Abolish the FED. Go back on the Gold Standard.

The FED is the greatest PONZI scheme ever perpetrated on the American People! It is a sin.

Thomas Jefferson in a letter to John Taylor condemns the system of banking as “a blot” on the constitution, as corrupt, and that long-term government debt was “swindling” future generations (1816)

Grover Cleveland (The 22nd and 24th Presidential terms: March 4, 1885 – March 4, 1889, March 4, 1893 – March 4, 1897) President was arguably the greatest Advocate of a Gold Standard and fought hard against central banking.

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Not enough gold above ground to be on gold standard and cover the required amount of currency. No country will be on the gold standard. That is why US pulled out from gold standard early 1970s.

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What? - what are pennies (copper)- nickles - dimes (silver) and quarters (silver) - each one trades/exchanges perfectly well with gold. Double duh.. duh! duh!

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The existing finite gold is simply re-valued accordingly.

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I'm absolutely supportive of this no matter how long it takes. I couldn't care any less about nay sayers as I'd rather support fake money slayers. Let's do this!

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Hi Greg,

We need a non corrupt Judge to her our case! Then we win! I am excited to be a part of this team. We will WIN! Period!!!

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Sep 24·edited Sep 24

Judge Andrew Napolitano?

The Judge and Gerald Celente do an annual Peace Protest. Not too dissimilar.

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Sep 24·edited Sep 24

... simmer down G - the DC service corporation government and administrative state (including the Injustice System) are joined at the hip with the Fed. I've been on the "End The Fed" kick for decades - petitioning the government for a redress of grievances always ends in "Lack of Standing" means something to them but not to you because you're not recognized. You can't work within a broken system and still expect to fix the system. Consitutional Money is a good catch phrase - Sound Money - might make more sense since most people can't even tell the you what the three branches of government are... but they may know who the satanic pedophiles are in officialdom. A new pegged dollar 'could' be issued only to be used as fungible gold-backed U.S. currency (anyone friends with Congressman Massie?) - and all old (current) dollars could be used in DC - and kept in use by central banks internationally. Scarcity of the new pegged dollars would be traded for a sum/amount of older un-pegged dollars until nobody wanted them. At least this would slow the robbery/inflation. There are ten ways to skin a cat (unless you're Haitian perhaps.) "It's a narrow mind which cannot look at a subject from various points of view."[George Eliot] So, before you go throwing good money after bad to some Esquire Clown of the Crown - it might make more sense to step back and stay in the ever-present Now. Priests and Control Systems are not linked temporally to the Now... their goal is to get you to believe their illusion of the past and future. As Clif High says, "Time at the skill of life can't be engineered." Your attorney friends will just keep you busy and stupid Greg.

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I am ALL FOR this!

Greg, I know that you are no where near stupid, but I DO hope that you have/will vet 'Patrick the Lawyer'. 'They' (Globalists) have been throwing their MINION Operators at us, at every point in/of Our Resistance.

I would also just like to say, that MOST 'lawyers' are A FRIEND OF THE COURT, and really do NOT Represent 'the common man'. BEWARE of B.A.R. Attorney's!..........

“B.A.R. ATTORNEYS” Have NO Legislative Authority In Courtrooms


If one has a LEANED and LEGITIMATE lawyer, they will use COMMON LAW, rather than the Globalists' MARITIME ADMIRALTY LAW. If one 'plays the game' under 'THEIR' RULES ('law') on 'THEIR TURF........

YOU......WILL.......LOSE! (and this applies to ANYTHING that has to do with law). And one is just making the 'lawyers' rich and the 'court system' rich!


NEVER use the words, 'LEGAL' and 'ILLEGAL'.


There are MANY more words, that one needs to USE CORRECTLY, when they want to 'play the law game'.

MORE 'Fun With Words'......

NEVER use the word, 'VEHICLE'; ALWAYS use CAR/TRUCK.


Whenever you get 'Read Your Rights', and 'they' ask, "DO YOU UNDERSTAND YOUR RIGHTS.....?".

ALWAYS say 'NO, I do NOT.'.


It's the ONLY way to Defend Ones Rights.

After 1938 All Courts Replaced Common Law With UCC Commerce Law Statutes. Be Free From Tyranny


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I also brought up Common Law after I saw your post! May Greg see this and look deeper.

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It's the only way to win ANY case.

MOST Public Servants are required, by law, to be Bonded. For the life of me, I do not know WHY it is that 'lawyers' aren't helping 'John and Jane Q Public' GO AFTER THESE BONDS; to make Claims against these Bonds, rather than taking them to court.

Once a Public Servants Bond is DEPLETED (ie one WINS the Claim), that Public Servant is effectively FIRED, and can NEVER work in govt, ever again; they'd be deemed UN-BONDIBLE.

And I'm pretty sure that corporations' CEO's, and other 'Suits', also have these Bonds.

I'll let Clif High explain further.......

one point woo: nucleation and bonds - Explorers Guide to SciFi World


(short 15 min vid)

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That link leads to a sign in page. The video title would be better because it would be a work around to that block.

I watched part of one of Clif High's videos, "Clif_High: ONE POINT WOO - NUCLEATION AND BONDS - EXPLORERS GUIDE TO SCIFI WORLD." He speaks as though it is possible to sue the bastards. Perhaps in Washington where he is but not elsewhere. The bastards have immunity that they hide behind, so they arrogantly boast that they cannot be sued. People who can't be held accountable, can't face any consequences have stopped being people and have transformed into devils. The courts are dens of iniquty ruled over by psychopaths known as judges. Judges do whatever they want regardless of what's in the law. They have lots of dirty tricks that they use against anyone who's trying to fight the evil system. A few examples are denial of due process, making threats, altering the official record, throwing away filed documents so that there's not even any record of them, working in collusion with their cronies, rigging the jury, etc. There may be some good lawyers, but there is no such being as a good judge.

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Yes; Clif lives in Washington State and gave the statute for THAT state.

But EVERY STATE has this. Including Federal.

As I'd stated, these Public Servants are REQUIRED, BY LAW, to BE BONDED. Matters not the state. Whatever state one is in, one would have to look it up in their states statutes.

Yes, they (courts) have 'dirty tricks'.......IF one is PLAYING ON THEIR TERMS, which is MARITIME LAW. Which is why everyone NEEDS to LEARN COMMON LAW.

Here is just one REAL LAW place, to learn.......


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All it takes is one crooked judge to keep it from working, so it doesn't apply to my state even if it's in a statute.

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Brandon Joe Williams- HE is WISE on this subject!

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Never heard of this guy; but the little bit I did watch, of the vids.......yes; he's speaks of REAL Law. There are better 'teachers' out there; cannot think of names, at this moment (my brain is shutting down; I'm tired).

As soon as we are born, a Legal Fiction is created, for us, via our Birth Certs. These are also TRADED ON THE STOCK MARKET; we are no different than CATTLE!! When our names appear in all caps.....it is our LEGAL FICTION. A HUMAN should be spelling their name in ALL lower case letters.

There is just SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH more to learn.

But Our (Humans) 'legal system' is COMMON LAW.

'Their' ANTI-Human 'legal system' is MARITIME ADMIRALTY LAW......and IS DESIGNED, BY THEM, to work AGAINST US.

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Sep 24·edited Sep 24

People don't know the difference between Private and Public, because the've been lied to with "word art" for generations. Greg might do better to slay the den of vipers by going after each Fed Chief/Chair (or Yellowstain) (or Vintress Gibson at the Mint) individually Pro Se. When you start putting their Surety Bond numbers on your affidavits it starts to pucker their sphincters (gets their attention so to speak.) Oregon has some folks who have setup a De Jure Court System (Common Law) with Judges and Sheriffs and Bail Bondsmen - they are having some success scaring the shit out of the thugs in charge here. Going through Admiralty Law/Courts won't do diddly squat.

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Title 18 USC Sec. 242, Title 42 USC Sec. 1983 - Pro Se the individual and go after their Surety Bond... Greg wouldn't have to spend $1/4 Million FRNs... the sad part is he is smart enough to figure this shit out. Seems to be captured already by the wolves in sheep's clothing at the BAR... British Accredited Registry - the Cabal's Court Jesters.

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Ann Vandersteel has a Substack where this discussion is ongoing... she rescinded her legal fiction status - and is enlightening folks on Common Law - https://substack.com/@annvandersteel3

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God bless you, Greg, for having the courage to initiate this battle on behalf of the Constitution, the Republic, and the people of the United States. I have no idea of how far this will get us all. But, if someone did not have the guts to start leading the sheep out of the wilderness, humanity would have no hope at all. Thank you for starting this battle for human financial and personal liberation, Greg.

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The last president who tried this was publicly executed on live tv. I don’t understand how we can proceed without dying.

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I thought about the above as well as Libyas Omar Khadafi and the three prominent business men on the Titanic. Remember, I would rather die on my feet rather than live on my knees.

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Slaves must decide whether their own freedom is worth dying for.

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Regeneration starts now. Get rid of dead wood. They are all bent anyway

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I think I would be much better off dead than being a slave in this hideously evil world. I’ll get my affairs in order.

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Well Greg, you are starting a political movement which is very risky. Be very careful. We all know its all going to collapse at some point, we just don't know exactly when. I would love to short this market at the right time. I figure if Trump wins they will collapse it next year and of course blame Trump.

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If Harris wins it will all collapse during confiscation.

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Hi Greg, I’ve been a subscriber of yours for many years, and I want to send you a shirt that I think you’ll like. The message is everything we’re fighting for. If I could get your tshirt size, and address, I would like to send you one as a gift for everything you do. Thank you!

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Howdy absolutely. Let's go all the way. If we all kick in $100 we will win. Thx Angelo

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Here in Oz the RBA “ apparently “ re-lies on the Phillips Curve which translates to exactly as you are saying. That more people need to loose their job to help with the economy and RBA decisions moving forward with their policies. We need to continue to support one another,love and care for those around us. Thank you Greg for another informative and thought provoking chat ☺️🙏

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No Wizard of OZ Lions HERE! LOL

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Hi Greg,

I want to help. Unfortunately I am paycheck to paycheck now, but I know someway I can help. I try to spread your word but the sheeple are basicly dead.

Thank you for all you do.

An Eastcoast FL Friend

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This is an excellent video in understanding what Greg might be attempting to do... understanding the hidden meaning in the federal reserve $100.00 note...


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It would be great to partner with Freedomlawschool.org and use them as a resource, as well as pulling those that fight Federal tax on this case. Just imagine if we all stopped paying Federal Income tax and used those funds for this case. That would infuse this case with all funds needed. Additionally, Greg should be setting up another foundation that raises funds playing the market to continue to build funds to achieve the goal. This could minimize funds needed from everyone.

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