Everything is being set up for a huge crash where the middle class becomes obsolete and all the resources such as food, energy, real estate/housing and anything worth anything gets eaten up by the billionaires who are left standing. And for pennies on the dollar.

Everything being orchestrated has been planned and the consolidation of everything into a few elite technocrat hands is nearing. A master/serf society will be the new normal where the elite will own all the stuff. The serfs and peons will rent everything they need.

As far as AI, I am beginning to believe it’s being hyped even more now and is being used to create fear in the /public. AI is woke and demonic in a lot of ways, a new tool to control the useful idiots who enjoy giving up privacy and freedom in order to be amused.

How many people today choose to think and exchange thoughts and ideas? It takes to much time to think, read or write.

“Americans no longer talk to each other, they entertain each other. They do not exchange ideas, they exchange images. They do not argue with propositions; they argue with good looks, celebrities and commercials.” 

― Neil Postman, Amusing Ourselves to Death: Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business

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Thanks, Greg for illuminating the false gods being promoted! Best, Norton

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"There is going to be a scarcity of resources..They want violent protests and they are going to get it around the world...by having a melt down of the financial system..They are hyper-inflating the debt to bring about this event that is going to shut down the world and put people at each other. Doesn't this sound Biblical to you?"

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Lies and deception originate with Satan.

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Your typical Weimarican loves to be lied to.

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"Who controls the food supply controls the people.

Who controls the energy can control whole continents.

Who controls money can control the world.

( Henry Kissinger)

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And he who controls the weather CONTROLS THE WORLD!! Lyndon B Johnson

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And nobody can control the weather = Fact...

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.... walk and chew gum - they've been spraying us like cockroaches since Woodstock.


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You have been dumbed down and brain washed since birth there John Taylor.

Think for your self if you can....

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You are the epitomy of their divide when you continue to argue chemtrails and blocking the sun isn't reality. One madman's quote and another madman's quote what's the difference! First things first! Frontal lobes identify your enemies!

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Death to the door that opens to the stock markets. Investors and Traders are clueless these days.

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GOOD FOR YOU GREG...GOD WINS.. so if everything is going to ZERO why are you still in there system with stocks???? Are you still going to invest with a 44.9% capital gains tax next year????? ....NOT ME

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Greg - you’ve been warning about the risk of a major sell off in the Bond market - could this sell off by a major Japanese bank trigger an avalanche or is it too small?


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That would be Greg as well as Doug Casey and Matthew Smith! Mofers, literally, are like flies.

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Boo-boo boo-boo your presumptions are so annoying. Being an arbitrary creation your name fits under the illegitimate infancy title having no legal capacity. This site is for adults I’m sure Doug and Matthew would agree this is no place for you. “Come out of her” ma ma’s little boy! Your impression in your mother’s swamp is so obvious.

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Could you possibly address the future of brokerage firms and insurance companies ,just your thoughts .

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"Yippee ki-yay,_____!" to the real enemies of the people.

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I worship no man but people will vote with their wallets deciding how they vote above all else Greg so Biden won't find many converts on that issue! But what we will be facing eventually is supernatural deception!

Ephesians 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

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Greg......and EVERYONE ELSE......

'ANARCHY' does NOT mean: Go crazy and break/destroy shit; Lawlessness.



We WANT Anarchy!

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Greg, have you ever seen the video “Overview of America “ by the John Birch Society? If you haven’t, I highly recommend you and your followers to watch it on YouTube.

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