It’s called globalism, the most vile ideology ever born into existence.This system only benefits Uniparty politicians as the US dollar craters. It’s all been planned, it’s a controlled demolition of America.

What benevolent president would continue to accumulate insurmountable debt, bring in millions of illegal third world foreigners and spend trillions on green fanaticism if they weren’t attempting to bust the currency and destroy every American citizen’s way of life? All these illegal aliens are being put on government subsidized programs, where is the outrage?

Treason at the highest levels is happening every day. Incompetence has not destroyed this country, corruption and betrayal have. We have been taken over from within and most of the convenience drones do not have the mental capacity to comprehend this reality.

We have become dependent on the unfriendly CCP and many other rogue countries for almost everything thing we need to survive. Our factories are basically non existent, our energy infrastructure has been decimated and our military has been degraded beyond belief. Who thought this was a good idea?

The O’Biden regime has managed to completely wipe out the entire US middle class. How people can sit back and watch this cold and calculated planned controlled demolition of the US dollar and do nothing to stop any of this is just mind boggling. Ever since the formation of the federal reserve in 1913 the US dollar has lost 98 percent of its purchasing power.

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Yes, you are 100% correct.

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Thanks to our education system people have lost the ability to critically think! i Believe the average american will mot respond negatively until their 401Ks, IRAs, home equity and stock portfolios have been eviscerated! Then their value of ignorance will manifest and it won't be pretty!

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How then shall we perform it?--At what point shall we expect the approach of danger? By what means shall we fortify against it?-- Shall we expect some transatlantic military giant, to step the Ocean, and crush us at a blow? Never!--All the armies of Europe, Asia and Africa combined, with all the treasure of the earth (our own excepted) in their military chest; with a Buonaparte for a commander, could not by force, take a drink from the Ohio, or make a track on the Blue Ridge, in a trial of a thousand years.

At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide.

Abraham lincon


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Jul 1·edited Jul 1

John, you are not necessarily wrong, but you are not right either.

You are on the right track but you've latched onto some details that are ambiguous, aren't the strongest form of the argument, or are not correct, which belies a misunderstanding of the structures involved.

There have been a large cohort of deceitful people who are traitors in the fullest definition (but still american), working to undermine our society for quite some time under the naive misguided and flawed and claimed belief/ideology that we can create a society where everyone gets everything they want/need.

They were once named Fabian's, and have at regular intervals created new sock puppet entities , changed names, and tried to reinvent themselves cyclically to push socialist ideology, all towards the same goal which is centralization of wealth/production gradually over time despite that type of system failing under some intermediate a priori situations that inevitably occur.

These people though they don't publicly claim CCP ideology, still support actions towards creating a brittle society, that can then be forced to bear weight it cannot hold to pivot to a new society they create (which will end in slavery destruction and death, probably in that order). Problem (system) reaction solution (flawed).

Worse, our system's have been shimmed to allow no accountability, and manipulate perception to prevent organization or alertness to the problem.

If you look at reasonable key measures inherent in the the social contract, they fail showing it has been broken.

Most people in urban areas, and some rural areas are drugged every day without their knowledge, and while it does not kill them it does reduce their intelligence and ability towards agency and action (promoting lethargy, which is a side effect). Its not just one avenue either. Its multiple channels. Floride is just one channel that has concrete scientific evidence showing IQ losses in children, but its still promoted as safe for babies. (see bottom for the study, there was also another study in Africa where they showed there was no dental benefit from ingesting flouride, and the benefit comes solely from topical use.

Many bottled beverages now include floride enrichment without needing to be labelled since its GRAS.

The current leadership is immaterial. If you follow preference of action over word (which most people do). Both parties actively participate in the same traitorous practices that are common under CCP political elites. Your an insider or your not, and insiders don't hurt the party.

The dynamics with a plurality ensure no other party can win an election (exclusionary voting practices) and the system has become captive by a money vote controlled by the elites.

It is not just the Fed, though the people behind the Fed are also part of this same cohort.

The process largely started with the adoption of the UCC 1880s. For something to be controlled it first must be justified to be regulated by a bureacracy. Then problems can be brought to bear on it to change things to be ever more brittle (while enriching a select few).

Mises writes about the inherent structural flaws of these system types which you don't seem to recognize as predictable (as evidenced by the rhetoric).

Its worse than traitors too, because sophisticated thought reform developed in torture is used every day and most people hardly recognize it. Its all in the structure. Lifton/Meerloo cover a run-down of what was known in the 1950s, you see the same stuff everywhere including K12 education.


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The fall of Rome took 250+ years. USA falls in 50+ years.

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Randy, that's actually not correct, on both counts.

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few years out? Otherwise correct

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The fall of Rome began with the collapse of the Roman Republic in 27 BCE. The collapse of Rome finished in 476 AD, after it had split into East and West empires, and was sacked by Vandals, or Invaded. That is well over 250 years (~500 years in fact, give or take the years between BCE and AD which may or may not be counted accurately).

The Fall of the US began just after WW2 (1944), although some would point to the Fed charter (1913) or the UCC adoption (1880) as the beginning of the fall (factoring in the Great Depression, and other crises). Any of those dates would be well over the 50 years that were claimed, and it hasn't failed yet (so 140 years on the outside, around 90 on the inside and the tally is still counting).

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Thanks ever so, throwaway, for your brief history lesson. Very much appreciated.

So from your answer, Randy's comment was, let's say, " a few years out? Otherwise correct?"

PS " Hasn't failed yet?"

The date of the fall of the American Empire will be judged by several differing metrics:

1. The humiliation of the Vietnam War defeat

2. The humiliation of the Afghanistan debacle

3. The humiliation of the 2024 Presential election, when great lies were exposed for even the slowest to observe (slowly)

4. The humiliating US defeat in the upcoming war, whether confined to the ME or world-wide.

Still counting? It's over, old mate. Trouble is, a gorilla & bully doesn't give up without a fight - to the death. That's where we are. It's gonna get rough

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No worries. It is important to properly evaluate and communicate facts truthfully before you use them for rational support in more important structures.

Both so there can be no misunderstandings (as people who deceitfully dissemble will try to use ambiguity to avoid responsibility), and to limit the chance of damage caused by it being false. Falsehoods cause a lot of destruction.

The fall of empires is typically from peak to trough. That span for the US will be well over the 50 years claimed. Calling out false facts is important, especially when it is intended to demoralize.

> several differing metrics

Those aren't metrics, metrics are quantitative not qualitative. They are trends, and opinions.

Seriously, you have the air of a propagandist for an East Asian country, but keep reading, maybe you'll learn something. It won't be metered by any of those.

Your metrics are all about emphasizing shame, but American's as a broad culture don't place much importance on shame. In our culture, shameful things can happen, and when they do we have a obligation to learn so as to handle it better the next time. East Asian cultures on the other hand do place a lot of importance on this, its almost unbearable for them to the point of being irrational.

> Still counting. Its over...

No it really isn't, it is just starting. Especially if one views the existing environment as a system that has been invaded by a separate infectious entity (which it has), which rational people do and the silent majority are starting to pay more attention.

Simply put, it will be corrected, or we (everyone) may all die as a result of the hard work of people who will win the last and final 'Darwin award' in human history.

To be a member of the group who was responsible for bringing about the extinction of their own species. There can be no greater shame, and it would be forever.

It doesn't matter if it was indirectly triggered, the group that pulls the trigger is responsible. Every past and current human on the planet (all ancestors) would sit and judge their finality, and the shame of it would overflow and be infinite.

The truth is, many totalitarian nations generally have some extremely stupid people working for them. They may have some bright ones too, but the stupid often outnumber the bright in influence. Someone probably thought that a generational subversion campaign would work to their advantage, and an economic attack along with that campaign does work to a degree in a roundabout way. What it actually does is it destabilizes by creating people that are semi-lucid but still batshit crazy insane, but these 'stupid' people neglected to properly account for MAD and how existential threats work during societal breakdown.

It is not going to just get rough, by bringing things to brink, its going to be a cascade failure outside the control of anyone. That is how dangerous societal dynamics can be. It is known, for example that two separate armies in close proximity is an inherently dangerous situation. The slightest conflict will spiral out of control. This knowledge is borne of wisdom from experience and is accepted by all rational people.

The problem is a cascade failure was started and has been consistently fueled along the way, and if the damage cannot be undone (curing insanity), what do you suppose will happen in a MAD world when the people in control are irrational and are forced into facing an existential threat at the brink?

Say someone in their 80s who have lived a long life and care not for their children? Or worse aren't cognitively all there (because of age and that being part of the subversive package; pushing nihilism).

If you want to talk about the unthinkable, we may be one of the few last generations that will live on this planet, and it only took 1.5 bad generations to get to the point of getting the snowball rolling downhill.

The problem with crazy is you can be lucid for a bit, and irrational the rest of the time, and you can't tell when they are either. People assume you are rational in certain positions. That can easily be a false assumption. When it is , these people can jump at shadows and eliminate everyone in their sphere of influence simply by being unable to take the due rational care of decisions in a scenario of mutual annihilation that would be required to de-escalate when at the brink.

It is only the delusional, insane shameful fool that thinks escalating to this point won't end in every one and thing being annihilated. Just clearing the board (planetwide for a few million years).

The problem with totalitarian citizenry is they don't have flexible thinking, or thinking of any kind; the society selects those traits out because those traits pose a threat to them from within. This is the warning in the biblical story of babel. It may not be the lord that causes the destruction, he's just a scapegoat. It may be the consequences of foolhardy unthinking actions that usually accompany hubris of any form.

No one ever pays attention to the cascade failure the first time around. It is only in retrospect that indicators are derived to prevent catastrophe after casualties and damage.

The idea of subversion (cultural contagion) was flawed from the get go.

How comfortable are you with pinning all future life, literally everything, on survivor bias, and self-deception (of one kind or another). We'll have to pray for a miracle that the person we elect to office with sole authorizing authority are regularly in their right mind.

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Hello throwaway and thank you for your comment, much of which was valid, if a bit of a ramble. You do take a broad brush pov and that's fine, except that it falls short imho as you seem to believe that what we're experiencing is something new or unique.

History (that's 'known' history - we'd better not go too far back, say to Atlantis or even much further) is replete with savagery & inhumanity and 'cascade failure' is a repeating event: WW1 WW11 and the current situation in Ukraine that may easily lead to WW111 are examples.

Shouldn't the question be "Why" - why do men behave so abominably to their fellow human beings?

The answer is spiritual, but I won't provide a spoiler alert and will wait to see if you've 'got it'.


PS I'd like very much to be a propogandist for an Asian country, especially if it pays well. Any tips on getting started as you do seem well informed?

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“He who is not angry when there is just cause for anger is immoral. Why? Because anger looks to the good of justice. And if you can live amid injustice without anger, you are immoral as well as unjust.” -St. Thomas Aquinas-

Who’s Behind This Show?


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This is what I try to tell everybody I know. They see the filth in perversion right near the children and they shrug and say what can we do??!? For myself when I see some pervert, I will not go to them at the cash register if everyone did that they would not have perverts there. The library has pride month and June for so I will not step in the month of June. If everyone did that they would stop that crap in a minute. Sickening that people won’t do even little things. It’s not even a sacrifice for them.

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Just my unjust experience with community cops and courts is enough to drive anyone mad

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The cops and courts work together as a force of evil against the people.

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There's no trouble like

Law trouble

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"The courts" was the very first thing in Doug Casey's reply when an interviewer asked him why he doesn't want to live in the US.

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The people will have to be organized and use violence to correct the many things that are wrong in society. The surveillance state makes organized opposition impossible, so we'll have to wait for the system to collapse from its own corruption.

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Yes, I could have someone who feels the same way about things as I do right down the street from me and I can’t even get together with them. They will never let us get together while the empire is still in charge

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... welcome to the jungle - it gets worse here everyday - rationing of goods ahead - price controls and pain. We've got global saturated debt-bubbles in oceans of soggy humanure. Who is behind the show? .... Greg said Mega Institutions... corporporate fascists - not Presidents, Kings, Queens, Monarchs or dictators. Who killed the Kennedys? Who screwed you in your gooble-gobble?

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Hey John,

Please do not take this the wrong way, but why don't you do a YouTube or similar channel? Your comments are spot on. Numerous too. You are not reaching as many people as you could using this venue.

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Oh NOOOOOO waddawegonnado?

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Just watched "The Big Debate" that I PVR'd, because I was busy doing other things and couldn't watch it sooner. Because of Joe's performance, so many people are now saying that Joe is not capable and should step down. I thought he did very well for a guy with Dementia, or Parkinson's, or whatever, which was obvious that he had well before the debate. In fact I think he should stay on. If the people of Amerika allowed him to stay after stealing the election (not to mention all the other shit that has happened since) then they deserve this guy. Besides, when the crash hits, maybe it would be better if Joe is the guy in charge rather than Trump.

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( I thought he did very well for a guy with Dementia, or Parkinson's, or whatever, which was obvious that he had well before the debate)....LOL

You must of watched the wrong debate....

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LOL No, I don't think it was the wrong debate. Why didn't you think he did well for a guy with Dementia, or Parkinson's, or whatever? Actually I was surprised that he was able to stand for that long. I listened to Mike King today on the recording of last Saturday's Ark Midnight with John B. Wells. Mike said that he thinks Biden was acting. Then on the same broadcast James Fetzer said that he thinks Joe Biden died in 2017 and this is a stand-in. So much deception in the world these days who knows what the truth is anymore.

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MMRI hits 293.8. Send in the Clow…….

I mean Calvary!

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No way g.m. this has played out like this by accident keep up the good fight

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Here is a lil REALITY CHECK on the POTUS 'SELECTION', and other things one MUST know......

Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, Shiva4President.com, ShatterTheSwarm.com, va_shiva on X

The recent trashing of #FreeSpeech by the Supreme Court in Murthy vs Missouri. Why was Shiva's case in Massachusetts not used with its clear government involvement in censorship?

The debate

Bottom up solutions to "The Swarm"

INTERVIEW Shiva: #SCOTUS Speech Case Was Rigged to Fail


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Ultimate gold digger

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Every ill in America and all evil deeds of mankind, begin and flourish with an overabundance of MONEY! Immorality cannot function without money. Immoral conduct dies at the local level, in the village, in the neighborhood. During the Great Depression most Americans turned to God for comfort. They wanted order, rules, structure, and common sense. There was no money for evil to fund half-naked Men pretending they were Women to parade in front of children. The local people took care of things. When the government falls short of justice, then the average citizens sharpen their pitchforks and light their torches to remedy the situation. As a nation, we are beginning to run out of an excess of money, and that is not a bad thing.

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Why do they want currencies to go to 0

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1

Ron, with inflationary economies (i.e. money printing). The people closest to the money source have the most purchasing power. There is a delay with inflation. The inflation eventually makes it to the general economy and this mixing (in conjunction with interest rates) is like a spigot with a set flow (where the purchasing power is less).

They get to spend the money upfront (when it had more purchasing power), and can always print more so they can forcibly move the purchasing power from your money indirectly into hands only they can control. Its all about control and self enrichment. The process of lending and spending acts like a sieve concentrating wealth in few hands over time.

If you can deprive people of their property and wealth without them realizing it, you can have plenty of slaves that are too desperate for food to revolt. Its just one form of the corruption of privilege.

Debt can be used as another form of coercion, and its all legal, usury used to be illegal but there's a loophole in federal banks to allow it that was changed over the past 100 years.

Its a stupid game because it has only one logical conclusion (that's repeated multiple times). But like most people, these people are not the brightest. They were born into their positions, and when you play stupid games. Everyone wins stupid prizes.

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