Love you, Greg, and your sense of humor. Thank GOD for that. With all the multiple catastrophic, ongoing events in the last 2 years, there is no pattern. NOTHING, nothing, is as it has been in decades - natural events and man made. Impossible to predict what will transpire on any front. We are in uncharted waters, and anyone with 2 brain cells can see one chaos after another is meant to keep the masses off balance. Hang in. More to come. 2023 will be the year of corrupt reveals and more hardship for the average human. The ruling reptoids/lizards will get theirs eventually. Appreciate you being here. Just one credit card left to pay off next month, around $500. Happy, the rest are all at zero. Cash, silver and low and soon no debit. Still free & fearless behind enemy lines in Southern CA, USA. Much love, Greg. Enjoy your time off. P.S. My comments are usually deleted from your YT or I would comment there. I'm sure you can guess why.

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Greg, where are you? Haven't seen you in two days!

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Greg is a genius :) I have a feeling he's watching the action with 'I told you so' feeling. After hovering just about 251 the MMRI came down nicely after the dollar was pushed down and the bonds bought up.

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Greg! MMRI is at 249.5 today @ 7:17 am. Almost 250! Are you getting ready? is that why you are gone?

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The "Cyber War" is heating up.

Eeeeeheheheheheeee 😁😂🤣🥳😁

Travel/Energy shutdowns coming to a town near YOU! 😂😃🤣🥳😁👍💯😁🥳🤣😃😂


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If you still dont believe there is market manipulation after today then you need serious help.

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People suffer from normalcy bias and stupidity.

A dangerous combination...for them.

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