Great post yeah I like Trump because the politicians and the media hate and fear him but the Kenites have him in their pocket! I have an online bible study group with about a dozen chapel friends and we meet on Thursday nights if you're interested in joining us I'll give you more info hope you have a good evening

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I wouldn’t worry about that happening . The Jews own to much real estate for starters . They wouldn’t want their tenants dead . Thats just the tip of the iceberg . They along with everyone else are heavily invested in America

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I hope you get better soon Greg. Thank you for everything your doing for us. Thank you for all the news clips today. I'm send them to everyone 💙

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Aug 29·edited Aug 29

If you want great health then..........

Read and heed.


Go read and heed.

Universal Antidote Telegram Channel


Watch and heed.


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For the eye, stay hydrated, and eat plenty of green vegetables (broccoli, etc). I’m not a doctor, but had a similar issue last year, though not nearly as severe as what you’re dealing with.

For the brain, great comments today on Constitutional money. Everyone should hold some silver junk coinage, because from a preparation perspective, you simply can’t predict how bad conditions may become, and 90% silver will definitely support a barter scenario.

Stay calm. You are helping your subscribers tremendously.

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Thanks for pointing out the facts about both candidates. Numbers don’t lie. Twenty one trillion dollars of our debt is unaccounted for. And Peter Thiel/Vance are the key figures (working with Trump) to get us to the biodigital passports they need to control us in the end by controlling our money and movement and ability to purchase and pay for everything from food to taxes to keep your property. Our money under this system will be controlled and have an expiration date tied to social credit scores. Vance/T may both be controlled by peter Thiel who owns Palantir which Collects our data (the new gold) ... and it’s operating system is called Gotham (can’t make this up). Peter Thiels twin in the WEF is Eric Schmidt who is running the Harris camp. They have both sides of the coin. And musk is collecting everyone’s data on X and already launching 30,000 satellites to control all the AI. Wake up. they need the 5G/satellites to make their remote controls work.

As for the election, what’s going on is what parents do to their little children, give them two options they want to have to choose from. Operation warp speed is the former CEPI protocol written by Fauci, buffet, gates and the wellcome trust out of the Uk. Perfect way to get as many people jabbed as possible. T took credit and B released it. They both claim it so each of their followers would take it. So sad. Wake up everyone. Everyone standing together without division is the way out.

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Greg, I have to question your crypto logic after the Trump quote today, how can you still feel as confident about any crypto, knowing that the politicians/government have something up their sleeve to control it all?

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Paradigm Polling: Crypto, the Crypto Voter, and the Election


In this PGP* presentation, Justin Slaughter, Director of Policy at Paradigm, discusses the changing landscape of cryptocurrency ownership among American voters. He presents data from polls, revealing trends such as the increase in crypto ownership among Republicans, the demographic characteristics of crypto owners, and the political implications. Notably, 20% of American voters own crypto, with an uptick seen among Republicans ...



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Thank you, Greg, for the WAKE UP.

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I want to carry gold and silver coins in my pocket not paper or a cold wallet app on my phone

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Got to be careful of your coins jingling in your pocket walking down the street

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Bahahaha, how right you are Straw Man !! 😂

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I think that means he is going to allow individuals to do mining and allow free energy for mining!

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Greg.....did you just bash Putin??

There is ZERO reason to bash Putin and/or Russia!!

Of ALL of the FAKE 'phobes' ('homophobe', islamaphobe', ect) out there, there IS an ACTUAL, LEGIT 'phobe'.......Russiaphobic/Russiaphobia!! Ask these FuckTards WHY they hate Russia/Putin.....and they will either look at you, like the LOW IQ MORON that they are, and be unable to give an answer.....or they will just PARROT, like a LOW IQ MORON, what the LYING talking heads on the Idiot Box TELL THEM to PARROT! Either way, they CANNOT give a REAL REASON to HATE Russia/Putin!!

AMERICA and Russia are SUPPOSED to be 'CONNECTED'. Russia now IS, what America WAS!

An (ACTUAL) Christian Nation that puts FAMILY & COUNTRY FIRST! They are a UNITED (The People) Country!

And THIS is why the Globalists have DESTROYED America!

And THIS is why the Globalists are ATTEMPTING to DESTROY Russia!

And THIS is why the Globalists have KEPT THE TWO NATIONS APART, over all of these decades!

Just look a POTUS JFK......the Deep State/Globalists did EVERYTHING to keep America/Russia APART; JFK was ASSASSINATED over it!

Look at wtf 'they' did to keep Reagan and Gorbachev apart!

Then, we come to POTUS Trump & Putin. For those that have been PAYING ATTENTION.......THAT list of CeeEyeAyyy INTERFERENCE is SO LONG, I wouldn't know where to begin!!! Putin understands/speaks English. When Trump & Putin met, and told their interpreter's and EVERYONE ELSE to 'GET LOST', and they spoke in PRIVATE........the Deep State/Globalists HAD A MASSIVE MELT DOWN!

Russia is NOT THE ENEMY!


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Hi Greg,

So sorry to hear you had a retinal tear. I myself had a retinal tear last year after a patient shed Covid spike proteins after she took a booster mRNA vaccination. The spike proteins trigger microclots in the tiny vasculature in the eyes. The micro clots reduce blood flow and thus the ability of the retina to heal and repair itself. As we know Covid spike proteins also cause inflammation and oxidation to tissues which also damage the retina. Coupled with my age, 64 yo and holding a vibrating leaf blower for several hours, triggered my retinal tear. My treatment was to take nattokinase, bromelain, curcumin, boswellia and quercetin. After a few days my retinal tears significantly diminished and I’m totally healed.

PS I’m retiring soon and shall be relocating to Osprey, FL just south of Bradenton. Thanks for all your good work!


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Get well soon Greg. Bitcoin is the scam of the century. Isreal confiscated Palestinians crypto

With Binances help and hard wallets have also been hacked.

If its digital on a screen it can

magicly dissappear.

The bankers created in my view for the digital world of CBDCS

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As a newbie to this substack.....what is constitutional money? Gold backed?

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