Ditch YouTube and get on Rumble where you can really let loose.

“He who is not angry when there is just cause for anger is immoral. Why? Because anger looks to the good of justice. And if you can live amid injustice without anger, you are immoral as well as unjust.”

-St. Thomas Aquinas-

“Being good is easy, what is difficult is being just -Victor Hugo-

"A state of society where men may not speak their minds cannot long endure." -Winston Churchill-

“Rather than justice for all, we are evolving into a system of justice for those who can afford it. We have banks that are not only too big to fail, but too big to be held accountable.”

― Joseph E. Stiglitz

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May 22·edited May 22

IMHO the US has always been/had a system of justice for those who can afford it...as those who could afford it systematically looted those who could not, it's come to our present extreme situation where very few ppl can afford justice.

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I have been saying this for over a year. No longer watch his You Tube videos because You Tube sucks.

I only use Rumble, yes, I know Rumble is not paying what You Tube does, except, where are your morals? You OK with feeding Google? Fuck Google and get on Rumble.

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When you try to please everybody, you wind up pleasing nobody. It’s all hands on deck for this country and individual souls right now.

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May 22·edited May 22

Jim & John, I do believe Greg could upload to both Youtube and Rumble. It doesn't make sense to stop YT entirely and move to Rumble, exclusively, even though it's a much better platform in terms of free and open discouse. Optionality is great. The more platforms the better, within reason.

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The system is corrupt!

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May 21Liked by Gregory Mannarino

Very sad times. Thanks Greg.

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I bought my house cash in hand in 2011 at the bottom of the market for less than HALF what it cost the bank to build it in 2005... before ANY government assumes control of the home I bought and paid for I will burn it to the ground, destroy it and pass in the ashes. They can take the land but the residence is MINE!

I WON'T be kicked out so some illegals can take over the blood sweat and tears I've put into it for MY family. PERIOD THE FREAKING END!!!

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this is absolutely correct............i am 75 and i have lived in the same area for my entire life and today i am noticing homelessness like i have never before in my life..........it is everywhere you go........

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May 22·edited May 22

I will see the homeless and buy them food and drink once a month, usually after I've taken profits and am on a natural high, loving life. However, it does disturb me. The atmosphere is suboptimal. The environment feels dirty, tense, and generally speaking, more unsafe.

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Homelessness is everywhere and growing worse by the day.

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How about paying for all those illegal immigrants being bussed in and housed on purpose just to keep the corrupt Schuster's going before the real Patriots go off.

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The Government Cartel paid billions to Walgreens and CVS not to fill Ivermectin – the question is why

Maggie Thorp JD and Jim Thorp MD

Mon May 20


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May 21·edited May 21

And yet every year since 2008, it is always called the "greatest economy ever" I read somewhere anytime the stock market puts in new ATHs another few percent of the working/middle class fall into hardship. Why? Because market highs only measure the speed at which the Fed is debasing (creating) fiat.Workers have to earn it through production; And eventually you run out of hours to work and things to downsize. Where i live, 45K now as a single entitles you to utility rate subsidies and food stamp and Medicaid. I do not live in a coastal state.

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Look for gregory mannarino on You Tube, he explains this perfectly. The FED has been juicing the Stock and Debt markets since 2006 on our dime.

Wall Street is detached from main street. There is no coloration.

It actually started in 2006 and is the reason for the crash in 2008. The FED is trying hard to eliminate the Middle Class, only leaving the Elite, and poor, the poor dependent on the Government will always be obedient. That is what they want. The Elite will play along, ask Epstein or P. Ditty how that has worked or is working for them.

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Oh my, how things have changed in such a relatively short amount of time. The blue states are terrible................

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... oh come on sonny boy - the market goes up and down - I've seen plenty of booms and busts in my time - we like things just as they are - status quo - capiche??? You're stil young... Sh sh sh...

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“The crisis of meaning only becomes a problem when society becomes resigned to it, accepts a condition of meaninglessness, and seeks to dispossess humanity from the insights and truths it learned through the ages.” — Frank Furedi

“If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.”

-Winston S. Churchill-

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... men did greater things when boobs were harder to see.

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If two-thiirds of us are buying food with plastic - who has extra dough to scoop-up commodities/silver at prices where we get can get "too much for our money" at current rates?... do high perfeormers tend to underestimate their skills as frequently as those with limited competence that over-estimate their abilities? The Dunning Kruger Effect is playing-out -- we are finally having a Robert Reich cognitive bias moment - "The Free Market increasingly reflects the demands of big money." Duh -double duh duh!

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May 22·edited May 22

I panicked in Nov 2020 when Biden was selected, all of 2021 I did nothing, I sat at home, budgeted and told my wife, we need to get ready for Obama 2.0.

I worked 100 hour weeks for the entirety of 2021, I had no life, I busted my ass like my life depended on it. I paid off my mortgage (70K) and then went to work on every other debt I had on top of budgeting $$ for Gold and Silver. Dinner out? Nope!! More Silver!!

In 2012 I looked back at the housing crash and wondered where the smart money was, I saw what G&S did between 2008 and 2012. I started buying G&S with every spare $ I had. It meant not doing anything not going on vacations, fixing old cars and keeping them running. Point is, I saw this coming in 2020, I started preparing. Since 2012 I have been buying G$S as well as socking away cash. At one point in 2017 when the economy was on fire, I wondered if I made a mistake, but I kept on buying G&S, just in case.

I feel sorry for anyone who did not see this coming. It has been coming since 2016, Trump was not supposed to win. The Dems were cheating in 2016 but not enough, they underestimated the MAGA movement. We were to have Killary and Obama 2.0, instead that was postponed until 2020 with Skelator Biden. Now we are back on track, remove the middle class make only 2 classes, Elite and Poor (poor people depend on the government and will be obedient) Middle Class are a problem.

Now the wheels are coming off and everything is a mess, as I expected. In 2025 everything will be a mess, it does not matter if Trump or Biden wins.

If Trump wins the FED will crash it all, to punish the MAGA's.

If Biden wins the FED will pump Billions/ Trillions into the Stock and Debt markets (Like they have since 2008) and create the same illusion we have now, of a prosperous America. Except there will be insane inflation as a result, same as we have now as the FED props up everything. The FED is the reason for inflation anyone that does not see that deserves all the pain that is coming.

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very astute observation; "It has been coming since 2016, Trump was not supposed to win. The Dems were cheating in 2016 but not enough"

Queen Hillary was supposed to win hands down but the status quo underestimated how much America detests her, they never saw the landslide coming...and could not withstand it!

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I saw the upside-down housing market in '07 - homes weren't worth the mortgages people were paying - silver was $7 - watched it go to $49 (2013) and back down to $12... been feeling like I've been raising my wife's boyfriend's child ever since.

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We need not a recession but a depression hate to say it - it’s our only hope yes it’s painful but we just had basically 40 years of easy investing and if it was not they bailed out the idiots

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The USA has been in a depression for decades now. The only reason you don't see the soup lines of the 1930's is because of Government handouts such as food stamps, welfare and EBT cards. The USA is one big Ponzi scheme lie!

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The FED has a trading desk on the Chicago stock exchange, that should tell you all you need to know. The FED is buying up all distressed stocks and debt at out expense since 2008. Wall Street is completely detached from Main street.

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You are a modern day voice crying from the wilderness to prepare and somebody needs to say it!

I'll share it on Facebook but I doubt it will do any good!

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This is not the case for our border hopping visitors ! They are fed, clothed and housed nicely on the US taxpayer’s dime.

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All on purpose, to drag you all down the bottom.

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The plan has been executed to perfection look at these major cities in the u s a third world is an upgrade compared to the reality. Keep up the good fight g.m

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Let zem eats de bugz

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The problem is 99 percent of the people don’t know Schwab or any of the maniacs enslaving them. Schwab supposedly resigned today from WEF.

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The 30 yr Bond has barely moved since last week!

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The 30 yr Bond has barely moved since last week!

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