Depression 2.0 is coming I have said this for a couple of years well it's time. Good luck to everyone it will be very bad. VERY.

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To the RETARDS who get 'UPSET' about Greg calling Trump, PRESIDENT TRUMP.......


Although I am NO LONGER a supporter of Trump, the FACT REMAINS that he IS, INDEED, POTUS!


What pisses ME OFF.......is calling PedoJoe 'President'; and HUWH (Heels-Up-Whore Harris), VP.

PedoJoe is NOT POTUS and that WHORE is NOT VPOTUS!


Bunch of CHILDREN living in a CHILD'S CARTOON!

The United States of America currently HAS NO LEGIT POTUS!

As a matter of FACT, the WHOLE GOVERNMENT, in this country, is ILLEGITIMATE!

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Lincoln tried. JFK, Bobby Sr, and one guy now is now trying. Bobby Jr is in danger, but keeps speaking up. We know its a very deep deep cabal, and odds for Trump's aren't great. But not trying to at least support with a vote, we all know what's going to happen. I'd rather they kill me now trying, instead of waiting for them to come to me. And if we ALL fail, locking our doors wont help. Vote!

Here's another brave soul standing up, even though he knows what's in store for him. He too has my support.


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I intend on voting.......for DR. SHIVA.

But then, someone suggested writing in, 'I WITHDRAW MY CONSENT', when I do vote.

I haven't decided which I'm going to do, yet.

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A sound choice. I’ve followed Dr. Shiva’s videos with SGT Report and he’s been spot on to call out Zionism and Zionists. He’s the only one to ever do so publicly. No one dares speak out against these people that are responsible for ALL of the world’s problems.

Always makes me laugh reminding myself how Dr. Shiva says “Fucker Carlson” and “Booby Fucking Kennedy” LOL!

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Dr. Shiva is the ONLY one speaking TRUTH!

I call him Cucker Tarlson! lol

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This is the moment of maximum danger because the WEF Central Banker crowd is exposed, enraged and eager to risk a Nuclear Holocaust to prevent the meltdown of their hopelessly bankrupt financial system. They would rather take the whole world down with them than admit they are criminally insane.

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Is the government telling the truth about the national debt ? Government telling the truth? I guess there is a first time for everything sorry no cigar. If what the government was telling us were true that would be bad enough but the Real National debt in 2015 was 90 trillion according to Mark Skidmore a professor of public finance at Michigan State University. Total unfunded liabilities according to Lawrence kotlikoff a noble prize winning economist from Boston University was 200 trillion. What are the numbers now? Nobody knows because the federal budget went dark in response to these findings but they doubtless far worse now.

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Great Show... everything you had this morning and this evening rings true to my ears and heart... i thought this breakdown of the movie "THEY LIVE" 1988 movie if you haven't seen it, it is on youtube.

here is the breakdown... https://librti.com/view-video/they-live-based-on-a-true-story

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I am a depression after reading gregs crap--it must be true--my I am near suicide after reading his stuff...by all you losers

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Doug... become a Lion anf fight for your life and the lives of your family, so stop sucking your thumb and take action... is that not what Greg is saying.

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Greg, when do I pull the cork on this farce? I'm getting dizzy man

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We've been in a depression since 2020

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3 percent?? What from Mars. Go sell crazy somewhere else!!!!

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The alpha and omega - Lord Jesus told us what will happen - 1st horse=white (military conquerors) 2nd horse Red = blood shed after wars, 3rd black = famine 4th grey/green - epidemics/disease.

Make sure Jesus is the one you die and wait for.

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Greg- I can't believe it's taken me 2 years to read your bio, but I think our paths crossed at Bear. You were on the exchange floor?

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Oil is very cheap right now. Imagine how bad inflation will be when oil goes up to previous highs

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The lazy American way has thusfar been to “imma drive less.” We’re missing Gladiatorial and Valiant Patriotism, to fucking lazy to get off our asses because we’re still happy making money in stocks and cryptos. If/when those things implode, maybe finally we’ll have the revolution we need.

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