Greg .. the Cunts at the Fed, Treasury and Government will never compel me to do anything

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Who really owns the currency? It’s not really your money.

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It's nobodies money.. its butt wipe counterfeit paper. But if we did that, we'd be arrested..

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We, humanity, must use other forms of money and work at a new economy every freakin' day. I refuse to bow to the Jew world order complete with their 18 genders, Marxist and Kabbalistic doctrines of alchemy and witchcraft circumventing centuries long Christian European ethos.

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LOL ,,, Bill, tell us how you really feel, your comment seems a bit vague :)

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The Government is indeed sinister.

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76 years ago today the nation of Israel was declared by the 33rd president of the United States to his 33 degree fellow Masons in the UN countries around the Earth!

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Your talking bad about Harry Truman? He maybe the last President where the buck stopped with him!

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Yes, the same one. General MacArthur was a primadonna who would not listen to his commander and chief. He was warned once but didn't listen. Although in hindsight, he may have been right, at that time he was talking about nuclear war. Neither the country wanted that. There was the fear of the Soviets retaliatory strike (which probably would have happened) since Moscow was advising Bejing. Patton was killed because of his saying to rearm the Germans to go get the "Russians". Both saw the future yet, the civilians who are ultimately in charge told both to stand down.

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We saw what that got us into now! They'd have been busy if we had just gone in and got the job done, THE FIRST TIME. Good thing we have Biden to ward off anymore wars. Oh sorry he created one.

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but did it stop there or did it stop where the Federal Reserve said it stopped? Which at that moment was on Rothschild Avenue in Tel Aviv where the nation was declared on that morning and David Ben Gurion declared that they had conquered the nation of Israel with less than 5% of tribe of Judah blood line and Greg doesn't like Masonic stuff so I have might get a warning but I am just trying to win friends and influence people like Dale Carnegie peace and blessings

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I don’t think so!

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Jared Bernstein….

The greatest financial advisor… ever!


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There's a Kitco interview w/Andy Schectman, where he talks about deliberate plot to destroy the dollar/reserve currency status from within Biden (puppet) Admin, and he says it's Jared Bernstein. Bernstein has a BA in Music and an MSW. worth a listen IMO

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... End The coin-clipping- ball-squeezing Federal Reserve!!!!

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Read my sub stack article " suggestions Trump should do on his first 100 days.

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I feel like I was punked - are you fucking joking - implement te draft - conspription - and go after draft dodgers???? What Hard Labor - the Gulag if caught? Are we all Commies now? Real freedom comes from rebelling to tyranny whenever one encounters it. The kind of man who wants the government to adopt and enforce his ideas is always the kind of man whose ideas are idiotic.

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Central Bank of Japan? Powder keg?

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When you were groaning as the Fed was crushing your fruitcake, my dog started barking furiously. He listens too. Government is all about compelling, coercing, blackmailing and gaslighting. If they were honest about their vampire mine games, nobody would have anything to do with them. That's why so many nations have backed off and are doing a new thing. What do you do with trash? You throw it away. You don't put it in your pockets or collect it.

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Here come the Canadian (eh hem) fires again...

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Greg. I recall you read all comments. I have a problem with your YT live streams. Some mod of chat, unknown to me, perhaps Lava, has blocked me out of chat. If you can rectify this for Bkarmetsky, my YT alter ego, or "Gunther," please. I've subbed to your newsletter, channel for several years. I know you're telling the freakin' truth on it all. And I wish to have some chat time with your followers. Thank you in advance.

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They want us all in 15 min cities!

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That's what I always say. They're building them here and there, here's where you eat here's where you go to dry cleaning here's where you go to the doctor we see you enter and exit your apartment or condominium there are cameras everywhere.

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... the more they control us the more they make us willing executioners.

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Also no cars They are doing iti n Maui after the fire but they have it all blocked off

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