The final death throes.. it is them or us. It is your children, or them. It is humanity or them.

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I'm not sure which of these are the worst: Banksters, Politicians or Corporate CEOs. They are all sinister.

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.... they all wear the same robes and aprons at the fraternal-fudge-pack and circle jerk.

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I'm tech dummies and can't understand the substance junk to you. Like I tell my doctors, I'm 77 and had enough shots for my lifetime

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How would the middle class be able to afford homes without mortgages which is a huge debt instrument ?

Debt is evil and enslaving but sometimes necessary….I wish I lived in a world which was fair and just but I don’t and probably never will. The world is a very complicated place.

Remembering D-Day, something most people in the financial world take for granted.

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They change the rules, at the behest of greed though. Like space invaders, and controlling when they want to. People when desperate are paying enormous rates in interest. Even my partner in Asia the lenders contract taken out for the family property is driving me to despair. Too much of this going on. Squeezing people.

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Greg any thoughts on the end of the petro dollar agreement with Saudi Arabia on June 9th? Dollars will no longer be accepted for Saudi oil sales.

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US Marxist Bolshevik Banksterism straight outta

1917 Russia and 1949 China.

Now the US Marxist Biden regime has sided with the globalist Marxists of the WEF and WHO .

They have clearly told everyone what their plans are for the world.

They have not failed to move forward with their agenda.

We are not going to war for bank money. It's power. When this criminal regime gets its "War Powers" enacted, they can and will do anything they want to anyone anytime. They been doing it to Trump and all his associates since 2014. China, Canada, Britain do it now.

Why anyone thinks they will keep their wealth is hard to fathom.

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Sitting on Wall Street to turn the volume down on Silver then back in like flint

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Cashed out all my S n’ G ..stocks today made Bank .. im like WTF buy some GameStop boom

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