Say, "Hi" to the new Zionist puppet. Same as the old Zionist puppet.

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Greg often refers to the presidential selection, ( as opposed to an election), asserting that a farm animal could sit behind the resolute desk and be as effective as any president we have had lately. Given that our current president often appears to be only slightly more aware of what is going on than your average farm animal, the possibility of a farm animal actually being in a presidential election and winning no longer seems that far-fetched. Plus given the fact that our politics and the reasoning ability of the electorate are beginning to more and more resemble scenes from the movie Idiocracy, the possibility of electing a farm animal no longer seems as far-fetched as it once did. So I think reasonable people need to consider this potential eventuality and consider how this would look and how it would unfold.

Given the amount of herding of the president going on from the globalists who now control our nation, it would have to be a resolute farm animal sitting or laying or standing behind the resolute desk. Trump for instance was herded from one side of certain issues to the opposite, most notably concerning covid and the vax genocide plot. But he was resolved to remain behind the resolute desk, no matter what he had to do or say. Our farm animal must share a similar disposition.


When considering the farm animal with a chance to win an election to the Oval Office, it may be helpful to first consider which animals are most likely to be rejected by the electorate. Immediately cows, chickens, and sheep come to mind. All have negative connotations in the public mind. Although most people are sheep, they do not like to be reminded of it or have it pointed out, so would likely reject a sheep candidate in the primaries. Same for chickens. Let's face it, home of the brave we are less and less, but no one wants to admit this and have it shoved in their face, so voters would likely find a chicken problematic. Also, it may be seen as a target for America's enemies as a commander in chief. Cows lack the charisma to win an election, plus may have a hard time securing the women's vote. If you want to insult a woman, you call her a cow, so this could be an obstacle to securing the women's vote, in both the primaries and the general election. Peacocks are a longshot possibility and are raised on farms in the US and around the world. However, peacocks are not native to the Americas. they come from India and Africa. And although Obama was a bit of a peacock it took a long time to elect the first black president, so peacocks would have a better chance if the farm animal for president trend becomes established in our nation over time. They are very charismatic and photogenic, so we cannot rule out a peacock for president altogether.


We have to consider elephants and donkeys as long shots. Elephants for the same reason as peacocks, and donkeys because voters might think them to be uncooperative. In the bird category. ducks and geese are possibilities as they are resolute creatures. But will voters identify with them? Will Republicans and Democrats identify with them in great enough numbers to secure a victory for the party? In a first farm animal inclusive election, I would have to go with two likely farm animal candidates. The pig and the horse. this would be an anybody's guess election if a horse ran against a pig.

As we learned in the movie, Babe, a pig is very intelligent. It not only can herd sheep, but it can itself, also be herded, which would fit into the globalist agenda very well. Plus bringing home the bacon is a natural winning political slogan for any candidate of any species in US politics. The horse for its part is also intelligent. Plus it is considered a noble creature and can be herded, is considered a loyal animal, and would be considered as likely to be loyal to the electorate that chose it. Republicans who have a loyalty problem with their constituents these days may benefit from running a thoroughbred in the election, in an effort to improve their image with their voters. Since the Democrats are the party of pork, the pig would be a natural candidate for them.

We have entered a time when what was farce is now becoming facts on the ground. So although this may seem impossible today, 10 years ago the CBDC would also have been unthinkable, as well as genetic manipulation of living humans. So practical people need to be prepared for anything.

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Ya know Greg that's Jerry Springer's sign off line "Take care of yourselves and each other"

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🤣Great minds think alike

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When the market melts down, ALL assets will crash including crypto, gold and silver.

Is there any safe haven anywhere? Even cash is unsafe being held in financial institutions vulnerable to systemic risk. Short term treasuries trade on an exchange, where they too are subject to systemic risk.

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Metal spot prices may crash but premiums will go up a ton so physical metals won’t really be cheaper

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Paying in fiat is always cheaper

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Silver and gold seem best to me, even if they temporarily go down like they did in 2008. The metals go down in a crisis because of big bank shorting/manipulation and for no other reason. There is a good chance they will do it again, as they are massively short metals now and that would help get them out of their short positions, but it is not guaranteed as there are significant forces pushing the metals higher.

There may be a window where you can buy physical cheap, but once the buying starts, premiums go up and availability goes down, so you may not be able to buy physical for a long time, and then it would cost a lot more.

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Things seem ok. Restaurants are packed, people are out.

Trust fund babies, generous pensions, these are just a few things keeping everything afloat.

Wonder how many people took out $50k helocs for toys?

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Why is liquidity drying up?

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No water

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Is that Joe's brand?

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Interest rates were raised to the same level they got to in 2007. This time around we have much more debt. It is guaranteed to cause a crisis worse than 2008.

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🤣 How about Genesis good thing the universe Is so large and the earth is a grain of sand hopefully these morons on earth running things are one planet

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