I remember when we lived in Marion Iowa around 1967, we’d go to the Eagle grocery and my folks would spend on average about $20-$22 and we’d have around seven sacks of groceries to take home. And that was seven large brown paper sacks, not the little plastic ones they give you now. The receipt was over 4' long!

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In the 70s a Mail man/Postall worker owned a house a car and the wife did not have to work she stayed at home and raised the kids. A GM Auto worker owned a house a car and a cottage with a nice boat and the wife did not have to work she stayed at home and raised the kids...

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Problem solved the small house 250sq feet they got your back

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And you will not own the house but you will be happy...

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No property taxes 🤣

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No rent..

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🤣 my mom made $10 bucks a week and could buy a lot she went up to 50 bucks and bought less

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Charles Schwab is down $16 Billion in bond losses. JPM is down $40 Billion in bond losses. Citigroup closing its municipal bond trading business...and have unrealized losses trying to buyout Egypts debt, and this has led to Operation Bora Bora. This is as much as we know now, and I can only imagine that what is really going is far worse. If anyone really understood the situation from 10,000 ft above, they'd see that the Federal Reserve isn't going to start buying those bonds again, because they have to balance out their 2% goal of inflation. So, this means that the Federal Reserve is going keep interest rates flat until risk starts working its way back into the debt market, and yield continue to keep rising. When this happens, the Federal Reserve has the authority to start cutting rates from a crisis, disregarding its policy of 2% inflation. The big banks do not have to worry about the losses, because the Federal Reserve will bail them out. This is why Jamie Dimon sold his shares. If Jamie Dimon believed that the Federal Reserve was going to start buying out their bond losses, he wouldn't have sold his shares. He knows the Federal Reserve is going to allow a crisis to unfold that will decimate the market, but at the same time bail out the banks again.

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We love you very much. Try an epson salt foot soak, or a nice warm bath.

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Don’t throw Christmas tree away makes good foot soaking

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Whatever.....there's always something every day. Too bad wall Street doesn't care.

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They are doing Credit swaps like crazy!!!

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buy the stocks after they crash them this happens daily. buy after they short them over 10% .This past week ive made thousands off of hood, rivian, riot, paypal ,ford sofie and today i scooped up glbe down 27% for the day. Beat them at their own game essy money. commodities sucking wind atv this point.

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