I watched 15 minutes of the trump/Harris debate, five minutes at the beginning, middle and end.

I was quite impressed with them both. I was impressed with trump because he actually spoke a number of articulate sentences, which is normally impossible for him.

I was impressed with Kamala because she went for two hours STRAIGHT without sounding like a laughing hyena. Well, I could be wrong because as I said, I only watched 15 minutes of that debacle. The "selection" was already decided years ago so I'm shocked they would put so much "self control" into the debate.

WHY praytell, would I even watch 15 minutes of the debate when I already know it's useless dribble and fakery?


Eeeeeeheheheheeeee! 😃😁👏👍🥳💯😀

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Sep 12·edited Sep 12


Please read this brief X post from Whitney Web on bitcoin, gold & silver. What do you think about what she says?


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I like this girl she actually knows whats going on everyone should follow her and it woudl be great to get her together with Greg and Lava.

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She's too advanced for Greg.

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I really appreciate ladies like this I enjoy everything she says.

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I think she nailed it. There are backdoors to everything. And the controllers have the backdoor key even to Bitcoin.

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Thanks for posting, she has written a few highly regarded books on deepstate blackmail.

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Totally agree w/your take on Musk and x.

Musk is definitely NOT a free speech warrior- and anyone who promotes him as such is immediately suspect (seems like a lot of controlled opposition media on the right are promoting that BS). Musk is just a front man for the cabal - his entire history is a fraud (just go to bitchute look up "Greg Reese Elon Musk" and you'll pull up a quick 5 min video on his fraudulent background (same for all of these front men). The policy on x is "free speech but not freedom of reach," so in other words you can say anything you want, but nobody will ever see it (you will be talking to yourself).

And calling one of these politicians a "Zio puppet" is considered hate speech, but you can call for genocide if you are in the protected group. You can also say "F*ck Whites," blacks, Muslims, Latinos, but you can't say it about the protected group.

As for body language, people should check out the video of Trump w/Lex Friedman when Lex asks about are you going to release the Epstein client list. Does it make you think Trump has a secret to hide??

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If you follow Trump history he has no secrets to hide

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Would like to share a very funny video about recent politics and dogs ;)


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Hi Greg, I think you mentioned Trump has created more debt than Obama and Biden combined, but I don't think that is accurate. See this table from usatoday:


Also based on this graph, I found similar numbers:


obama: jan 2017 19.9 - jan 2009 10.5 = 9.4

trump: jan 2020 27.8 - jan 2017 19.9 = 7.9

biden: aug 2024 35.3 - jan 2020 27.8 = 7.5

Maybe more importantly look at debt/gdp ratio: You can see that Obama spiked it, and then leveled it out. Under Trump, it stayed at the same level until covid, then under Biden it also stayed level, but at the new high post-covid point.


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So Greg, I’m hearing the same words and phrases come another guy that always made sense to me. I think something can be gained from David Morgan’s take which is a lot like ours. Just trying to help our community. This is gold. https://youtu.be/CjiKVA-oNYA?si=UdoqMB0uuVG0JNTE

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yep beware musk you dont get to be the richest man in the world without the blessing of the powers that be

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Government contracts help space x on x 15 kids white South African 🤣 honey please

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I am still long with gregory

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Producer prices coming down are akin to someone who normally weighs 200 pounds and manages to gain 90 pounds (now 290). From this lofty high goes and loses 20 pounds - now at 270 announces that he’s losing weight! Unfortunately he’s still 70 pounds heavier than normal. It’s all semantics and so many dopes fall for this. Pax

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Why does it take 30 minutes for your videos to download now Greg? This started about a couple of months ago. It's not my connection because every other video on planet earth that I download downloads normally.

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Currency devaluation on The Ultimate Scale. My bet is gold will dip on the 18th. If it doesn't ohh well.

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