thanks greg valuable info on crude. greg has our back...god bless u always mate.

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The cast of thousands in this financial zombie farce is impressive. They are playing along with the global economic script. I'm talking about the thousands of insider Wall St. and global stock traders, who routinely get the insider memo and advise other traders to go along with the script. A key element of the script I see playing out is the conditioning of the market and the public to accept 40* as a normal trading price for 10-year treasuries. It may go a bit higher from time to time and lower in a range. It has been in a range of 38 to near 42 for a while now.

Insiders appear to be unsure as to CBDC risk v benefit in an immediate rollout They are perhaps buying more time and printing less with a higher rate, before the collapse is automatically triggered by excessive currency printing.

BRICS may also be confounding their timeline. It will likely work out in our favor If we are prepared. Your advice on silver will pay off well if people buy now, and set up solid silver exchanges as currency becomes more worthless each day. Your friend who you promoted last year, Alaskan Prepper believes the BRICS meeting in 2 weeks will begin to introduce an element of global fair market value which will expose the increasing worthlessness of the Federal Reserve and OPEC dollar as the world Reserve, go to exchange medium.

Would love to know if you think any of this is important. Here is the Prepper, brics link.


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Greg - this is something you say every week. I like your perspective but it ain’t happening

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Before 2008 I was quite pleased having my savings/investment money in a money market account earning 4-5%.I worked well,no risk and getting a return.

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Yep, there many zombies in the park

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