Patriots day is 19 April. Boston marathon bombing happened on 19 April. Branch Davidians die in a fire near Waco Texas on 19 April. Be vigilant. Anything can happen. This Friday is 19 April, then the weekend.

The most stupid people I see are constantly staring at their phone. Unaware of their surroundings.

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Apr 17·edited Apr 17

Judges 10:13-14 is where we're at, 2Chronicles 7:14 is where we need to go...but will we?

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the people won't repent and the leaders certainly will NOT

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rapture first

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Good explanations today, thank you.

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Just Brilliant...

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Gold and silver are forecasting there is coming trouble in River City! In 1971 gold was trading at $35/oz. By 1980 gold rose to over $850/oz, a 24 plus times rise! A replay of that move($250 low X 24) would indicate a $6,000/oz gold price. However there may be an expansion of the original move which is not uncommon, a good factor to use is a 1.681 expansion which would bring gold's price to $9,800/oz.

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The IMF along with the World Bank were formed in the Bretton Woods agreement along with the dollar as the reserve currency towards the end of WWII. The fact the dollar has been the reserve currency is what has allowed the US to get so far in debt and yet avoid hyper-inflation. The main export of this country has been inflation but that is coming to an end as witnessed by all the trade agreements being struck around the world. The world is sick of the current system and the US has hastened the response by weaponizing the dollar.

As far as the IMF and their warning it couldn't have come from a more knowledgeable source. You see the IMF is known for bailing out countries that fall into financial distress. However, there is a hidden motive according to one time IMF employee, John Perkins, who wrote a book entitled 'Confessions of an Economic Hitman'.

https://www.amazon.com/s?k=confessions+of+an+economic+hitman+by+john+perkins&i=stripbo oks&crid=3M5P7MFMXUGRJ&sprefix=economic+hitman%2Cstripbooks%2C442&ref=nb_sb_ss _ts-doa-p_1_15

In this book Perkins describes how the IMF goes about making loans to distressed countries. He says the loan package is dependent upon the country accepting all terms and conditions. Most times the IMF has structured the terms and conditions so the country will fail and default and the the IMF can swoop in and seize large national infrastructure such as dams and hydro electric plants!

All in all it's as evil as the monetary system that was established in 1913 with the creation of the Federal Reserve.

Here is a statement from Ellie Wiesel, a German concentration camp survivor that speaks to our current situation in his last contention;

"There was then a technique, a science of murder complete with specialized laboratories, business meetings and progress charts. And those involved in it's practice were not of the gutter society of misfits nor could they be dismissed as a collection of rabble. For there were doctors, psychologists, lawyers and unthinkable but true, theologians among them. What we are aligned against is organized evil!

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.... 10-year yield drops you say? How slow is a rapid sell-off? Cash bleeds as everyone runs into safe-haven commodities... tobacco/cotton (swabs/feminine hygien) - bullets/body bags/coffins... then it's a real problem - a resource problem. Not a banker problem - bc they're buying gold/silver with dirty paper.

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deletedApr 17
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Friend of mine does marine upholstery and April is usually very busy for him but so far this month zero work and zero phone calls...

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