Greg, The Federal Reserve you are creating too much out of. Does anyone know what

the Bank of International Settlements in Switzerland is. This is the bank of all banks and

they keep records of all the "stuff" backing currencies or lack thereof. If the Bank of International

Settlements tells the Fed to continue to print US Dollars and pump up the markets through

more dollarization in world markets and the US, the Federal Reserve will "do" what the

BIS says regardless of the outcomes here or anywhere else in the World.

As I told about the Middle East, they're trying to heat that stuff up with continued Israeli

bombing of Syria, threats against Iran and any allies in any states, missiles being fired into

US areas to create the wounded and killed of Americans, the assassinations of Iranian

Generals, the assassinations of Iranian Nuclear Scientist with a computer machine gun brought

in piece by piece into Iran for that purpose. The worst part of that assassination was the fact

that the nuclear scientist assassinated was not even their top leading scientist but just an old

out dated one from the initial nuclear Iranian Program. The US has built an airport in Syria

near the Syrian Oil Fields which is in a sovereign nation; Syria so why would anyone think in the

West that the US and their Allies are not going to target once again Iran, Syria etc like their

plans have been established decades ago just pre-911 documented by General Wesley Clark

who had inside Pentagon contacts that confirmed such a debacle plan for the Middle East

and so the US.

Then you now have Scotland part of the United Kingdom contemplating independence vote

from the "United Kingdom" and possibly wishing to remain with the EU rather than remaining

as part of the United Kingdom as well as Ireland considering this same future venue and

alternative. When you look into those that are creating this chaos and mayhem throughout the

systems, you will find fascistic forces much like the former National Socialist Party of the Third

Reich speaking about "nationalism" and being a uniquely European white race, etc. only fully

funded by no other than the Russians and Putin because he wants the EU dissolved and the

United Kingdom broken up as well then to become "subservient" to Russia, Russian Natural

gas through Nordstream 2 so who in the EU or the United Kingdom be able or "willing" to

stand up to the Russian Bear as they receive the bulk of their natural gas energy from this

very same bear and the bear can then turn on or off the natural gas at will at any time or raise

the pricing at some particular vulnerable point financial or otherwise. China for it's part is working

in this same path of "divide and conquer" process and plan as they make deals with the EU

for economic purposes while pushing the One Road, One Belt Initiative with cash in the faces

of those less willing to go along with this One China Imperial Plan over all other Nations.

Indeed, China today or yesterday has halted rare earth minerals being sent to the US which

means to any Military Person or Intelligence Person an act of war or warfare toward the US.

So, on a Military and Intelligence basis, the US with other counter parties are already in a full

out economic war with Russia and China but the news agencies aren't willing or able to tell

their own citizens what the hell is going on. If China continues this pursuit angle, than all

semi-conductor production must be domesticated as well as agreements with nations like

Australia for rare earth minerals and as quickly as possible.

In referencing the economic as well as political spheres, I would under the current stress on

the bond and other markets as well currencies have obtained already heavy contracts with

gold mining and silver miners for full reclamation of these resources to back the currencies

of the US as well as the other Western Nations. Also, in this same mindset, anyone within

our current fold of so called "allies" that under the table deals with China or Russia should

be given a "spanking" as it is in direct contradiction to Western principles of self determination

as well as freedom, liberty and democracy for more nations peoples rather than less. I'm

very surprised as to any Nation or Nations People "believing" that Russian/Chinese ascendancy

equals better outcomes for anyone as they are atypical fascist mobster type run governments

which is distinctly and inherently anti-liberty and freedom for more rather than less.

For those who don't believe this, you can go to the Chinese totalitarian camera and computer

identification system which identifies any citizen within two minutes as to their social credit

score, standing, etc and then allows this same gangster regime to arrest "anyone" that appears

to be against or neutral to the Chinese Government and the CCP objectives and goals. They

also do organ harvesting of still alive political prisoners as well as basically interning any sub-

populations who the CCP decides is not supporting or with the CCP designs so they send them

to re-education prisons/camps.

The Russians are gangster oriented as Vladmir Putin just became the Russian Mobs control

system while under the original KGB in St Petersburg operations and then from there he just

maintained his authority and control over the oligarchy heads as well as the mob organizations

below. When anyone challenges Putin and the gangsters in Russian, they summarily break them

in two or poison and try or do in fact kill them. An example of this is the case of Litvinenko a

former KGB Agent that found total gangster corruption in Putin's Russia went public with it

and was summarily poisoned with polonium a nuclear radioactive element used in nuke bomb

ignition. You then had the poisoning of the former Russian Intelligence Officer in Britain with

Novachuk nerve agent and of course the most recent Russian assassination target was the new

opposition leader, who summarily poisoned while on a flight in Russia and then rushed by

air ambulance to a critical care unit in the Europe for treatment. Even the television reporters

if they tell the truth to the Russian People about what's going on, end up getting their bones

broken and being beaten up or thrown off balconies as an "accident" etc.

So, while the United States is by no means a perfect actor in the world, we still have the

ability to have different parts of the the system whether Executive Branch, Senate, Congress,

Judicial or Bureaucracy able to counter balance and challenge any disparate policy actions

thereby providing a system of checks and balances in terms of our political actions both here

and around the world.

We are also incredibly diverse in this wonderful melting pot, so creative minds and wills

always are our saving graces and our contemplative system of governance provides us

adequate ways to contend with out of control processes within our system.

Once must always remember, that all things are inherently whether we like or not internationally

integrated in supply lines, etc. However, it is our right and contention to always challenge the

proportion of international integration as opposed to domestic protections and duplications

of systems so that our Nation can continue successfully most importantly here domestically

to meet the needs of the American Citizens while also promoting more so than not the constructs of liberty, freedom and democracy as mush as humanly able as a United States

of America and in ways that may change over time but certainly a more so shining light on

the Hill whenever there is darkness or places of distinct darkness around the world.

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crude oil now set to go to $100. they are gunna report more supply shortages to mask inflation and create a distraction.

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People freezing in Texas but JPM lights all on for empty buildings!

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Wow they sure are down. Glad I took some profits yesterday. Thanks for the heads up.

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Ten year yield looks like it might have hit a peak, just watching not making action yet.

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