Great work, totally agree the reset is coming, followed by "The Great Taking"

More here; https://truthaddict.substack.com/p/the-great-reset-is-the-great-taking

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Yes Dr. Smith: David Rogers Webb, edited by Michael Palmer, MD. https://thegreattaking.com.

Printed version (Book) LuLu.com. Print on demand...

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We're all tired -- tired of being lied to. If any of our government elites' mouths move, you know they are lying to us. https://jpstillwater.blogspot.com/2024/01/stop-rape-of-gaza.html

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Government spending. Manufacturing has disappeared.

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Have any of you heard of home hardening enhancements ?! It’s a solution being suggested to homeowners to save their investment in old homes that are aging and older than 40 years old and in desperate need of attention. Home hardening is supposed to protect old homes and bring them to life and make old homes more sustainable and resilient. Lol! You can’t make it up! 🤔

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Build a new home like the Ukrainians do....with walls made of 1 foot thick concrete. Resists small arms fire and RPG's quite well.

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Lots of people in certain areas who live in old houses are being bought out. The developers are really guiding people to live in apartments. I watched a video by a big local developer tonight who recommends apartment living and not buying a house.

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Agreed. To be honest, I have no use for US Government employees.

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As for those tv cheerleaders on the news well that’s why get paid 6 figure salaries to go out there & lie lie lie what kind of person do u have 2 b to do that these people r the worst creatures on the planet

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War is good for business u know that Greg

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If there weren't so many Mothers married to the state for their protection services and social welfare - there wouldn't be so many children believing the "honor of military service" lies.

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the Nanny State (surrogate Dad) for un-wed mothers....the government is the surrogate Parent, extinguishing the spirit of being independent and being responsible for ones life.

Individual sovereignty and personal responsibility is DEAD...

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I wouldn't say it's dead, but it's definitely on life support. "Everyone must be safe before anyone can be free." ... for the greater good - anesthetizing-euphamisms that make people think their rightfull liberty is a threat to everybody's freedom... freedom is the greater good.

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Why would people get wiped out? They can just go short

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Keep all four wheels on the ground. At Sixteen I wanted to see what my Dad's Dodge stationwagon could do - 440 w/four barrel carb (deluxe edition) , while descending a pretty steep long "safe" stretch of highway outside town - doing somewhere around 130mph (the speedometer only went to 120) we hit a wind-gust and I felt the front wheels bounce and the front-end was airborn - travelling on the rears maybe a hundred feet - view of the road briefly became the horizon. Watch for wind gusts the lesson I took away. Greg what did you say at 17:10? Sounded like "dismantelling of the "Christ System".... hmmm?

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By far, your best!

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The fall from these heights of the Dow and s&p will be like take off from your copo! Hold on !!!

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