The collapse probably will be when we least expect it and go nothing like we think its going to go

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Hold the line do not let the doubts and fearporn get to you keep the faith friends

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How do we know any money is going anywhere? They can fake anything nowadays, so perhaps they need to show us the receipts?

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As America crumbles and the middle class becomes extinct just remember where some your tax dollars went.

PRIORITY # ONE: DEPOPULATE INDIA – Biden Admin Eyes Sending U.S. Tax Dollars To Train Army Of Transgender Activists In India


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Col. Douglas Macgregor torches Trump over support for bill funding wars in Ukraine and Israel

Retired Colonel Douglas Macgregor said Donald Trump has aligned himself ‘with the money pigs in Washington’ by supporting the bill to send billions of dollars to war efforts overseas.


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Vix crush has control, for now.

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part 1 The dollar is dead and we are toast https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ul23YUKDmw&t=80s

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I've said for a long time that are representatives, I use this word loosely, don't listen to us.

They are driven by the lobbyists in Washington D.C.

People, your vote doesn't count.

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Ron Paul slam dunks on Mike Johnson and the Uniparty, an incredible and epic 2.5 minutes that clearly states what just happened in Congress….

The Vigilant Fox


Ron Paul Trashes Speaker Mike Johnson in Stunning New Monologue


[“Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is reported to have bragged to his colleagues about how easily Speaker Johnson gave Democrats everything they wanted and asked for nothing in return.”

“In the worst example of bipartisanship, Johnson reached across the aisle, stiffed the Republican majority that elected him speaker, and pushed through a massive gift to the warfare corporate welfare state. After the House voted to send another $60 billion to notoriously corrupt Ukraine, members waved Ukrainian flags on the House floor and chanted, ‘Ukraine! Ukraine!’ While I find it distasteful and disgusting, in some ways, it seemed fitting.”]

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Greg, you are right, The Federal Reserve are not afraid of anything they do... the Dooms Day Book guarentees they can do what ever they wish to do... they have no fear of Governments or You or Me...!

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Zero dollars is going to Ukraine/Israel, all of these fake dollars are going in the politicians pockets = Fact.

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