Aug 25, 2020Liked by Gregory Mannarino

Hi Greg I’ve been following you for months and first I want to thank you for what you are doing for your lions and people in general.. Helping not just to make money but leading them to the right path So is nice to be part of these community .

I totally appreciate people that Stands for the true . I’m a proud lion.

What your doing is profound ,and all the others stuff you said in your videos about life seems like we already know But is good to hear it over and over , puts us in the right path when things getting confusing. I change my perspective related with money . Love to all lions 🦁💪🏻💪🏻 let's stick together !!!!

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Mr. Mannarino I must say I have been following you for 3 months now and I think it is an absolute magnificent thing you are doing for everyone in the space. I will now be following your leads and embracing your ongoing knowledge that you bestow on this community and America. Thank you so much for your support and effort I really appreciate it

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The treasury sold a record 50 Billion in 2yr notes at auction, interest rates will be on hold for 42 years the economy is being replaced with a printer AND we are still handsome. What a day

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Thanks Greg, Wow what a day, and I got my dry powder ready!!!

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We understand GM. Your lions are handsome remember? We are the head and not the tail.

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Thanks Greg we love you! ❤️🦁

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Greg, any idea what impact the Fed's announcement on Thursday might have on gold and silver?

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Greg. Love all your video. What is the best way to learn option trading ??

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Hey Greg, quick question for the pro, if your hypothesis is correct (which I tend to agree with, i.e. number go up) what is your opinion of buying long dated calls further out of the money for upside potential?

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