This will be the Mark of the Beast.

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Jun 21, 2023·edited Jun 21, 2023

America is DONE FOR! Aaaaahahahahahahahaaaaaa! 🥳😁😃🤣

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Market volatility used to be fun to play, but now it's just stupid. Do i buy now or wait for a pullback? What if there are no pullbacks ever again? When the FED gets into the mind of the trader, it's not investing anymore...it's gambling. I just want them to pull the entire rug right now, so i can get back to real market structure sooner than later.

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Price seems to want to bounce around until next FOMC meeting

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This reminded me of something I heard that the BIS are creating one cbdc for everyone.

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Regarding BTC price action, the answer seems to be within the title 🤔

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The greater the tragedy, the greater the recovery.

As above, so below. As within, so without. (from the Emerald Tablet, circa 3000 BC.

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The greater the tragedy, the greater the recovery.

As above, so below. As within, so without. (from the Emerald Tablet, circa 3000 BC.

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The past one hundred and ten years have been manufactured. Prior to 1913, human civilization existed on a horizontal plane. The way humanity exchanged goods/services for financial stability in order to survive was relatively the same for thousands of years. Notes of culture shifted but remained relative the same. Progression of human civilization and evolving remained horizontal...and fear was created the same. After 1913, it was "the war that was going to end all wars"...and this was their fear campaign. Then after the Central Banks could not keep liquidity flowing through the banks on the back of expanding war, the Great Depression hit. The next solution was to create more fear, "the war that would end the world"....World War II, as nuclear weapons were created. Next, the Cold War and the Cuban Missile Crisis followed by communism. Terrorism and 9/11. Now a virus that nobody can see, and the media dictating one million ways a human can die in the name of science. The root problem with the world is not that nobody cares about anything anymore...it's that the past one hundred and ten years humanity has reached a peak in gauging fear, by design, and become too tolerant to it. The greatest threat to humanity doesn't exist in anything imaginable other than the creators of the past one hundred and ten years ending it all in one second....and that is the ability to fund wars and issue debt on a global scale because that is how it all started. How much further can they drag us before fear starts curving back upwards again?! There is no fear right now, and this frightens me.

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The US dollar has been on borrowed time since 1971. It is a fraud.

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We’re going to be neighbors! You’re gonna like it. LWR is a nice area.

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They can try all they want. They cannot create anything that will have any long term impact. They are cockroaches that think they are the king of the jungle. Fk them, clowns.

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