Dec 20, 2023Liked by Gregory Mannarino

The Federal Reserve is lying to everyone. The promise of any kind of landing does not exist until bond yields cross over the FED Funds Rate. Bond yields are continueing to drop, widening the gap from the FED Funds because the FED is (A) bailing out the banks who have lost billions of dollars in the bond market showing signs of extreme illiquidity, and (B) trying to convince the market that bond yields are pricing in rate cuts, so the market can be propped up from the promise of more "Easy Money", with help from the RREPO market. If yields do not cross over before rate cuts are announced, then the Federal Reserve will be forced to pivot into another hawkish stance, before rates even get close to their objective. The smart money bailed because they know that days like today will continue and the volatility will get worse, when the FED is trying to play a balancing act, and the house of cards are falling apart.

The Ten Year Yield is only 35.5 basis points from where the FED wants the FED Funds Rate to sit in 2024. It seems like it will move to that target before EOY...and this means there is an extremely high probability that the FED will lose all control of bond yield suppression, once it gets to that level. The only way they can take back control, is if they start cutting rates by next meeting, but FED presidents have already said that it won't happen until the middle of next year. They will lose control, because yields will have already priced in the three rate cuts that Powell hinted in his last meeting, but the pricing-in will be 4.5 months in advance. There is too much waiting time for bond yields to start becoming even more inverted than they already are right now, and the Federal Reserve doesn't have enough firepower to revert yields back into any kind of order for a landing. If they cut rates, they will have to raise them again, just so they revert back to they way they need to be.

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I thought about this - as well as the need to revert to hawkish, & I agree, with the add that the Fed has a "tool" they are now using - the psyop angle. Whereever they want sentiment & market to move, they adjust their language, & it's very powerful. Flip side of that is... the market is beginning to catch on to that as well. I see this in the spread if dissent of opinions on what is happening from those that know what's going on.

I think they are just pushing the envelope for time to implement replacement system, but my question is whether that will delay to the selection cycle games?

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I tend to agree with you. The FED is lying.

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Dec 20, 2023Liked by Gregory Mannarino

Greg... I hope you have time to re-charge ur batteries... ur passion is an inspiration for an old guy like me..

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Dec 20, 2023Liked by Gregory Mannarino

Mannarino they call you the Robin Hood... I think ur the Christopher Walken of Wall Street

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Ur a real Mensch M8

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We are all set for what’s coming. It will be difficult for all of us but the people who have not prepared are going to be devastated. God , gold and groceries are king.

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Bullets are king. Without them, you lose. Someone else gets yer stuff.

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Community my friends. We must stay larger than those that wish to control.

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Well, thats all nice until reality sets in. Community is one thing that must be dealt with when the SHTF. Numbers matter. But, people generally suck everyday. When they are starving, they tend to just suck harder and take instead. The government under NDAA will also be taking.

Then, "larger" just means bigger projectiles ect. Welcome to the jungle......

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Have a Blessed CHRISTMAS everyone GOD Bless Nik

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This could be it:

— 🇮🇱/🇱🇧 BREAKING: Israel tells mediators time is running out for diplomatic solution with Hezbollah; Washington fears war in Lebanon will require U.S. to get involved - Kann

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Nothing is surprising anymore when living in a corrupt system.

Anyway, Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to all!

Thanks, Greg for everything that you do.

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Merry Christmas Greg love and blessings in Yeshua to you all!

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Russia takes over the presidency of BRICs on January 1st.

December Christmas is not important for Russia, the Muslim World or for China. How about this for a surprise - BRICs announce over Christmas that they will only now trade their commodities in their own currencies.

Looks at what the UAE oil minister said in recent weeks about not willing to be destroyed by Western green policies. Look at what the UAE leader said earlier this year about China being the most important client of the oil states. The BRICs are going to do it and the US-led West will be fecked.

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Merry Christrmas, Greg! Go to the beach, break 9 seconds in the COPO. Whatever, relax and unwind. Peace!

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Hi Greg, Big guitar fan here. Actually, I own a pickup business (Fervor Pickups Google Reviews), but I’m interested in your flying V. However, I’m not familiar with the brand. Can you tell me how you spell it so I can google it? Thanks again for your work.

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Wow the Bond market is wild this morning

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Thank you and love you Greg also hope the community is going strong

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greg can you share some of the stocks your buying

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Merry Christmas & Much Love to you all!

Greg, For all you do, Thank you for taking a bit of time -Well deserved, & likely well Needed.

We all Love you!

See you in the New Year, which already promises to be as Interesting as 2023!


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Merry Christmas Gregory . Thank you!

Please look into the Jesus coin.

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