The entire point has always been to destroy the currency through hyperinflation.. its quick, dirty and no country has ever come back from it. Complete generational wealth destruction.. the biggest wealth transfer is from Boomers to the Fed- they just don't realize it yet. People will cheer on the new all time highs and melt up portfolios until they realize a cup of coffee is $600 then $6000.. then no bid as price changes hourly.

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Did you know that the earths magnetic field has weakened by 40% last released recorded data 2015. The magnetic poles are moving. The world central banks are spending money like there’s no tomorrow. That’s because there won’t be. This is an extinction level event. Crypto, precious metals are pointless. It’s about survival

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Powell literally admitted today that they’re not data dependent. They’re doing the exact same amount of rate cuts that they planned, despite the high CPI numbers

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Fortune favor$ the Bold!

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Jerome Powell - The beautiful lie.

Gregory Mannarino - The ugly truth

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now what

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Could it be the objective is to deflate the currency so bad and introduce the CBDC as the savior? Thus phasing out federal reserve notes and phase in CBDC. Nobody will want to use the worthless federal reserve notes and willingly accept CBDC even though there will conditions once your in it.

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.... get yourself a helmet-cam-vid - POV from behind the wheel.... the hyperinflation cover-up can wait for the cleanup... until then burn rubber/petrol - pushing $90/barrel btw. Zoom zoom breakaway civilization here we come.

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