Look I’m im the middle class and I know that I’m being destroyed so once again what actions can I take And stop saying middle class we R nothing but paid slaves. We work 2 pay bills. Indentured servants that’s it

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Actions: take your USD out of the BANKS and convert them to REAL ASSETS. Au, Ag, and any other valuable commodities that YOU feel will hold their worth (to others) while the DOLLAR is weakening. if you need Laundry detergent (we all do), don't just purchase 1 bottle, BUY SEVERAL and store them. the price today will be lower than the price tomorrow.

get things that have a long shelf life (And that others may want as well, trade items).

if you own a home, put VALUE into that (for yourself). if it needs a paint job, DO IT.

it will be less expensive NOW than with USD's tomorrow. etc, etc.

DON"T HOLD CASH, just keep on hand what you need to pay ongoing expenses. a cash comes in from 'where ever', convert it as soon as you can, again, don't leave it in the banks.

my 2 cents for what it's worth.

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I Listen to Gary economics. YT he a Working Class Origin Economist in London. I think ex Oxford England of all places. Where Chelsea Clinton attended Uni a while and many of very highly paid executives. Even Rupert Murdoch and many upper "class" ? echelons. He says it.

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By he says it. I am Meaning Gary Stephenson I think his name is. So many, they are gobble de gook, this man is very clear to understand, like Greg M.

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John Lennon. He wrote a song and sung A WORKING CLASS HERO IS SOMETHING TO BE. Good song I got to hear many years after he passed away. I never used to like The Beatles either, but my goodness, That Revolution song what a blast that is to hear live, as I did in Blackpool UK . I never forget.

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Good song from a film with heart. The Uniparty has disconnected from the average guy.

Jimmy Barnes - Working Class Man ("Gung Ho" version)


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I'm praying that Greg is wrong and that the IVY LEAGUE economists see the light. But, not sure since they've abandoned Milton Friedman sensible economics. So, there's a possibility that the FED will continue its debt buying scheme because virtually all the other Central Banks are doing the same thing. IT'S ALL RELATIVE.! JAPAN brought their debt to GDP to about 250 and it survived. The US FED is now about 125 so the logic is that it has a long way to go. So let the band play on and continue with more inflation and more redistribution of weath with the elites and oligarchy getting richer and the struggling mases getting poorer. GREG, may be right here! It's a blood sucking VAMPIRE ECONOMY that's going leave a lot zombies and walking dead. GOD SAVE AMERICA.

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Greg is 'not wrong', sorry to say. Ivy League economists have 'nothing to do with what is happening' (sorry to say). It's NOT a possibility the FED will continue buying debt (it's CERTAIN) sorry to say.

Greg IS RIGHT, the CB's want this to occur, because they want it ALL. with the new Digital currency, they WILL HAVE IT ALL.

Yes, only GOD can save America.

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I wish that you're wrong. But unfortunately for all God loving Americans you're probably right.

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I don't recall who said it, but EVIL is here among us and will always be. we cannot DEFEAT EVIL, only recognize it (for what it is) and help others to see it as well. it's the only way to hold it at bay.

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Greg is 'not wrong', sorry to say. Ivy League economists have 'nothing to do with what is happening' (sorry to say). It's NOT a possibility the FED will continue buying debt (it's CERTAIN) sorry to say.

Greg IS RIGHT, the CB's want this to occur, because they want it ALL. with the new Digital currency, they WILL HAVE IT ALL.

Yes, only GOD can save America.

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Put this one on the album “Best of Mannarino”

One final hurrah of the pump and dump before the illusion comes to an end ?

LIVE! "VAMPIRE SYSTEM." Expect Debt Saturation To VASTLY Worsen. IMPORTANT UPDATES. Mannarino


“Whenever one person stands up and says, ‘Wait a minute, this is wrong,’ it helps other people do the same.”

-Gloria Steinem-

“The illusion of freedom will continue for as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will take down the scenery, move the tables and chairs out of the way, then they will pull back the curtains and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.” – Frank Zappa TURN OFF YOUR TELEVISION! 

“How strange when an illusion dies. It's as though you've lost a child.” -Judy Garland-

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.... GM offers a certain psychic effect -refreshing - like finding someone who isn't a moron.

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I liked your comments, but quoting Steinem? she was a CIA agent, you know... She admitted that herself. you can find the video on Youtube.

Watch movie (1973) NETWORK. it's ALL THEIR. "I'm as mad as Hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore"!

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I liked your comments, but quoting Steinem? she was a CIA agent, you know... She admitted that herself. you can find the video on Youtube.

Watch movie (1973) NETWORK. it's ALL THEIR. "I'm as mad as Hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore"!

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Book of Ezekiel already said it the Angel shows him what’s behind the church wall

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I'm a Yankees doodle dandy in a gold rolls royce

I want to be Elected!

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Greg, it said on the movie credits, that you wrote the screen play, modest guy you are,

you have known this for a long time.


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I agree with your "stay long" as long as MMRI signals us to. After the selection or when the 10 yr yield MMRI starts to spike... What is your guidance then...? Dump stocks before the crash and shift "profits" into PMs and commodities as fast as possible or keep some cash as dry powder long enough to pile into commodities, commodity stocks and also some select big tech stocks near the bottom? I would like to hear your thoughts/plan.

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I know you asked for Greg's reply, but mine 2 cents, get out now. I have no stomach for the market. I'm into 'real' Au and Ag. so when the crash comes, I'll be fine.

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