Bankster Bolshevism. It's what's for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Which means starve or eat bugs.

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Greg, aside from JEPI and JEPQ, what other positions do you hold ? BTW I love your work!

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Agreed…private meetings = bs

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Eat shit debt slaves! Yeah, don't care a bit.

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Dave Chappelle "Im Rick James beeeyyyyoootttccchhhh!!!!!

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.... we're all milk cows now.

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Jun 6·edited Jun 6

We're more like Sheep penned up with a horney shepherd! Sheared & Drilled :-D

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Jun 6·edited Jun 6

.... stolen cows with their brands changed by corporate cattle wrestlers - re-packaged and re-classified humanoid bi-ped derivitives - sold by the IRS at the IMF slave auction..

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More fakery. What can you say....................

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What kind of monies is it taking to drive the 10 year down at such a pace ? Insane trash

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Several financial researchers are now saying the legal structure has been set up to "confiscate" not just money in our bank accounts (bail-ins), but also our "equities" in the stock market. While I agree with your recommendation to invest in commodities, my concern is the real threat of this legal structure to confiscate profits we make in the stock market. I would greatly appreciate your comments about this issue (threat)!

Ref. The Great Taking by David Rogers Webb

Thank you.

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Hold the Presses! Texas is opening its own Stock Exchange based out of Dallas.

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Hold the Presses! Texas is opening its own Stock Exchange based out of Dallas.

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Hold the Presses! Texas is opening its own Stock Exchange based out of Dallas.

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Oh, Greg. You are so on target 🎯 it’s spooky 👻. Take a breathe for your health. Thanks, Norton

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Jun 5·edited Jun 5

Life can be simple... likewise the markets can be simple... and Greg, you make it simple... maybe too simple for al those complicated thinkers...!

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Damn click bait titles

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Jun 5·edited Jun 5Author

Here is a suggestion! Are you ready? DON'T WATCH... how does that sound?

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Watching with hoho's and RC cola

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